Monday, June 30, 2014


Day is done.It's through.Not dark yet but very soon.

In bed looking out the window at the green sky.Yep green.Always heard that means hail is close by.A little thunder storm and rain did move through our neck of the woods a few hours ago.Looking toward the west stray light of the setting sun is peaking through scattered clouds.

A small rumble of noise is still heard but for the old folks home it's fairly tame and quiet.

Lunch and supper were a bust.Mr. Charles brought me a tomato sandwich which got me through lunch. I've asked for a pimento or peanut sandwich with Cheetos or real chips not those baked kind.That will get me by till breakfast.

That's the highlights of my life today.Hope your was good.

Till we meet again happy trails to you...nope can't use that,Roy and Dale Rogers sang that at the end of every show.

So I will say what the Italians would always say after talking to them on Amateur Radio...Ciao.

Yankee spell checker

Did I eat breakfast?

Guess I did cause a coffee cup is sitting here.Took a little nap and couldn't remember when waking up.

Things like this are happening more frequently.

I've always had trouble with names this is nothing new but at times it's getting worse.Trouble spelling I have noticed but really never have I been a spelling bee champ.I'm so thankful for this Yankee spell checker.But sometimes Southern words don't compute.

Where are you from dummy, Georgia,my Yankee spell checker will smartly ask,why yes as a matter of fact I am from Georgia is my answer.

You know it could be a lot worse.

I could have said Alabama.

 Now before ya'll folks over there in Alabama get all fussy and have a hissy fit you know we love you,shoot I got kin over there that never made it out and daily I pray for them.I'm man enough to admit it once I was a resident of Alabama.

In closing all I can say is chin up my Alabama Brethren and Sisters,follow the rising sun,that will lead you to the great state of Georgia.