Monday, August 27, 2012

5 by 4 by 3

Nothing to write
Can't shed light
Things are tight
I'ts a fright

Nothing to say
On this Monday
Here I stay
Want no fray

What to do
Won't hurt you
I am true
At times blue

Love I miss
It was bliss
Like the kiss
Me you dis

Like a snake
Kill with rake
I can't take
All was fake

Red cup update

Update on red cup.Yesterday as I was eating breakfast I noticed a red plastic cup in the road.Eating with one hand and typing with the other my feelings on the cup where wrote.

All through the day I noticed that red cup.It finally made it to the sidewalk out of the road in plain view of me still.

This morning the end of the red cup came.I noticed someone wearing an orange vest picking up trash on the side of the road.Someone doing community service for some crime they had committed.

Now the red cup is gone.Gone to where ever the red cups of this world end up.Once new,shiny,useful and needed it is in away like what all of us will end up some day.

Discarded and thrown away like that red cup.

Works for me

Oh boy.Headache time today.I've had this cold or something for a week now.Always heard a cold settles in the weakest part of your body.Mine always in up in my head.That means something what I don't know.

Anyway the cure is on the way.A fresh hot cup of coffee.That always helps me.I read that why it does is that caffeine opens up the blood vessels in your brain and the blood flow is better.So if that is true or not I have no proof but it works for me.


I knew it was a dream as I was dreaming it.Least I think so anyway.I was at this old house,run down and really ugly to me.People I know where living there with me some I could see their faces others I could not but they where there.Some where living and one I know,my cousin who died a few years ago was there.She was on top of the house doing some roofing work with another lady not recognized.I could hear people talking but a tall hill had to be climbed to reach them and every time I tried down falling I would come.

I wanted to tell them about the most beautiful sight I was seeing.Looking out from the yard at the old run down house I could see this.The waters edge came right up to the edge of the yard.It was a perfect view I was looking at.It was an extremely large harbor with ferry boats and smaller ones headed in the same direction.Away from the house and towards a big city.I could see tall skyscrapers and lots of buildings.I knew the name of that city.It was New York City.

What this all means I don't know.I just had this feeling to write about my dream of last night.