Saturday, June 28, 2014

Irks me

This could get interesting.

Click Click has been warned about not being fair with the TV remote.Hogging it,snatching it away,and worse of all continuous switching from one channel to another.

He is just plain out rude and inconsiderate.

In the past cuss outs by other residents have occurred.

It irks me but I just go with the flow.


I didn't sleep well last night.

Was it the tomato sandwich or what who knows.

Dreamed someone was trying to drag me out of my bed by the feet.

This crazy stuff went on for hours it seemed.

I'm tired.

Two legged ants

Mr. Burton has passed on.

Born August 17th 1917 he almost made it to 97.

My roommate for the past 2 1/2 years.

Mr. B had a thing for sweets.

For breakfast each day he had the same meal.Sausage biscuit with jelly,dressed up he called it and a bowl of grits and OJ.

Now his other 2 meals,lunch and supper he wanted cake,lemon pies, fig bars or the ever present box of oatmeal cakes.

Sometimes his cakes and pies were placed in the fridge you know just to protect them from ants which also love sweet stuff.

Now Mr B would fuss if offered real food.Boiled food and vegetables and fruit would give you indigestion and kill you cause his Brother had died from eating bananas.

He always had a piece of peppermint candy in his mouth.I joked once about the results of a blood test he took once.Seems the hospital lab staff testing the blood were confused and bewildered.95% peppermint and 5% blood were the result of his test.

He would ask for his sweets and being told they were in the fridge to prevent ants from getting them he remarked yeah those two legged ants.Took me awhile to catch on that he meant humans.

Mr.B,Chief is going to miss you.