Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Gianttisfied mutation.

I just heard that word spoken in an old SCFI movie.Pretty sure I spelled it wrong but with that idea I'm going to run with it.

Let your imagination go wild.

Those giant ants,spiders the 50 foot man and woman all mutated by atomic energy gone astray.Out on the New Mexico desert where those test during the 50's took place.

Yeah with a little imagination maybe a good story could be wrote.

The above mention gianttisfied objects have had stories and movies made about them.We need a new subject that's been nuked into some sort of a monster to write about.

Let's think.What could we write about?

I got it.It was so simple staring us in the eyes.

The government.

It's now become one gianttisfied mutation.A creature that was suppose to serve us but now has turned against the people.

Out of control.

Trying to control everything from A TO Z .

Freedoms my Daddy fought for in the big one WW2 are in jeopardy.

Freedom to protect your loved ones and family from armed intruders that come uninvited into your humble abode.

Don't shoot'em.It's ginst the law.

What's that you're putting in your mouth?Is it a french fry or forbid a cheeseburger?Stop now Big Brother said no.Don't eat that only what I think is good for you.

And put down that 40oz big gulp you don't know what's good for you young whipper snapper.

You said what?

It has just about reached a point where one might not say what's on their mind or what they feel cause ya never no who's listening and report you to thought control central.

See it wan't hard thinking up a new gianttisfied mutated monster to write about was it.

To bad it's not just our imagination.


Seeing,feeling and hearing the season change.

The big window is open and I see the trees a swaying in the breeze.Cool air blowing on my face.

Trees have a little tint of fall in them with yellowing leaves.

At night it sounds different also with the crickets.

The stars look big and low in the sky.

One word can sum it up.


Soup and cornbread

Homemade veggie soup
Made in a crock pot
Add some cornbread
For lunch I got

It was fine
It was great
So good I dine
All of it I did ate

I am happy
I am sleepy
After food that good
I need a nappy

I am blessed
Having friends like this
Thanks Ms Kathy Mr Randy
Food like that I sure miss

From my window

From my window yesterday this I seen.

A young woman waiting on her child to get off the school bus.

Nothing out of the way different about that.

Just on a sunny day the young lady had a black umbrella and the prettiest lime green hair I've ever seen.