Friday, May 17, 2013

Southern sayings and their definitions

Southern sayings and their definitions.

1.Gaa Lee-Words of astonishment.
2.Reckon-I guess so.
3.Deef-Hard of hearing.
4.Watta go-Few seconds ago.
5.Shzam-Gomer Pyle's word.
6.Foe-You know one two three foe.
7.Cheer-That thang you sit in.
8.Tared-Often misspelled as tired.
9.Winder-Some call them windows.
10.Watch this-Redneck's last words.


Weird dreams all night.They where about my folks which I haven't dreamed about in a long time.

Started off with me and Momma at the local Ford dealer.Buying a new truck was why we where there.Running around trying to find brochures on the truck that I wanted with no success.Momma was just sitting in the waiting room not saying anything.

Next it was me and Daddy.I know it was a hospital somewhere.Seems like we walked and walked till I finally asked Daddy what are we doing here.Here for some test he answered.Then he walked outside on the roof of the building and I followed him.

Wow.What a beautiful sight.Mountains that are black in color and so high.I kept asking where are we.I had it in my mind this must be California for some reason.

A short railing was around the roof.Very high up we where.I could only go so far to the edge the height terrified me.But Daddy walked right up to the edge.Stop don't go any closer Daddy I was so scared.Then he just disappeared.I kept calling out for him but no answer.Don't make me crawl out to the ledge Daddy I begged.

That was it.I woke myself up calling Daddy.Hope no one heard me.

In these I was walking and walking very good I might add.

I have to stop having those salads for supper maybe they are the culprit of these dreams.