Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Places I know
Sugar Hill
The S curve
Skeeter Flats

Places like this
Bacon Level
Population fifty
Places that are nifty

Yes it's a place
Standing Rock
No bigger than a city block

These places are real
There are many more
Naming them all
Would be a chore

Exposing my heart

Where should I start
How much should I say
Without exposing my heart

I have things to say
Should I keep them to myself
These feelings I deal with every day

I think a lot
Early in the morn till late at night
It does nothing but trouble it got

Leave things alone
Don't rock the boat
Keep the burden inside it I can tote

Even if alone

Fall is coming soon
I feel it in my bones
Times like that
Wish I was home

Where I felt safe and secure
Where the memories are so dear
Wish I was home
Even if alone

Cooking and cleaning
I don't mind
It was a good way
To past away time

Yes to be back home
Life was good
Felt like it should
Even if alone

Stroke of good luck

A stroke of good luck
Has come my way
Twenty dollars twenty bucks
I did find today

How should I spend it
What should I do
If you where here
I would spend it on you

We could eat some tacos
Maybe a pizza to share
That sounds good
Oh yeah we should

Yes that I would do
I would gladly share with you
Yep twenty bucks found
Get yourself ready lets go to town

Guess I'm getting old

Snap crackle pop
Think I'm getting old
Least that's what
I've been told

Hair getting gray
My beard to
Yes I'm getting old
What can I do

My memory is fading
This is true
Guess what now
I can't remember you

Guess this happens to us all
Now I'm just old
If I may say so
If I may be so bold

Call me lazy
You can call me crazy
But I must be getting old
Because things are a little hazy