Friday, May 10, 2013

Calling Momma

Momma I had this dream.

Somewhere I was and all of a sudden the feeling of being so alone came over me.

I need to call Momma.

As I was dialing the phone all the memories of you came rushing back to me.

Tears filled my eyes.

All of the things you taught me.Every time I had a pain or sickness you where always there.

All the laughter.The long talks at night.


After several tries of calling you Momma I came back to reality.

You where at peace now.No more tears for you.

Happy Mothers Day Momma !

Ahead of the times


Watching an old SCFI space movie.Title is Operation Moonbase.

Circa  1958.

They are talking on cordless phones !

Way ahead of the times.

Winds in the pines

Wind in the pines
Sound I want to hear
Wind in the pines
I hold it so dear

Wind in the pines
So tall and green
Wind in the pines
My eyes do gleam

Wind in the pines
Such a favorite sight
Wind in the pines
To me a real delight

Wind in the pines
Your cones laying on ground
Wind in the pines
I see you all around


Lone bird just sitting on a wire.Watching over his kingdom or what who knows.

Maybe bird is just resting.Thinking of what ever bird thinks off.

Could be bird is scouting for food.That could be the reason it is breakfast time.

Maybe bird is lonely.That sounds reasonable.Like that song "looking for love in all the wrong places."

What ever bird is doing,thinking I sure hope it all turns out like bird wants.