Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dark Shadows

They are making a movie out of a favorite TV show of mine.Dark Shadows.When I was a schoolboy each day I would rush home to watch that show.Yes I was hooked on a soap opera.But it was a different type of soap opera not the kissy kiss mushy type that Ladies like.It was about vampires,ghost and all sorts of other creepy going ons.When the wind was howling the other night my mind flashed back to that time.I thought of cold windy weather in my bedroom with the gas heater on sitting in my chair watching a black and white TV.The ice cream truck would come around about dark each day and one of my favorite meals was bought off it.Hot dog and potato chips and a coke in a cup with lots of ice.The smell of the propane that truck cooked with came back to me.Funny how memories stay with us and a certain whatever brings them all back.Generally they are all good memories.

Pretty birds

What to write about.I have no idea.I could write about the bird feeder out side the bedroom window.It is a pleasure just watching those little birds fly and flutter around the feeder.I have seen turtledoves and cardinals both male and female on the feeder.Never seen them eat the birdseed they just seem to be using the post as a resting spot during their daily travels.Small birds I think they are some type of finches use the feeder mostly.They are brown which I guess are the female and the males must be the ones with red heads and chest.Lately a small bird that is light gray with a black head has shown up.Very pretty.They all are and a relaxing way to spend spare time watching them feed.

The big 60

I was surprised and delighted this morning by a dear friend.A birthday card and balloon wishing me happy birthday on the big 60.The card was signed by the members of the Church I belong to.There is one teeny weeny small problem.Right day but a few months early.But that is no problem.I will just celebrate my big 60 birthday everyday for a couple of months.