Friday, May 31, 2013

I could be wrong

I could be wrong.I was half way asleep just resting my eyes but I thought this was what I heard on the news.

Seems some big music star has a hankering for cheeseburgers and crayons on the side you know like french fries.

Gee whiz everybody knows that those cheeseburgers will kill ya.

Pass the salt and ketchup while I snack on these red,blue and green crayons.

Sometimes it hurts

Every time a nurse gives me a shot I automatically say thank you.Thinking that over it just didn't sound right thanking someone for sticking a sharp pointed thing in my arm.

Sometimes it hurts.

So instead of thanking them I now say I appreciate your time and care.

Yep that sounds better.

Learned the hard way.

Things learned the hard way:
1.You can't eat spaghetti with a spoon.
2.Women are always right.
3.Don't pick up a hot lawn mower muffler with bare hands.
4.Women are always right.
5.Don't peek into a gas can using a lighted match.
6.Women are always right.
7.Don't mess with Big Foot he will whip your hiney.
8.Women are always right.
9.Baby squirrels will bite.
10.Did I mention women are always right?

Two Crows

Two Crows
I did see
Heads bobbing up down
Way up there in that tree

Pitching a fit
One was fussing
It didn't last long
Then one was gone

I notice the Crows
At times they act wacky
Could it be you think
They found a field of wacky backy