Monday, May 6, 2013

Laying low going with the flow


I like it.

Laying here listening to talk radio on the internet.

Cars traveling up down US 29 splashing in the rain.

It's fairly quiet around the old home place tonight.

Wish I could sleep like my roommates.They are snoring soon as their heads hit the pillow.My brain is still in high gear with a mixture of thoughts.

Thoughts of things past.Thoughts of things present.No thoughts of things in future.

Just busy laying low going with the flow.

Hungry for hot buttered biscuits.Gravy and fried taters.

That is a thought for the future because someone has promised to bring me that.

Today was just another ho hum passing of time.Really boring putting it kindly.

Oh well think I will just lean back listen to the rain and radio.


Tis the end my friend. Ain't writing nothing else.All that can be said has been.

It's done and over.

Through with it all.

Quitting while I'm ahead.


Till tomorrow.