Thursday, July 4, 2013

Little white paper bag

It didn't set well with me.

A group that shall remain nameless just sent a roommate a bag of goodies to thank him for his service to the country.

He was in WW2 serving 3 and 1/2 years in France.

The gift bag contained 3 peppermint candies wrapped in a patriotic napkin,soap,toothpaste and a pair of socks ,shampoo and conditioner.

My friend was thankful and appreciative.

Give your best the Bible commands.

In my humble opinion I think maybe a steak dinner or what ever that my roommate would like makes a better thank you.

Maybe a sincere handshake or hug giving him thanks would been better.Long as it was real and meant.

I guess it was just to make the civic group feel good about them self really.

He  sacrificed and gave his best.

That little white paper bag with an American flag just didn't seem enough.

A few sure things in life that will happen

Back in the old days all the cotton mills would shut down for the 4th of July.

That was the universal worldwide time of vacation week.

Several things in life are a sure thing.It's going to happen.

Death,taxes,and spending your vacation in Panama City Beach,Florida.

The Redneck Riviera.

The other sure thing in life that was going to happen is this...

The first people you would see when arriving at the beach at PC would be I guarantee are your neighbors.

Never failed.

Bet you are...

Little Krystal burgers
Little Krystal fries
That's good eating
I tell no lies

Add a couple chili pups
Maybe a few corn dogs
Big CoCola
In case of hicups

Don't forget chili cheese fries
Maybe just a bowl of chili
Top it all off
With a slice of lemon pie

Yes this I could do
Krystal my favorite place
I'm ready to go now
Bet you are to

4th of July,Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes

4th of July,Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes.

I'm guessing it was when I was 14.Aunt Gladys and Uncle Leon had came for a visit.We where living in Newnan,Georgia at the time.

Have patience my friends and it will all be clear to you.

At that time in my life I among all the other kids in the neighborhood where slipping around smoking.My folks smoked so I had a ready supply of smokes to swipe one every so often

For some reason Daddy had started smoking Bull Durham cigarettes.Why he switched from Winston taste good like a cigarette should I never asked.

Bull Durham now for those not in the know had a bull on front of the pack.I think I know why to.

I swiped one and rushed off for a quick smoke in the rough unfinished basement that served as a hangout for the uncoothed kids in the block.

That was the most Devilish awful thing that ever touched my lips.Strong was not the word for it and that taste if I think real hard it all comes back easily.

Thinking back that was maybe Daddy's plan to cure me of cigarette smoking.It almost worked.

Off we went to the 4th of July Watermelon Festival at the big farmers market in Forest Park,Georgia.

There I had a brush with greatness.

Of all the people in the world to be performing there it was Porter Wagoner and the Wagoners,Speck Green and some unknown woman named Dolly Parton.

Yes that Dolly Parton.A very young Dolly Parton I might add.

I think my Uncle Leon was smitten by this woman named Dolly Parton.Who knows why maybe if I had a couple of guesses maybe I could figure it out.

So my friend that is my story of 4th of July,The Watermelon Festival and smoking stolen Bull Durham cigarettes.

Happy 4th of July to you !