Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Things we rednecks do and don't

Things we rednecks do and don't:

1.Don't sip iced tea with a straw.

2.Do if possible batter and fry your food.

3.Don't call cauliflower ,broccoli and raw squash a vegetable plate.

4.Do batter and fry your cauliflower, broccoli and raw squash.

5.Don't cuss someone's Momma,dog or truck...not necessarily in that order.

6.Do use wore out household appliances and truck tires as lawn decorations.

7.Don't ever throw away anything...that's what front porches are used for.

8.Do reserve the warm front seat of your truck for the dog...the wife and kids like the fresh brisk air and rain on a winters day riding in back.

9.Don't pay attention to #8 I was just me.

10.Here's your chance to post your redneck do's and dont's

Little table

I did something different yesterday at supper.

For the last 2 years and a few months my supper routine has been the same,everyday here at the OFH.

I sit in front of the TV out in the mall area and have my supper.

For 3 weeks plus the cable has been off here(running new lines to each room)and instead of staring at a blank wall I've turned my WC around facing the crowd.

It wasn't that I'm anti social it just became a habit.

Each day closer and closer I got.Moving in my WC ever so close.

Yesterday it happened.

I joined a handful of folks at the little tables and ate supper.Not down the hall in the big dining room but the little tables in the mall area.

It was nice and supper was enjoyable.I might do it again.

When I was a kid at family get-to-gathers eating at the big table was reserved for grown folks.Kids ate at make shift little tables.

Here I am,an old man eating back at the little table.

Know what?

I liked it.