Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spirits in the house

This is an old house.Many people have lived and died here I imagine.A description of the house.It looks like a old time farm house.12 foot ceilings 8 foot high windows.One night I was in bed and awaken by someone calling my name.Someone said John one time.It sure sounded Like Momma.This has happened two other times in my life once when I was a small boy and an another time since I’ve been an adult.Momma always said never answer them and I don’t.Another night I woke to the sound of a woman singing what I would call a lullaby like a Mother would sing to a baby.Soon as I woke it stopped.Laying here in bed about 10 pm I heard someone praying. I thought someone in the next room was praying.They asked me if I was praying answering I said no,thought it was you I said.We both agreed it was like a chant maybe like Indians would chant.It was in a language not understood.Alone in the house with the sun shinning brightly I heard the backdoor open,sounds of footsteps and a woman calling someone named Clare.Walking right pass  the room I was in but nothing seen.Around supper time I have noticed the smell of pipe tobacco.It was like some one had finished supper and now enjoying a smoke.At times in the kitchen people have heard old time baseball games on what must have been a radio.It was like maybe someone from the past was sitting at the table listening to a game.One night I was awaken by the feeling of something in the room with me.I could not see it but felt like it was something evil and it scared me.I started praying help me Jesus over and over.It left.Since that night nothing has been heard.So maybe what ever it was or who ever has found peace and moved on.

Cold day

A cold day in Alabama.The temp is some where between 16 and 23 degrees.All depends where you look.Really doesn’t make much difference cold is cold.I’m fairly comfortable just my typing hand feels froze.Yes I am a one hand one finger typist.I took typing in high school for three days.It was so boring so changed it to wood shop.Took me a whole year to build a gun rack.I think maybe sticking out typing would been the better choice.Sure would come in handy these days.