Saturday, August 14, 2010

The game

Well I feel sad.Sometimes the B.S. is so bad you just want to say whats the use .Sometimes I know it's B.S. when I first hear it then other times it takes a while to sink in.There is an old saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.Yep I know it's just a game,a two sided street.I am far from perfect I will be honest enough to say that.

Be ready

Life is way to short.When you are a kid time drags.Christmas will never get here it seems when you are 8 years old.Now in the fall or is that early winter of my life I want it to slow down just a bit.Like the old joke where the preacher said everyone who wants to go to Heaven raise your hand.All did except for one man.The preacher said man don't you want to go to Heaven?Sure I do the man said but I thought you was getting up a bus load to go now.Guess that is the way I feel.I think there are still some things I need to do or finish.But one never knows when the Grim Reaper will vist.So I guess the moral of the story is be ready,ready for what ever might happen.

What is missing?

Ok it's Saturday afternoon the 14th of the month.Not much is going on around here just the normal stuff.Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water,a bastard child at a family reunion yep it's that type of day so far.I know one should be thankful for all our blessings and I have many.But do you ever get the feeling something is not just right or that you are missing something very important?Maybe I have an idea what it is and I will discuss it further with myself as the day goes on.