Monday, October 18, 2010


Ain't we quick to judge.I was 16 0r 17 working in the mill.Some man I never knew him working at the mill came up missing.There where all sorts of speculation of what happened.I remember this comment from some one who said they had seen this man and another woman to gather on such and such a night.I am sure there where many more comments made like that.I was in my car riding into town,we lived in Newnan.Georgia at the time.I seen a wrecker,a rollback and it had an old muddy 53 ford on it.It was followed by several police cars and they all pulled into the county work camp.You can guess what this was I bet.It was the man's car.It was discovered in a lake when the level dropped some.The man's skeleton was inside.The rumor was his watch was still running.So rumor makers guess the truth does come out in the end,so be careful with all your knowledge you pretend to have.

The Goat Man

This is a picture of Charles McCartney.He was know as the Goat Man.Traveling the country in his wagon pulled by goats loaded with pots and pans,etc.I remember seeing him a couple of times when he made his trips through Georgia.When I was a teenager driving past him where he was parked I wanted to stop and just talk with him.For the life of me I cant remember if I did or not.Seems like there is a memory of him,me talking with him but for some strange reason I'm just not 100% sure if I did.This was in the late 1960's.Gosh things where so different back then.


When I was a kid living on Juniper street here in Lagrange there was a guy who's name was Joe Lipp.Everyone knew him and so did all the dogs.Joe would drive down the street slowly in his pickup truck and no kidding all the dogs would come out of their hiding places just to stand on the side of the road and bark at Joe.Even the most mild manner Canine would turn into a ferocious barking snarling creature.How these dogs knew it was Joe I have no idea.You see Joe was the local dog catcher.So maybe dogs are smarter than we think.

We all have problems

I know this blog may never be read by anyway but that is not the reason it's done.Really it is like therapy for me to write about what going on in my life.There are not many people I tell my problems,wishes or what ever to.I tend to keep my feelings locked in.So this is a great place for me to release some pent upped emotions at times.Everyone has problems or if they don't they sure are blessed ain't they.My problems are no bigger or greater than yours.We all have them and suffer through them.Here is to you hoping answers to your problems come soon.

Can you guess?

Gosh ain't the world full of them.Is everyone this way?I hope I'm not but a few time just out of meanness I was.I know when people where like that with me it sure did hurt my feelings.What about people who are like this all the time?I wonder down deep in their heart do they realize what they are doing,how it hurts others?I hope some people aren't permanently stuck in this mode.That would make them really hard to get along with.I kinda think it might be an act,no one can be that heartless towards their fellow human brethren.Ok have you figured out what I am talking about?It's rude people,yes rude people is the subject today.