Sunday, November 14, 2010


Momma's name was Ada .This is the story how she got that name.Grandpa Smith was at the store that was owned by the Noles.The Lady's name was Ada.They asked Grandpa what the new baby's name was and in jest he said they named it Ada.In fact no name had been picked out for Momma.Well the Lady named Ada started picking out stuff for Momma.This and that.After she had done all that Grandpa and Grandma Smith could not change Momma's name.She would be called Ada after Ada Noles.

No spanking this time

I will tell a little story.I grew up for awhile on the same street as 2 of my 2nd cousins.One was a year or so older one was a year younger.Both boys.Here is the deal.We all would do something.I would get a spanking from my Dad about it.The other 2 would just stand and watch and laugh.They would not be spanked by their parents.I f they ever got one I never seen it.Their Dad would pick up a rock and throw it at them.This stopped one day when we 3 where doing something and sure enough I was going to be spanked by Daddy for it.Of course the other 2 where ready to laugh knowing they would go unscathed.This was at a family thing or just all of them at our house I forget.Well my Momma steped in and said I would not be spanked cause I was the only one who ever got one when we 3 did the same thing.And I did not get spanked that day.Ain't Mommas wonderful !

Pass the nachos please

Nachos.Mexican pizza.Tacos.Oh this food is good.The other night for supper we had homemade tacos with nachos and refried beans and Mexican rice on the side.Talk about good.I tend to eat way more than I should with this type of food.But shoot why not?It's so good.I will leave it to others who are punishing them self by dieting.They are so miserable dieters are.Sure if you are dieting for a health reason I fully understand.But if it's for a vain reason like wanting to look pretty well all I can say is go right ahead and diet.That just leaves more for me to enjoy.Pass the nachos please.

Slow like syrup

Some say I talk funny.I don't think so.I talk like all my kin folk and friends I grew up with talk.It is Southern talk I guess for lack of a better word.I am not as bad with the slang now days.It is only with the older generation that I hear talking like I was raised with.Words like doe for door,flo for floor,winder and cheer,zinc for sink,deef for deaf.I have to be real careful or I will fall back into that natural way of speaking for me.Down here in Georgia we are being told our old way is incorrect and not proper,the way we talk.I can put on a show if I want.Let those words drip out like slow syrup.