Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Memories get the best of me

Low blood pressure is normal for me.

100/60 or there bouts is where it normally runs.

Here at the OFH(old folks home)they check our vitals quite often,bp,temp,pulse.

Seems night time is the most regular time for checking room 31 usually just after dozing.

Maybe the reason for that is we are most relaxed.

Well sometime last night I was awaken,time for vital checks making sure we are amongst the living and not one of those walking dead zombie folks,we have'm here and maybe one day soon will write about them.

60/40 was my bp,second check was even lower 53/over something.

Feeling okay ?Yes I answered.

Since I was talking and coherent no need for a trip to the ER or as the nurse said morgue.

Going to check it again around 7 am she said.

She did and guess what?

This time bp was 163/70.Way to high for me.

Since it was about time for morning meds no action was taken.

I was alive,talking,joking around and most of all hungry for breakfast.

Later on in the day I had the pleasure off seeing the eye doctor.

When did doctors get so young,she looked every bit of 18.

My visit lasted only a few minutes.

Now get this she took a pair of tweezers and took something called plugs and put them in the inside corner of each eye.

I have heard of tire plugs,chewed a few plugs of Bull of the Woods tobacco but never of these eye plugs.

After thinking about this curious I was.

Seems they prevent watery eyes.

Maybe this will be good.

I tend to be sentimental about some things and when alone the tears can flow easy.

That is why I avoid any singing of Gospel songs when people come here and sing.

Memories get the best of me.

They can bring on the tears.

Flight 370

Flight 370
Where could it be
Did it make it to land
Or fall into the sea

Was it abducted
That is something
We don't know

Was it high jacked
That could be
Is it on some island
Hid by trees

Flight 370
A mystery indeed
If you have any ideas
Tell us please