Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cornbread dressing

This is one of my favorite foods and it's easy to make.It is cornbread dressing.First time I made one I was so proud and happy I showed my neighbor what I had done.My recipe is from the package of cornbread mix I use.Martha White.It is simple and serves up a few meals with it.Cold cornbread crumbled up.Tear loaf bread into strips and add to cornbread.A can of chicken broth.Cup of melted butter.Egg.Lots of sauteed onions.Spoon full of black pepper.Mix well.Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden brown.Eat and enjoy.Simple and good for people like me who are just cooks who get by.

Thanksgiving,basket ball and the chicken pox

It's almost thanksgiving.My favorite holiday.Why I don't know.The food maybe.Going back in my history,someone said that is where I live,the past but that is ok with me.A few days before thanksgiving,what year I am to lazy to figure up now.It was a night game for East Newnan Elementary girls basketball team.It was at Moreland,Ga down the road from Newnan.Moreland is a famous place.The home of one of my favorite writers.Lewis Grizzard.He was a writer of such books with titles like Granny don't bend over in the garden cause them taters have eyes.He died a few years ago at a real young age.He was having heart surgery and did not make it.Ok back to my story.We school kids rode the bus down for the basketball game.Me I wasn't interested in the game,just a reason to get out of the house was what I liked.I remember they announced that Lester Maddox had been elected governor of the Great State of Georgia at the game,so you can back track with that info and figure out the year.Any way in was near thanksgiving.It was on a Sunday before thanksgiving,laying in my bed at East Newnan,covered up with my electric blanket cause I wasn't feeling that great I awoke with the chicken pox.Man I had a good case of it.So I can remember having chicken pox during the holiday and being teased in school because another student in my class had them also at the same time.I can see her face but for the life of me can't remember her name.So with all this said I hope your thanksgiving is a great time for you and full of memories.


Krystals.That is the subject today.Krystals.Unless you are a Southerner chances are you have no idea what they are.No not a girl's name.Not a type of fancy glass.Krystals are one of my favorite things.Ok for you people up north a Krystal is like a Whitecastle burger.I really like those little square,small,hot burgers with mustard and sauteed onions.I remember the first Krystal I ever had.Back in 1962 I was 10 years old.I was spending a week with my Aunt Gladys who lived in Macon,Ga.Downtown we went for something and we stoped at a fast food place.We sat down at a table and she asked how many hamburgers did I want.1 I said.She said she never knew a boy who could just eat 1.Well it was a Krystal.It only takes 4 to fill me up these days with those yummy fries they have.So begins my love affair with Krystals,hate to say love cause that is a misused word,a story for another time but I sure do like them.Maybe Krystals are a comfort food for me.Stuck in my brain is a memory of my first one.Good times,happy times.Back in the 1990's a Krystal opened up here in LaGrange.I was there that day.So was everyone else in town it seemed like.So that is what is on my mind today.Krystals and all the memories they bring back for me.