Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blessed ones

Gee.Do you ever feel like a burden?I do at times.Being in this wheelchair is ego busting for me.I never asked for help before.If I could not do it on my own it just didn't get done.People don't say it but you can hear it in there voice.In the expression they make.I did not want this.I will not complain but I wonder how it would be if things where different.Maybe I was given this so I could feel for other people.People who have challenges or their road is not easy to travel.It is a hard row to plow for some of us.But maybe,I doubt it but maybe we are the blessed ones.

Ain't looking for no one and no one is looking for me

I never sit down at the computer with an idea on what to write about.It just starts flowing from my fingers.Sometimes it all makes sense and other times well.Like I said before there always seems like a thousand ideas in my head all mixed up with the daily things of life.Maybe a filter is needed.Filter out the junk and nonsense.Filter out the stuff that's really not important.I just got through making the statement to someone that I could honestly say that I hate no one.I really can say there is noone I'm upset with.There is a song that has a line in it by Lynyrd Skynyrd that said this(AIN'T LOOKING FOR NO ONE AND NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR ME).That is a good way to live.


I am sitting here watching the kittens.They are precious.They are full of spit and vinegar.Baby anythings are so wonderful.Then they grow up and lose that innocence.They become like us then.I have been thinking lately .I wish I had my innocence back.My trust in man wish it could be restored.

Trick or treat

Happy Halloween everyone.Be safe and eat lots of candy for me.I like snickers,paydays,tootsie rolls.You get the picture I like candy.My first Halloween did not work to good.I was 3 living in Alabama.I had a little problem with my blood at the time.Every time I would get a scratch it would get infected.Several times I remember having to have my foot scrape for lack of a better word because of infection.I had to take sulphur pills,they where orange and the size of a quarter.Anyway it was Halloween and I had a trick or treat costume and was all set for my first time trick or treating.But a problem.I had that infection again.So Daddy made me a deal.If I would go quietly to the ER with out making to much of a fuss I could go trick or treating.I went.Well at the hospital the plan was to give me a shot.I didn't like shots still don't.It took my Daddy,a nurse and the Doctor to hold me down while getting the shot.I remember screaming and pitching a big hissy fit.They won.I got the shot.My side of the deal was done.But wouldn't you know it.Me a wide eyed trusting little 3 year boy with his trick or treat costume on was not allowed to go on my first trick or treat.Oh well but it does bring up a fairly good memory.Trick or treat everyone!