Saturday, July 28, 2012

103 in the hood

103 in the hood
That don't sound good
103 what the thermometer do say
Waiting on cooler day
Lucky we have AC
Some that lucky can't be
103 in the hood
Thankful AC cooling like it should
Igloo made of ice
Right now feel nice
Get out the hose pipe
Cure our need to gripe
That would feel good if we could
103 in the hood

Rabbit named Charlie

Rabbit named Charlie
Charlie had this thing
He thought he was a human being
Charlie rode big Harleys
Long floppy ears and two flat feet
Charlie had never been beat
Then he met a turtle named Rhonda
You guessed it you are ahead of me
Yes Rhonda rode a Honda
There comes a time in every rabbits life
When he thinks of a wife
Now you got it wrong
I know what your thinking
Charlie and Rhonda didn't get to gather
Rhonda fell for another fella
His name was Mr Wong
Mr Wong was from Hong Kong
Rhonda who rode a Honda
And Mr Wong from Hong Kong
They got married
A son they did got
His name they did call
Now naming him this took some gall
Have you guessed his name
Yes you where right
Rhonda who rode a Honda
And Mr Wong
Named him King Kong
Son of Rhonda and Mr Wong

The thin short line

The short thin line
Between love and hate
The short thin line
It do separate mates
The thin short line
Makes all your words sound unkind
The thin short line
Sometimes it makes love blind
The thin short line
Hate a waste of time

Lets go

Lets go get in the car
Away we travel away real far
To the beach on this hot day
Don't that sound ok
Better yet how bout this
A cool riverboat ride down the Mis a sip
Truth of the matter be
Think I'll just stay here under the AC

Heaven to me

Heaven to me
This is how it be
Sunday dinner on the ground
All my family around

Kin long since gone
Now all at home
Shaded by the old oak tree
This is how it be

Grandpas Grandmas others I never met
Oh how I think that would be sweet
Heaven to me
That's how it would be


Alone all by myself
Alone my heart I put on a shelf
Alone maybe it's for the best
Alone time to give it a rest

Memory of you

My memory of you
Fading fast
Your face I can't see
One of those things that didn't last
My memory of you
Now just something of the past
Your face I can't see
Never thought this would be