Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just dreaming

The only good meal for me this whole week was breakfast this morning.Toast,buttered,grits,bacon and a boiled egg.

Other than that this week has been a bust far as food goes.Just had supper and it was that awful beef tips on rice with mushrooms.I just rake the beef and those things to the side and eat the rice.It came with cooked sliced carrots,squash and what I think was supposed to be green string beans.

I love string beans.But they have to be cooked right.Cooked down in some grease till nearly burnt and add salt please and give me a big slice of cornbread and onion and that's good eating.A roll(where the cornbread)apple sauce and diet something pudding filled out the meal.

I know go ahead and say it I'm a picky old man.I agree but I know what I like and what I don't.Who ever is planning these meals knows nothing about Southern cooking or how it's done.I love vegetables.But what we are having here must be excuse my French Yankee cooking.They know nothing about seasoning food I think.

Come on now how about some real food for a change.Butter beans or pintos cooked on the stove with that thick bean soup.Big pan of cornbread.Some fried taters.Salmon patties fried brown and crispy.

Just dreaming I guess.

What if....

What if.What if you knew that in a few moments your life would end.How would you handle it and what would you do.

Watching an old movie today about a runaway atomic missile that was bearing down on NYC it made me think.

If I knew my life was coming to an end quickly what would I do.Pray for forgiveness is the natural thing I guess.Tell those close to me how I feel about them maybe.Be scared most likely.

What if a person was pointing a gun to your head and seconds from death you where wonder if I could handle it.No choice in that one.What if a big space rock was bearing down on Earth and we where given a short notice that this would be it for us could you deal with it?

We all will face that moment in our life someday.Those last few moments.Just hope it comes quick with no time to be scared or in pain.