Sunday, June 9, 2013

Miss it terribly...

If I had just been smart.Used a little more judgment.Had some foresight.

I would still be back at my old home place.A home I truly loved and was proud of.

A home with memories.

Maybe the old home place wasn't nice enough for some but for me it was.It was clean and well kept.I enjoyed living there being on my own.Doing my own cooking.Butter beans and cornbread,food way I wanted.

Cleaning house I didn't mind at all.

Having a little pride in where you live is a good thing.

In short I love that place.33 years of my life spent there in the Hillside mill village.

I miss it terribly.

More Southern sayings and definitions

More Southern sayings and definitions:
1.The American Civil War-The war of Yankee aggression as Granny Clampet called it.
1 1/2.A man named Sherman-A very very bad man.
2.Yankee-Anything or anybody north of Hogansville,Georgia oops my kin came from Baltimore!
3.Hogansville,Georgia-Just come see for yourself.
4.Fixin to-Getting ready to do something.
5.Fanger-What them Yankees call a finger.
6.Eating chicken with a fork-A Yankee who ain't really hungry.
7.Double barrel sling shot-What Elly Mae Clampet called her bra.
7 1/2.Biscuits cooked by Elly Mae-Ammo for her double barrel sling shot.
8.Cement pond-Where Granny made her arthritis medicine.
9.Ghost in the walls-Ringing of the doorbell at the Clampet mansion.
9 1/2.Double naught spy-Jethro Bodine.
10.Saying something nice about them Yankees-Impossible!(just teasing,I love Yankees,really).

Off my high horse

Alright I off my high horse now.Won't preach about anything.Guaranteed.

I will bore you talking about one of my favorite subjects.


Read today about a restaurant that served fried chicken and doughnuts together.That doesn't sound to weird to me.Plenty of folks have fried chicken with waffles.

I have had folks tell me things about food combos never thought of by me.

Things like chili and honey buns(Ms. Jewel).Peppermint candy with pecans.

I like french fries with my spaghetti.Some think that is weird but try it sometime.Cookies and butter milk is another favorite of mine.

But never add ketchup to your scrambled eggs.

That's just gross.

The Lord Knows I'm...

Don't get me wrong.Everyday I have to start over.

Not perfect.

Trying my best not to be a hypocrite.One of those do as I say not as I do types.

This is the way I see it,never will I be able to walk in Jesus footsteps all I can do is follow his footsteps.

Years ago there was a song by Cal Smith "The Lord Knows I'm Drinkin".

That's what I say.He knows what I'm doing and what I'm not.

Me and Karl

Me and Karl(sling blade)have alot in common.

Karl likes biscuits I like biscuits.Karl likes french fried taters I like french fried taters.

Karl is smarter than what folks think.He know what's right and wrong.

He knows who is bad and those that are good.

Karl knows what the Bible said about a few things that people today are being like ostriches about hiding their head in the sand.Trying to turn things around to make what they are doing seem right and normal.

As Karl would say to some of these folks...funny ha ha .