Monday, November 29, 2010

Till the Sun don't rise for me

Life is pretty good at times I think.Sure we all get tired and depressed.But for most of us it does not last.I would hate to go through life never finding anything funny.It sure can take away your problems when you laugh.Me and Momma could get laughing at something till the point of tears.I know of people who never find humor in anything.They are the ones with the long faces,pouting lips and that get away from me attitude.Gee it all my problems,all my shortcomings,all my faults I am so thankful that laughter has been and I hope a part of my life till the sun don't rise for me again.Without laughter life would be so boring.

Hole in my head

Maybe I have told this story,not sure.Living on Juniper Street,age about 8 most likely.My cousins and me made a tent from a bedspread.Why there was a broken pointed brick on top I have no idea.Making a long story short the brick fell and hit me right on top of my head.I bleed like a stuck pig as they say.It was on a Sunday.The day of 3rd Sunday in May or Decoration day up in the country at Bethel.That is homecoming and when people place flowers on the graves of their kin.It was about time for us to leave for the Church.Me my flat top hair,bleeding.No going to the emergency room for me.Momma got a handful of black soot from the fireplace and I guess stopped up the hole in my head.It worked.There I was sitting in church,black soot all over my flat top hair do.For years I had a black spot on my scalp.So for those that ask what is wrong with me,why I am so strange and weird,just blame it on that brick with the pointed end,the hole in my head and a handful of black soot.

In the end

I never have thought of myself as a bad person.I'm no saint but.What year was it let me think.2004 was the year.3am on some July morning.I had hit rock bottom emotionally I think.Momma had died the year before.I had 7 years of being her caretaker.She had Alzheimers and as time goes on the worse they become.I am going to say something .The only help ever I got was from my Aunt Lema and Uncle Eugene.What would I done without those two I don't know.She would be awake for days at a time and I had to stay up with her.But this is not the story.I got off track a bit.Sitting at the computer on that July morning at 3am I just let it all go.I started crying.I did not want to live like I was anymore.This is what happened.I asked for Jesus to forgive me of my sins.I had plenty.There was a peace that came over me.Hard to put into words.I have been saved.Some have questioned my sincerity about this lately.I have slipped plenty of times since that July morning.I never will be a saint.I am a human and make and will make more mistakes.Jesus died for my sins this I know as truth.In the end he will be all I have all I need.

Hoot owls a hooting

Daddy was from Clay County,Alabama.That was where he was born.Story is My Grandpa Haynes had his still in what is now called Talledega National Forrest.Yep that Talledega where the race track is.You Nascar fans know what I'm talking about.Anyway I remember going up there once.Their was Uncle Wiley my Grandpa's brother and Aunt Martha and Aunt Rosie.All Grandpa's sisters and brother..We had to cross a river on the way.I am guessing the Cosa river.No bridge you use a ferry.Not a ferry boat but a little raft looking thing just big enough for a car to fit on.There where cables or ropes I don't remember and it pulled you across from one side to the other.I remember getting stuck on a dirt road in the mud.No paved roads I guess.We stayed at one of Daddy's aunts.Talk about out in the sticks it was.She was out in the garden and was wearing a gun and holster  just like from the cowboy days.I could not sleep that night.I was a very young boy.I heard hoot owls a hooting all night and it terrified me.It was an experience never to be forgotten.Talk about country that was the country.

Sooner or later you will be found out

I have only stole one thing in my life.It was a little knife from a gum ball machine.It was in a fruit bowl on my Uncle's kitchen table.6 years old at the time,walking by the table I seen the little knife and took it.Daddy asked me where I got it.He had this thing of saying look me in the eyes and tell me when he knew I had been up to something.Well I did and the truth came out.I was so ashamed of my sin.I had to take the knife back to my uncle and apologize.That was really embarrassing.Every time I seen him come down our street I would run and hide under the house.You know that was a good life lesson for me.I found out at that early age that you can't hide anything.Sooner or later you will be found out.I never and I mean never stole anything again.I am the most honest person you will ever meet when it comes to others property.If it's not mine I wont touch it.

Resisting was no use

Gee it's a rainy cold day here in west central Georgia.The heat is on now and hope soon it warms the house up.My hands are cold.Maybe a pair of gloves from Santa would help.That reminds me of something.When I was in the 3rd grade I think we all walked to school.Southwest Elementary it was called then.School was several blocks away.One blustery rainy morning before leaving the house for my walk to school Momma made me wrap one of her scarfs around my head.Resisting was no use she made me wear it.Gosh I just knew someone would see me and say something.But I got lucky.Soon as I was out of her view that scarf came off.The day was saved.