Monday, December 31, 2012

Next on my list

What the whole wide world needs is a couple of fried spam sandwiches.Add your choice of mustard or mayo on white loaf bread add some tater chips and most of the world would be happy and at peace.

This world peace stuff is easy to figure out.Politicians,Kings and Queens can't seem to do it so why not a few fried spam sandwiches.

Works for me.Never have I caused injury or insult to anyone while eating a spam sandwich.My hands are busy stuffing my face and the thought of World War never enters my mind.

Now that I fixed world peace what should be next on my list?

The pond kept us seperated

The mill pond kept us separated.Talking about East Newnan,Georgia.It was a mill village where my formative years where spent.

Moved there in 1962 when I was 10 years old.Most of you have heard of being from the wrong side of the railroad tracks but here it was which side of the mill pond you lived that decided a lot of things.

For some reason the two sides didn't
 socialize much.We all went to the same little school and where friends but that is where it all stopped.

Side I lived on wasn't that great but compared to the other side we where doing good.The other side was Elvis with black leather jackets and combed back slick hair.I lived on the Beatles side of the pond where long hair was common.

Why things where that way  I don't know.Everyone's folks worked in the same cotton mill and as mentioned all the kids went to the same school.

All the kids fished in that pond.Couple of the brave ones even swam in it.Loaded with cotton mouths and trash didn't stop anyone.

This is a picture of me and my folks when we lived there,sometime in the 60's shows the mill smokestack in the background.On summer nights with my bedroom window open I could hear the soft rumble of the mill machinery running and the hypnotizing sound of crickets and bull frogs down at the pond.

Yes that mill pond kept us separated but in a way made sure we where all connected in a strange way.

Just a sign

Looked at my hands
What did I see
Broken up lines
Just a sign I've been here long time

Around my eyes
I did noticed
Crows feet
Just a sign life not got me beat

My hair thin and gray
Say what you want it's ok
Just not that vain
Just a sign my heart can stand the pain

Love not needed

Love not needed
Money either
Just give me a plate of this
My life be pure bliss

Black eyed peas
Collard greens
Big slice of cornbread
You know what I mean

Glass of sweet iced tea
White rice on the side
Homegrown tomato
What a meal should be