Friday, May 30, 2014

Aces and eights

Aces and eights
Keep back to wall
Stare straight ahead
Sit straight and tall

Wild Bill
Drew dead man's hand
Shot in the head
Now just a legend of the land

Me'em think

I, Man Who Eats by the Light of the Full Moon living on the banks of the mighty river Koochie Moochie Smoochie have Great Buzzard bone to pick with the white eyes.

Me'em think Injun get'em raw deal on this swapping Island of Manhattan way up there many moons away in Tribe of New York Yankees for shiny trinkets that turn green on red man neck after big rain.Me'em think white eyes pull fast one.

Me'em can't hardly wait till San Fransisco hippies arrive many moons from this day with long stringy hair cause this new white eyes fashion of crew cut hairdo mak'em rough go of scalping.

Why'em white eyes have real AC on hot day cooling his house and Injun got Great Buffalo breaking wind in tee pee for cooling air.Me'em thinks this stink'em.

Me'em dislike this custom of Pilgrims serving Injun that awful foul creature called turkey on Great Thanksgiving Day we'em were expecting Big Macs and large order of delicious fries with a diet Dr Pepper from Great White Chief Ronald Mc Donald.

Yes'em Injun got many bone of Great Buzzard to pick with white eyes.