Thursday, February 21, 2013

40 days and 40 nights

40 days and 40 nights.That is how long God let in rain when he destroyed those wicked people on Earth.Now is it a consequence or what that is how long Georgia lawmakers are in session.

40 days and 40 nights.Guess what one of our elected chieftains is trying to push through the legislature?

Get this.He wants former and current lawmakers to have a right that no other Georgians have.This guy wants them to have a special privilege of being able to carry a firearm,if they have a concealed weapon permit into the Capitol building.

I can't do that.You can't do that.But they should be able this guy said.

I thought that $300 fee just to be able to converse with our leaders was ridiculous(they did drop the fee to $25)but wanting specials laws for themselves is well what would be a good word,you pick one of your choice.

40 days and 40 nights.Lord help us.

Divine intervention

Divine intervention.Sometimes it is needed.Take supper of Tuesday.It was a turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup.

Now that turkey must have been Alabama road kill turkey because it was awful.The soup the same.So I had this bright idea.

I ordered my free Papa Johns pizza.Large thin crust with peperoni.All I had to pay was delivery charge and a small tip.

Now for the divine intervention part.Jesus took 3 fish and a loaf of bread and fed the multitudes.That pizza didn't feed the multitudes but I did share.Slice for me,roommates and the rest for who ever who wanted it.Just wish that there had been enough for all.

Whiny and childish

Some people never do wrong.They think.I won't mention any names but I was reading about this well know singer who shall remain nameless who dates all these people,breaks up with them and then writes a little song about each break up.

Gee wiz is this person just using these folks for song material? I for one was never impressed with the singers songs.To me they sounded whiny and childish but they sure sell lots of songs I hear.Maybe they are just targeting their songs to whiny childish fans.

Lot of folks are like that.Never seeing the good or sacrifices some make for their benefit but only seeing the things they didn't like.

Whiny and childish they are.