Sunday, August 10, 2014

They had the Right Stuff

They have always been my heroes.

They had names like Buzz,Hoot,Gus,Neil,John and Jim.


I'm a child of the space age looking up into the night sky watching for bright fast moving silvery objects.

General Charles Chuck Yeager the first man to break the speed of sound quietly paving the way for the Friendship 7.

Blasting off from Cape Canaveral strapped to 30 story bombs these men of courage flew.

They were Americans and they made us proud.

They had the Right Stuff.

You have been warned

Prepare thy self!

Full moon Sunday has arrived.

Things around the OFH have been getting squiggly over a week now.

Tempers are running short.

Nurses and CNA's have that look of desperation on their faces.That look of being lost in despair that look of Lord help me Jesus cause it's the dreaded full moon at the old folks home.

Old gray haired wheelchair bound Ladies fussing with each other.One of my roomies repeating over and over his birthday is Tuesday.Snatching of the TV remote without asking please,may I,do you mind instead it's the Hatti with what you were watching I'm going to be greedy and self centered and watch what I want type thing going on.

There will be moaning groaning screaming like what was heard in the dungeons of the castles during the Spanish Inquisition were poor souls were tortured.Cat like meowing and the occasional dog barking sound will be heard.

Zombies walk the halls of the home at night.When I put on my magical sunglasses I see them(just testing if you're still paying attention I don't  really have magical sunglasses,really,you do believe me right?)

Get out of the %#@ @!#$ way will be the word heard today from a crusty old timer who thinks every female in the building is his wife Margret.

Not to change the subject but my CRS is about to kick in so farewell,good luck,Sonora,bye.

 Yes thou has been warned!