Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wrap myself up

On this hot muggy day I feel chilled to my bones.

I just want to wrap myself up in a musty smelling old patch quilt take a big feather pillow and go lay under a Pine tree and sleep.

Snuff,smut and kerosene

Snuff,smut and kerosene.

No well equipped first aid kit should be without these essential ingredients.

You may think I'm joking but no it's true.

Back in the old days that's what folks had to work with in medical emergencies.

Everything from stubbed toes to gun shot wounds where treated with these things.

No such thing as going to the emergency room and doctors where far and few.

More than one occasion I have benefited from these treatments.

Bee stings?Use some used if I may add snuff.

Once after being hit in the head with a sharp pointed brick Momma just reached in the fire place and got a little dab a do ya smut and packed that bleeding like a stuck pig hole up.Having a flat top hair do at the time it stuck out like crazy and till this very day I think a black spot on my scalp remains.It was 3rd Sunday in May Decoration Day up in the country.There I sat all dressed out in my white shirt and tie on the Church pew with blood dripping down the side of my head.If anyone noticed they didn't say anything.

I know what you're thinking that sharp pointed brick to my head explains a lot of things about me.

Kerosene was for trauma medical emergencies.

Things like when my Daddy as a kid(I have heard he really had a temper back then)took a ax to his older brother who had made him mad and sliced off my Uncle's heel.No ER.No doctor.Just wrapped the foot up in a kerosene soaked rag.Far as I know it worked.

Another ole timey medical remedy for cowboys.They would carry a bottle of whiskey in their saddle bags in case of snake bites.They also carried a rattler with them in the other saddlebag.Think about that one you will get it.

Don't forget the hot boiling water.Every TV doctor had to have hot boiling water.

I'm sure there are many more home remedies and bet you can think of a few yourself.

10 things I miss about the Beverly Hillbillies

10 things I miss about the Beverly Hillbillies:
1.Elly May.
2.Jed and his sayings.
3.Granny and her fixings.
4.Jethro Bodine double naught spy.
5.Elly May.
6.The Drysdales.
7.Elly May and her double shot slingshot.
8.Ms Jane  -  sorta.
9.Elly May.
10.If I haven't mentioned her yet Elly May.

Miserable weekend

A miserable weekend.Toothache.Wisdom tooth.

I think.

Talk about pain I had it.

Tooth,ear,eye and my lymph nodes or glands where swollen.

It all started sometime Friday night.

Usually I don't pray for myself but pray I did.Then I figured God gave me enough sense to ask for a pain pill.

Tylenol didn't phase the pain a bit so when the morning nurse came around we went one step higher with pain pills and they worked.

A blessing.The pain would stop for awhile.

So not so bad now not miserable.

Just thankful that God gave people talents to invent things to take away pain.