Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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Big snowfall last night.Least 3 foot on the ground.Really cold and the wind is howling.Soon as I get the fire started and some coffee made think I go out with my hounds Buddy and Freda and try tracking some rabbits for Thanksgiving.

Rabbits or squirrels cause no turkeys have been seen lately.Life is not easy here up on the mountain.Days are short and nights long.My only companions are Buddy and Freda.They are good listeners but not much on conversation.

I see the sun peaking through the pines.It's blazing yellow orange and maybe it will take a little of the chill off.This year is almost gone soon it will be 1860.I heard from a flatlander that there is trouble brewing.Something about politics best I could gather.Seems those Northerners are imposing things on the South that some don't like.There is talk of succeeding from the Union and that will most likely lead to no good.

It don't concern me.That is why I'm up in the mountains to get away from those petty problems they have down there.Me, Buddy and Freda that is my world.

Ok coffee is brewed my bearskin coat and hat feel warm in the cabin with the roaring fireplace so I'm off for a day of hunting and exploring.

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