Friday, August 24, 2012

Daddy just stopped by

Daddy just stopped by.Guess he was checking up on me.He didn't stay long but it sure was nice him visiting me for awhile.

Daddy has been dead for 20 years now.Before you start thinking I've gone completely wacky let me explain.

Daddy always used Lucky Tiger hair oil that he bought from the barber shop.Every so often I get this strong smell of that tonic.When I smell it I always feel like he is checking up on me.Sorta like being my guardian angel.It is a nice feeling.

Stop by anytime Daddy.Love and miss you.

Caught in a phase shift

The natives are restless today.Short tempered and fussy.I woke at 5am and noticed it real quick like.I think the butter has slid off a lot of folks biscuits.Could be a full moon is on the way.Maybe people are caught in a phase shift and their good side is being blocked.What ever the reason I'm laying low going with the flow today.Help us all we may need it.

The red badge of courage

Red badge of courage.I think we all have suffered from it at some point in our life.For those who are not familiar with it this explains it.There was a movie and most likely a book about a solider who was in the Civil War.During the heat of battle he deserted his post and was running away.On his flight from the fighting he struck his head on a low hanging tree branch.Knocked unconscious and bleeding from his accidental head wound he was found by his comrades.

His fellow soldiers thought he had been shot while fighting the battle.They where treating him as a hero.The solider did not confess his real reason for being wounded.He was told how brave and fearless he had been while other soldiers confessed of being terrified and had run away from the battle.

Ashamed of his actions the solider went along with the with the praise he was receiving.But all this had a profane affect on him.He found out that he wasn't the only one who had been afraid and deserted the fight.In the next battle he rallied his comrades and led them into battle.Still afraid but now not ashamed of being afraid because he knew everyone else was also.

So the red badge of courage he wore.We all have at some point in our life.Taking credit for things not earned or deserved.Not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.