Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The world through a mirror

Watching my life pass me by.I do spend way to much time on this computer.No one has to tell me.Sitting here I can watch traffic go by the house.Watch what ever is going on outside from my little spot on planet Earth.I have a large mirror behind the computer desk and that is my window to the world.Granted everything will be reversed looking at the mirror.But you know,maybe that is not a bad way of looking at the world.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup.What is it about chicken soup.When ever I am feeling sick or down in the dumps,feeling blue or depressed I have found out that chicken soup will always make me feel better.I have heard it called Jewish penicillin and there just might be something to that thought.So if you are having one of those days where you need a little pick me up try chicken soup.Hope it works for you like it does for me.

Blustery day out

Well the tree beside my bedroom window is about bare.Not many leaves are left.I have a good view of the squirrel nest now.It is way up on top of the tree.The limb it's built on is swaying today.It's a blustery day here in LaGrange.Sky is  cloudy,a milky white color.Wind is really whipping around.It is to warm.70 degrees.Yesterday it was rainy and cold and I could not get warm.The weather is ripe for storms today.Crows woke me this morning.It's always a pleasure watching them play.Did not see the squirrels so I guess they are smart enough to know that bad weather could be on the way.Today my old bones are warm compared to yesterday so that is a good thing.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Till the Sun don't rise for me

Life is pretty good at times I think.Sure we all get tired and depressed.But for most of us it does not last.I would hate to go through life never finding anything funny.It sure can take away your problems when you laugh.Me and Momma could get laughing at something till the point of tears.I know of people who never find humor in anything.They are the ones with the long faces,pouting lips and that get away from me attitude.Gee it all my problems,all my shortcomings,all my faults I am so thankful that laughter has been and I hope a part of my life till the sun don't rise for me again.Without laughter life would be so boring.

Hole in my head

Maybe I have told this story,not sure.Living on Juniper Street,age about 8 most likely.My cousins and me made a tent from a bedspread.Why there was a broken pointed brick on top I have no idea.Making a long story short the brick fell and hit me right on top of my head.I bleed like a stuck pig as they say.It was on a Sunday.The day of 3rd Sunday in May or Decoration day up in the country at Bethel.That is homecoming and when people place flowers on the graves of their kin.It was about time for us to leave for the Church.Me my flat top hair,bleeding.No going to the emergency room for me.Momma got a handful of black soot from the fireplace and I guess stopped up the hole in my head.It worked.There I was sitting in church,black soot all over my flat top hair do.For years I had a black spot on my scalp.So for those that ask what is wrong with me,why I am so strange and weird,just blame it on that brick with the pointed end,the hole in my head and a handful of black soot.

In the end

I never have thought of myself as a bad person.I'm no saint but.What year was it let me think.2004 was the year.3am on some July morning.I had hit rock bottom emotionally I think.Momma had died the year before.I had 7 years of being her caretaker.She had Alzheimers and as time goes on the worse they become.I am going to say something .The only help ever I got was from my Aunt Lema and Uncle Eugene.What would I done without those two I don't know.She would be awake for days at a time and I had to stay up with her.But this is not the story.I got off track a bit.Sitting at the computer on that July morning at 3am I just let it all go.I started crying.I did not want to live like I was anymore.This is what happened.I asked for Jesus to forgive me of my sins.I had plenty.There was a peace that came over me.Hard to put into words.I have been saved.Some have questioned my sincerity about this lately.I have slipped plenty of times since that July morning.I never will be a saint.I am a human and make and will make more mistakes.Jesus died for my sins this I know as truth.In the end he will be all I have all I need.

Hoot owls a hooting

Daddy was from Clay County,Alabama.That was where he was born.Story is My Grandpa Haynes had his still in what is now called Talledega National Forrest.Yep that Talledega where the race track is.You Nascar fans know what I'm talking about.Anyway I remember going up there once.Their was Uncle Wiley my Grandpa's brother and Aunt Martha and Aunt Rosie.All Grandpa's sisters and brother..We had to cross a river on the way.I am guessing the Cosa river.No bridge you use a ferry.Not a ferry boat but a little raft looking thing just big enough for a car to fit on.There where cables or ropes I don't remember and it pulled you across from one side to the other.I remember getting stuck on a dirt road in the mud.No paved roads I guess.We stayed at one of Daddy's aunts.Talk about out in the sticks it was.She was out in the garden and was wearing a gun and holster  just like from the cowboy days.I could not sleep that night.I was a very young boy.I heard hoot owls a hooting all night and it terrified me.It was an experience never to be forgotten.Talk about country that was the country.

Sooner or later you will be found out

I have only stole one thing in my life.It was a little knife from a gum ball machine.It was in a fruit bowl on my Uncle's kitchen table.6 years old at the time,walking by the table I seen the little knife and took it.Daddy asked me where I got it.He had this thing of saying look me in the eyes and tell me when he knew I had been up to something.Well I did and the truth came out.I was so ashamed of my sin.I had to take the knife back to my uncle and apologize.That was really embarrassing.Every time I seen him come down our street I would run and hide under the house.You know that was a good life lesson for me.I found out at that early age that you can't hide anything.Sooner or later you will be found out.I never and I mean never stole anything again.I am the most honest person you will ever meet when it comes to others property.If it's not mine I wont touch it.

Resisting was no use

Gee it's a rainy cold day here in west central Georgia.The heat is on now and hope soon it warms the house up.My hands are cold.Maybe a pair of gloves from Santa would help.That reminds me of something.When I was in the 3rd grade I think we all walked to school.Southwest Elementary it was called then.School was several blocks away.One blustery rainy morning before leaving the house for my walk to school Momma made me wrap one of her scarfs around my head.Resisting was no use she made me wear it.Gosh I just knew someone would see me and say something.But I got lucky.Soon as I was out of her view that scarf came off.The day was saved.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Daddy I love you

This is not my favorite time of the year.


Always glad to see it get here.Always glad to see it go.

Daddy went to the hospital for the last time Christmas morning 1991.He had cancer and was...

December 27th was his 66th birthday and we spent it in the hospital with him.Staying night and day.Came New Years and we where still there.

Daddy was coming home.

With help from hospice we kept him home.Momma took care of the day time and I stayed up nights with Daddy.

Thursday January 9th one day after Momma's birthday early that night just me and him.I asked him if he was tired because he had been talking out of his head some.He had been working in the mill.Are you tired Daddy I asked?He just nodded his head yes.Daddy do what you need to do and don't worry about us.Again he nodded his head.I'm sorry he said.Daddy's last words to me.I told him he had nothing to be sorry about.I kissed his forehead and told him I love you.Again he just nodded his head.

After that he went into what I call a coma.About 10 am on January 9,1992 Daddy died.Daddy I miss you.Never thought I could make it without you but everything is okay.

I love you Daddy.

More understanding

It is almost funny .People including myself are quick to tell you what you did wrong.What you did bad.So on and so on.But ,I am guilty of this,never telling you what you do right.Why do we find it so easy to criticize but to praise your good qualities is near to impossible.Sometimes maybe this is so true we humans got a lot of things wrong and backwards.Maybe there is still time to grow and improve.That is what I want to do.Improve,grow and learn to be a better person.More understanding.I want to look at you and see the good things about you.Not look at you and see all your faults.

The Marmalade Reflections of my life lyrics

Listen to the words.This is such a sad song.I wonder what the person who wrote this song was going through at the time?Hope whoever it was things got better for them.

This is for all the lonely people

Like that song by America this is for all the lonely people.Some us will always be lonely I think.In a crowd of thousands we are and can be alone.Why we are like this I don't know.Maybe it's because we don't try hard enough.Maybe it is for some purpose that will be revealed at some unknown time.Maybe then we will understand why this happened to us.Maybe it is of our own choosing.Maybe it is our fears holding us back.Maybe there is a cure for this.A pill from the corner drugstore.That would be wonderful huh.But I am sure the answer and the cure lays inside us.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am sorry

The Christmas I was 12.I got the gift wanted.My very own Stevens 20 gauge shotgun.Me and Daddy picked it out at a hardware store downtown LaGrange on Bull Street.First time I shot it oh boy did it kick.I had a box of shells Me,Daddy and my Uncle Leon went to a creek and we each took turns shooting it.It was in Macon,Ga where we spent just about every Christmas with Aunt Gladys and Leon.Like every 12 year old I just had to go hunting.So I did.By myself.It was rainy,snowy and cold that day.I went into the woods behind the house.Now to the part I'm not so proud of.No squirrels where seen,so I had to kill something with my shotgun.A poor,helpless not bothering anybody or anything little bird in a tree became my victim.Little bird I have often thought of that day.Please forgive me.

Tis the season...almost

The Christmas season has started.Oh boy.Let me say from the start it is way over done I think.The real reason for the season has long been forgotten.Now it just a commercialized thing.See what they can sell ya.I know,before you call me a heathen or Ebenezer Scrooge, presents,gifts and I want this or I want that is not what it's about.Maybe you still have to have that childlike innocence to really enjoy Christmas.Yep It is Christmas soon.Enjoy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Live with it

Ok I might be a little sensitive.Maybe a little insecure.What I am talking about is people who are what is the word I am looking for.Those people who can't see the forest for the trees.People who pea perfume or think they do..People who never think they are wrong.People who think the world revolves around them.Mr or Ms number 1.People who would be shocked to put it mildly if they knew how I really felt about them.Oh well to each his own and like Daddy said if they can live with it I can live without it.

Number 200

This is it folks.Number 200.Post number 200.Wow that is a lot then again thinking back it's not that much.Granted all my little stories are short snippets of my life.It is hard when you think about it to write down these things.Heck people might not even read them but it's my life interesting or just plain boring that is the way it is.I have found out one thing.I like doing this.It is fun.So as long it stays fun I guess if able it will continue.Thanks if you are taking time to read these little stories.It is much appreciated.

Put it in super Daddy

The car was old and no air conditioning.But back then no one really minded.AC was not common like it is now.It was unheard of in houses only places like movie houses had it and they advertised it .The car did have one added feature not found on many.I would lay in the back seat of Daddy's old car.On long trips I would carry a bucket of rocks with me.The floorboard in back was rusted out and from my seat I would drop rocks from the car.Daddy liked big cars.Pontiacs,Buicks cars like that.He had a couple of Oldsmobiles wow those where cars.I remember the 54 Olds Super 88.Two tone color,black and white and a 4 door.Daddy would be passing someone on a 2 lane highway and I would say put it in super Daddy.Super was the passing gear.Them old cars had style and seem so nice today compared to all the cars on the road now.At one time you could tell what make and model a car was.Not today they all look the same.

Sneaking into Church

Sneaking into Church after midnight.Did that once.We Boy Scouts where camping out behind East Newnan Elementary school.It was December and snowing and there was sleet.Tents where leaking and boy talk about cold.This is what we did.There was one large military surplus tent.But it was at the church basement where we had our meetings.It was a Friday and that very day there had been a funeral at the church.How do I know? Well the Church was across the street from the School.I had watched the funeral from my class room.Anyway the large tent that we decided was our best choice because the other 2 or 3 man tents where leaking.Yep it was at the Church.It was cold,dark and snowing.A few volunteers where need to make the long hike to the Church and retrieved the tent.I was always not to smart and volunteered.So a few of us Boy Scouts went,by the way we where poor kids and only 1 guy in our troop had an uniform.Getting to the church late that night our only way of getting in was to open a window and go through the sanctuary.Yep you can guess what was on my mind.The funeral from earlier in the day.We got and quickly shagged back to the camp site.There where 20 or more us and we shared that huge tent with a wood burning stove.It was a night to remember.Camping out,the snow,sleet and the Funeral.

Mayo sandwiches

Mayo sandwiches.I really like them.Mustard sandwiches are great also.Try this little delicacy sometime.Take vanilla wafers and spread mayo on them.Yum talk about good.

My chair is demonic !

I wrote about my power chair the other day.It has been acting up.Well it has been worked on by the girls and is doing much better.There is one slight problem.My chair has a mind of it's own.The chair is demonic I think.Sometimes it will not stop when it's supposed to.It will run you down.Be careful around the chair.They have enough power to knock down doors and drive through walls.Do you remember the movie Christine?It was about an old Plymouth Belverdere that was demonic.Well now my wheelchair seems to be the same way.I was asked the other day if I had a name for my chair.No I never thought about naming it.But since it is now demonic it shall now be called Christine.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another test?

Up the creek as they say.In a pickle.Dire distress.My wagon is loaded and it's heavy.Going down for the third time.What ever you want to call it go ahead.Ok here is the deal.My @#$@^$$^& wheelchair.I hate this thing.But I need it and it's not working.Fish outta water I am.Try sitting all day in this thing.It is painful.I will not complain.Always someone worse off they say.Maybe it's just a test.I say that alot.What is the test and why ?I don't see the humor in all this myself.So if it is another test will I pass or what?Oh well enough of this for now.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A big stick will solve some problems

Ok while on the subject of being picked on or bullied I will tell this all so true story.Again it was an older kid.Every time he seen me he would cuss me or something just as wonderful.I was 7 or 8 years old.This is what Daddy told me what to do.How to fix the situation.He told me to get a big stick.I did.Sit on the hood of the car which was parked on the street.I did.Wait for this guy to come by the house.He did.When he starts cussing me and whatever and when he reaches the car where I am sitting.He was.And did.Knock him off his bike with the big stick.I did.Guess what?Problem solved and that kid never said another word to me or cause any problems.

Out of meaness

Six years old and it hurt.Standing in the back alley behind the house I was picking persimmons from a tree.BAM ! I seen stars.I felt this awful pain in my eye.Some kid who was older,maybe a teen had threw a rock on purpose and smacked me in the eye.I cried and I remember he was saying sorry,sorry.I ran home.To the eye Doctor my folks took me.I had a patch that was worned for awhile and what ever else was done I can't remember.I don't even know now which eye it was.I do remember this guy did not like me for what ever reason is unknown by me.It was close to loosing my eye the Doctor said.Plus my eye which ever one it was would always be weaker.So as I sit here at the computer thinking of that incident I can't help to think and ask why he did that to me.His name I don't remember it makes no difference.I wonder if he ever thought about that time out of meanes he almost blinded me.

I love you

All things considered I am a lucky person.I never had to struggle through this life.Plenty of food a place to sleep and clothes on my back.Blessed I am.I have family.Some living some gone.I never have been a huggy kissy type of person.I am changing in my old age.I was talking to one of my Macon cousins well emailing does anyone talk these days.I told her never had I said it but I love all my cousins.We are blood.Family.Even though we lose contact over the years that will never change.We are family.So to all my cousins out there even if I never told you,I love you all.

We would sleep better

Coffee is wonderful this morning.I am out of ideas about what to write about.I was watching the History channel while in bed.They had a program on about Jesse James.Theories on if he was really shot dead by Bob Ford or was it a conspiracy.Seems the rumor was that someone not Jesse was killed and buried.Maybe Bob Ford was just a fall guy,a patsy or maybe even a Judas.Conspiracies are interesting.Take JFK and Oswald.Was he the lone shooter.Another one that intrigues people is the subject of UFO's.Are they real?Is the government hiding the truth.I just had a thought.Maybe we would be better off not knowing these truths.We would sleep a whole lot better I bet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

47 years ago today

47 years ago where was you?On this date back in 63 it was a Friday,cold and rainy.I remember where I was.It was about 2pm and the school principal Mr Hempfhill came on the speaker system and said this.President Kennedy had been shot and was dead.I was 11 years old at the time.I watched TV all that weekend.I was watching when Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby.I watched the funeral for President Kennedy on TV.I seem to remember that it was declared an national day of mourning.Schools where closed and my folks didn't have to work.Maybe it was for Thanksgiving but we where home.Things where starting to Change for America.


My best friend Jim.Jim was my best friend.Jim was a Squirrel monkey.I traded a guy I worked with a set of weights for Jim.Seems his wife was terrified of Jim.He had a cage but when me and him where alone I just let him run free.I walked into the kitchen and there he was,his little hands in the flour patting it all over his face.His little hands where like human hands.He would sit on my lap and pat my face.Gosh he was like a little kid and I loved him so.My folks said that Jim would start whistling before I got home each day like he knew I was coming.Often I wonder if he had ESP.Jim died in my arms at the vets.I was 18 but I cried like a baby for Jim.For several days after he died I could hear Jim at night whistling for me.

Living in the past

Living in the past.Guess I do.People keep telling me that.I don't see anything wrong with it.Least I know how it will all end because it is the past and I lived it before.Not like the future where noting is certain and full of doubt.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cornbread dressing

This is one of my favorite foods and it's easy to make.It is cornbread dressing.First time I made one I was so proud and happy I showed my neighbor what I had done.My recipe is from the package of cornbread mix I use.Martha White.It is simple and serves up a few meals with it.Cold cornbread crumbled up.Tear loaf bread into strips and add to cornbread.A can of chicken broth.Cup of melted butter.Egg.Lots of sauteed onions.Spoon full of black pepper.Mix well.Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden brown.Eat and enjoy.Simple and good for people like me who are just cooks who get by.

Thanksgiving,basket ball and the chicken pox

It's almost thanksgiving.My favorite holiday.Why I don't know.The food maybe.Going back in my history,someone said that is where I live,the past but that is ok with me.A few days before thanksgiving,what year I am to lazy to figure up now.It was a night game for East Newnan Elementary girls basketball team.It was at Moreland,Ga down the road from Newnan.Moreland is a famous place.The home of one of my favorite writers.Lewis Grizzard.He was a writer of such books with titles like Granny don't bend over in the garden cause them taters have eyes.He died a few years ago at a real young age.He was having heart surgery and did not make it.Ok back to my story.We school kids rode the bus down for the basketball game.Me I wasn't interested in the game,just a reason to get out of the house was what I liked.I remember they announced that Lester Maddox had been elected governor of the Great State of Georgia at the game,so you can back track with that info and figure out the year.Any way in was near thanksgiving.It was on a Sunday before thanksgiving,laying in my bed at East Newnan,covered up with my electric blanket cause I wasn't feeling that great I awoke with the chicken pox.Man I had a good case of it.So I can remember having chicken pox during the holiday and being teased in school because another student in my class had them also at the same time.I can see her face but for the life of me can't remember her name.So with all this said I hope your thanksgiving is a great time for you and full of memories.


Krystals.That is the subject today.Krystals.Unless you are a Southerner chances are you have no idea what they are.No not a girl's name.Not a type of fancy glass.Krystals are one of my favorite things.Ok for you people up north a Krystal is like a Whitecastle burger.I really like those little square,small,hot burgers with mustard and sauteed onions.I remember the first Krystal I ever had.Back in 1962 I was 10 years old.I was spending a week with my Aunt Gladys who lived in Macon,Ga.Downtown we went for something and we stoped at a fast food place.We sat down at a table and she asked how many hamburgers did I want.1 I said.She said she never knew a boy who could just eat 1.Well it was a Krystal.It only takes 4 to fill me up these days with those yummy fries they have.So begins my love affair with Krystals,hate to say love cause that is a misused word,a story for another time but I sure do like them.Maybe Krystals are a comfort food for me.Stuck in my brain is a memory of my first one.Good times,happy times.Back in the 1990's a Krystal opened up here in LaGrange.I was there that day.So was everyone else in town it seemed like.So that is what is on my mind today.Krystals and all the memories they bring back for me.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lot of Smiths

Momma was a Smith.She told me this joke.A salesman traveling through the countryside noted that every one he met was a Smith.Later that day he found out why.He seen a sign.It read Smith Manufacturing.

I will ponder

I shall ponder this today.Women.Lately I am having a hard time understanding them.Has my beard grown gray,long and shaggy and is reflecting what they say from my brain?I swear they talk in a language that is native to me but in general what is said is a mystery.Oh well ponder I will.

Gun goes bang

Well this computer is getting worse.If I go for awhile you will know the reason.If it was a horse I would shoot it.Yeah that is a good idea.Get my trusty 20 gauge that I got at 12 years old and blow this thing to smitherns.That would be fun plus the old gun goes bang real loud.It does kick.Ok that is the deal from here.So Happy Holidays to all if I don't get back to you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wrestle the bear

When I was a small boy I didn't have much sense.Living on Juniper Street I had several mishaps that should have killed a normal kid.The bike wreck,hole in the head from a brick,cave ins from holes dug in the alley,etc.But sitting here I just remember my most outlandish idea I had at age 8.The fair was coming to town and they had a bear.A bear you could wrestle.Me in my childish way had the bright idea that I could wrestle the bear.I'm strong and can wrestle real good I thought to my self.You know that is why kids have parents.Without them no kid would live long enough to do any real damage.


Why am I the one that always has to say I am sorry.Heck it ain't fair.I am not the guilty one always.Oppps I am sorry!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's just a machine.

This is sad.I thought the computer had messed up good.It hung up and would not do anything.So I used the big power button and turned it off.Well to put it mildly it was a pain getting it started again.Fear spread quickly through me.Dang no puter.How will I entertain myself?That is the sad part.I am to dependent on this machine.Bet you are also right?

What I am searching for

People have dreams.Dreams of things they want in this life.Some want fame and fortune,money,big houses and fancy cars.Some dream of love and happiness.World peace and the end of hunger for the righteous ones of us.Me my dream is simple.See that log cabin picture?That is what I want.High up on a mountain surrounded with trees.Overlooking a valley down below.A little one room cabin with a fireplace.A place of peace and satisfaction yes a satisfied mind.That is my dream and what I am searching for.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chicory coffee

Coffee is bad this morning.It is some off brand instant and it has no taste.Could be worse I guess.Least it's not Chicory.I had a cup of that once.Once and no more.I would just give up coffee if that was all there was.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hope no one gets hurt

Another good day here in the great state of Georgia.Sun is out for the moment but sure is windy.The leaves are falling good.Those colorful leaves.Seems to be a bad year for acorns.Not many this year.That is a blessing cause they can cause havoc.There is an old Oak tree right at the driveway.Well half of a tree.It was a forked tree but last year in the night it split and half fell.It smashed a car,tore down a section of fence and bent a fence gate.Lucky no one was in the driveway when it fell.Tree is hollow in center of what is left.Still scary on windy days cause I am sure the other half will fall soon.I just hope no one gets hurt.

Monday, November 15, 2010

True words of wisdom

I just heard this on a old movie playing on TV.Man said he did not like a girlfriend who had a husband.He said if she fools him she might fool me.


People come and go.So do friends.If you get one true friend out of this life I would call you blessed.Your family will die and leave you. You carry their memory in your heart.We come into this world all alone.We go out same way.Alone.I always worked alone.Not by choice.I am not anti social or that weird.It was the job.One man per shift.At times working alone was great.Then something would happen on the job and at those times extra help would have been so nice.Some people can't work alone.That I can understand.Working alone is sorta like solitary confinement.I worked a shift at the water plant alone.Hours where 8pm to 4am.No one was there when I got there.No one was there when I left.It could be months before I seen anyone.I had been there 10 years and had to go to the big office for something and no one there knew me.Oh well like I said alone.Sometimes good.Sometimes bad.


I am having some weird dreams.Other night I was on a concrete bridge.Narrow walk way.Others kept on walking but I was scared.Turned around and left the bridge.Last night my dream was about someone who I don't really like but there they where in my dream.Oh by the way my dreams are in color.What all these dreams mean I don't want to know.

When the leaves are gone.

I was laying in bed looking at the trees.They are beautiful with their colors.I was thinking how dreadful and gloomy things will look when all the leaves are gone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Momma's name was Ada .This is the story how she got that name.Grandpa Smith was at the store that was owned by the Noles.The Lady's name was Ada.They asked Grandpa what the new baby's name was and in jest he said they named it Ada.In fact no name had been picked out for Momma.Well the Lady named Ada started picking out stuff for Momma.This and that.After she had done all that Grandpa and Grandma Smith could not change Momma's name.She would be called Ada after Ada Noles.

No spanking this time

I will tell a little story.I grew up for awhile on the same street as 2 of my 2nd cousins.One was a year or so older one was a year younger.Both boys.Here is the deal.We all would do something.I would get a spanking from my Dad about it.The other 2 would just stand and watch and laugh.They would not be spanked by their parents.I f they ever got one I never seen it.Their Dad would pick up a rock and throw it at them.This stopped one day when we 3 where doing something and sure enough I was going to be spanked by Daddy for it.Of course the other 2 where ready to laugh knowing they would go unscathed.This was at a family thing or just all of them at our house I forget.Well my Momma steped in and said I would not be spanked cause I was the only one who ever got one when we 3 did the same thing.And I did not get spanked that day.Ain't Mommas wonderful !

Pass the nachos please

Nachos.Mexican pizza.Tacos.Oh this food is good.The other night for supper we had homemade tacos with nachos and refried beans and Mexican rice on the side.Talk about good.I tend to eat way more than I should with this type of food.But shoot why not?It's so good.I will leave it to others who are punishing them self by dieting.They are so miserable dieters are.Sure if you are dieting for a health reason I fully understand.But if it's for a vain reason like wanting to look pretty well all I can say is go right ahead and diet.That just leaves more for me to enjoy.Pass the nachos please.

Slow like syrup

Some say I talk funny.I don't think so.I talk like all my kin folk and friends I grew up with talk.It is Southern talk I guess for lack of a better word.I am not as bad with the slang now days.It is only with the older generation that I hear talking like I was raised with.Words like doe for door,flo for floor,winder and cheer,zinc for sink,deef for deaf.I have to be real careful or I will fall back into that natural way of speaking for me.Down here in Georgia we are being told our old way is incorrect and not proper,the way we talk.I can put on a show if I want.Let those words drip out like slow syrup.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Golden rule

Standed.Marooned.I get that way at times.My chair always goes dead when least expected.It is a hassle .But I have been lucky so far.It has only happened in the house or yard so far.I am so thankful for this power chair.If I did not have it where would I be now.It is a blessing.I was falling and the older I got the harder the floor was.I started falling when I was a teen.Back then I could always get back up by myself.That started getting harder to do till the point help was needed.I feel like I am getting weaker.Not complaining or looking for sympathy it is just a fact.I use to go to lenghts hiding the fact something is wrong with me.Like I have said before I did not want this.But I have it so make the best of my life that I can is what I will do.Dang having to ask for help I dread that at times.I feel good.Only pain I have is my left arm,my weak arm it sure gives me fits at times.Getting older is not helping either.I just ask this of able bodied people.When you meet someone who is disabled treat them like you would want to be treated.We have feelings and they can be hurt.Remember the golden rule.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Friday, November 12, 2010

OCD with an attitude

It is a lazy sleepy day.I could just lean back in my chair and doze off.The house is warm.Lately I have not got anything done.Is this what old age is about?Doing nothing and not really caring if it gets done?I was such a perfectionist at one time.Every thing had to be so so.I have been called an OCD with an attitude a few times in my life.It is ok I don't mind anymore.Call me what you want and chances are I will just brush it off.Is this just a phase I'm going through or what I have no idea.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am so thirsty

I am so thirsty.I had a couple of diet drinks and coffee but my mouth feels like cotton.I want some OJ in crushed ice,that sounds so good.I can't have it.It does funny things to my blood sugar.It makes it go up or down one of the other.Last few times I had OJ boy oh boy.I was dizzy and a little wobbly and needed help walking so I don't drink it.Cold chocolate milk that would be good.Nope cant have it either.Ok how about a cold bottle of buttermilk.Cold buttermilk and chocolate chip cookies,the hard type.I really like buttermilk but there is so much salt in it that I'm sure it is bad for one.Gee you know just thinking about being thirsty is not helping.Well for supper it will be spaghetti and a salad but what to drink.I guess a diet drink in ice will do.Cranberry juice on ice is good and I like it plus good for you .I drink the diet version and I can kill a bottle in a day.Oh well this is not helping my thirst at all.

Leaves falling

Leaves falling.Crunching under my feet.Colors of red,gold and brown.Sitting under an old tree.Looking toward the sky.Colbalt blue with puffy white clouds.Only sound heard is the wind whistling and the cry of crows far away.Late afternoon.At dusk.Deer come out to feed and play.Peaceful and restful.No stress.No worries.Reflecting on the past.Memories bring smiles.Like a camera images are burned into my brain.

I was butt dialed

Have you ever been butt dialed by someone?You know.A cell phone in your pocket and it auto dials someone.I just had that happen to me.I answered the phone,car radio is on,hear them changing stations,no words are spoke,car cranks,sounds like they are eating potato chips,find out later it was vinegar and salt meat skins.My first thought was that something was wrong.Did they have a stroke or heart attack and could not speak.For 15 minutes I rode with them.I was shouting their name,whistling trying to get their attention but no use they did not hear me.Then silence and the phone went dead.So i dialed them back.They where dialing me.Then I explain my little trip with them. I was so glad they where ok.It was another of those modern things no one had to worry about 20 years ago.It was just a butt dialed call.

I lived before

Sometimes I get the feeling I have done this,seen this said this before.Yeah I know there is a word for it,the French word but I can't spell it and spell check is no help.But you know what I am talking about.Sometimes the feeling is like being gently slapped up side the head and the feeling comes over you.Other times it's subtle.This happens to me quite often.Someone will say something and I am took back to another time.I don't know if reincarnation is real or not.The bible says there is once to live and once to die so maybe that clears that up.But at times I get a feeling or vision of something that I have been through or lived it before.I just don't know .I'm not smart enough to say one way or the other.It is like glimspes of something ,things that happened before.Almost like watching sniplets on a TV screen of someone's life.Oh well I don't know where to go with this or how to get out of it but it is something to ponder when nothing else is going on.

Peaceful sleep takes over

I was sitting on the front porch yesterday.It was warm and sunny.The air smelled so good.Someone was cutting down a tree close by and the smell of the fresh cut wood was wonderful. I got a whiff of burning leaves.Oh my talk of delightful it was.I can close my eyes and see a big roaring camp fire.The wood crackling as it burns.Warmth from the fire.Can of chili cooking.Soda crackers waiting to be crumbled into a bowl.Wind blowing thru the pines.Swaying back and forth.Cool breeze blowing.Pulling my coat up around my neck.Belly now full.Warmth all over my body.Night sky dark.Stars shimmering.Peaceful sleep takes over.No dreams.

Killing the bear

What in the world can I write about today?Ok I will tell you about my dream last night.It was about me and a huge bear.Maybe a brown bear.Any way it was on the back porch.Not bothering anything or anyone.But why I did this I have no explanation for.I tried to kill the bear.I shot it over and over.It was not working.I felt guilty and remorseful just for trying to hurt the bear.Why did I start this I asked myself.I didn't want to hurt the bear.Then a baby bear a cub shows up on the porch.I let it out the door.I just remember have this dread and guilt of trying to kill the Momma bear.I was glad when I woke up and the dream was over.Do you think it means any thing?Or maybe it was the 3 grilled cheese and peperoni sandwhiches I had for supper with fries?Either way it was a bad feeling.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I am spoiled

A great new invention.They have been around a while but for me I never tried them.What am I talking about you might ask.It is those little coffee bags,you know like tea bags but it's coffee.They are so convenient.Take them any where and have a fresh hot cup of coffee.Add hot water,a bag and there you go.Fresh,hot,delicious coffee.All these things that help make life easy for us where would we be with out them?I always have thought that living back in the cowboy days would be fun.Maybe a couple of days then I am sure I would be bored to death.It is sad to say but I am spoiled.Guess if I had no choice living without them could be done but I'm sure it would really be difficult.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No middle man needed

I never have been what you would call overly religious.I haven't been to church in years.When I was a kid I was made to go,no choice.I do believe Jesus died for my sins.I am a sinner.What got me as a youngster was all the church politics.I seen some things that normal mature people should not have done.In fighting,who is this who is that.Name calling.If they only knew how they affected me and most likely others with impressionable minds.The preacher was behind the pulpit,preaching.This is what he said,if a so and so walked through his yard he would do this and do that.At 14 years old I even knew that was wrong.All the bickering.All the gossip.Least I know I can deal directly with Jesus and don't need a middle man.Like the old song says Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My last bike

My last bike looked sorta like this one.It was a gold Schwinn,2 speeds,you had to back petal to change gears.Bikes where so much fun.You could travel from sun up to sun set.It meant freedom.We kids had bike races on a little dirt track we made.Everything was done with our bikes being the center of attention.Balloons tied to the spokes made them sound loud like a race car.Smoke bombs and those loud balloons.I remember when the training wheels where took off my first bike and Daddy gave me a shove down that steep hill on Juniper Street.I did ok except hitting a China Berry tree.Least it stopped me.I hit a car on a bike once.It was stopped in the road,my chain had came off,I had 2 choices,hit the car or barb wire fence on my left.Thinking fast I choose the car.I hit it at full speed.Landing on the rear window of the car the people cried out he is dead.No I'm not I said.I did break my front tooth and smashed the bike up.It wasn't even my bike.So that gets me back to the bike pictured here.My last one was like that.When I got my learners permit to drive a car I gave it away.But those days of bikes and summers sure where fun.

Best friend

Lassie.Lassie is on my mind.He was my first dog.Yes he was male but I named him Lassie.Uncle Lavert got me Lassie.Each time I seen my uncle I would ask for a dog.We where living at Standing Rock,Al at the time.Standing Rock had a store and that was all at the time.They have a post office now and that means their on zip code.There was an old deserted building when I lived there that maybe was a store or bank at one time.It has not changed much.It was and is just a spot in the road,on the road to bigger places.I remember some of the people there,not their names just memories of them.Anyway back to Lassie.He was white with a black face.When Lavert brought him to me he ran off and was gone for several days.I just knew never would I see him again.But Lassie did come back.Good thing there where not many houses for him to choose from.We where the best of friends.I had his love and companionship for 6 years.I still see him in my minds eye and I miss him.Lassie my dog,my best friend.

Little heathens

I am not inspired today.Nothing to write about.The kittens are becoming little heathens.They run and sound like elephants.How can something so small be so loud.They have my legs scratched up pretty good.But they are precious.Wish we could keep them all but we can't.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things of a summer night

It would be so nice I think.Sitting out on a rear deck on a summers eve.The smell of the charcoal burning in the grill.Humming of lawn mowers in the distance.Dogs barking.Kids playing.Just about dusk.Fire flies flying.Smell of honey suckle filling the air.Chimney sweeps diving like acrobats in the sky.Dark now and the sky comes alive with stars,shimmering brightly.These are things of summer.We sure love them.

Things even out

I know food is wrote about a lot here.Like Momma said food is one of life's pleasures.Better eat while you can.I heard some news guy on TV talking about how high prices have gone up and will keep rising on food.Everything is going up except our pay checks.My folks use to buy 4 paper bags of groceries each week for $15 but people where only making $1.25 for minimum wage.Daddy I remember would bring home $5o smackeroos each week.Gas was what 35 cent a gallon.Pack of smokes about that.Daddy walked into a store for a carton of smokes and came back empty handed.He said that for $6 a carton for cigarettes he would just quit smoking.Yep those where the good ole days.Everything was cheap but no one was making any money.So with today's prices and higher wages things just sorta even out I think.

Sometimes I get confused

Sometimes I get confused.I misunderstand or take what people say wrong.I walk on egg shells alot trying to keep peace.Bite my tongue as they say.I need thicker skin or head.At times what is said will hurt my feelings.Other times it will make me mad.I am making a honest try at not upsetting anyone.I do not want to die or have someone die with bad feelings between us.So if I have upset you,made you mad,hurt your feelings please forgive that was never my intention.


I have no earth shattering news to share with you today.No fixes for world hunger or homelessness.It's just one of those day where everything so far is going good.I know that could change at any moment but so far so good.It is easy to sit and say I wish this and that.But just being satisfied with what you have is a blessing.Not many people are.What ever they have they see something that is newer,shiner does more than their old what ever.Being materialistic is bad.I want this.I need that.No way to live one's life I think.Never will you be truly happy and free till you can accept who you are and not try fooling yourself thinking if I just had this happiness would be all over me.Sorry to bust your bubble but life don't work that way.

Soup on a cold day

On a day like today a big pot of homemade vegetable soup would be so good.Soup with some cornbread.Soup with a peanut butter sandwich.Soup with a grilled cheese sandwich.Soup with soda crackers.Soup just by it's self.You can't just make a little pot of soup.You add a can of this can of that and before you know it you have enough soup to last a few days or feed one big hungry family.Does anything get as good like soup on a cold day.


I am cold.My teeth where chattering last night.Socks,sweats,t shirt and a sweater are on .Fixing to put my hoodie on.Where is my toboggan it is needed.I just can't take cold.My muscles get stiff and moving around is difficult.Hot coffee and the sun coming through the window are a blessing.Hard typing with my fingers cold.I hope this is just a little cold snap and not an indication of things to come.Ok update,the heat has been turned on,first time this year.I am getting warm.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It was ok

I have never been a football fan.It just did not interest me.I played it when I was a kid.Nothing organized the kind the neighborhood kids played in someone's yard.I enjoyed that but as far as watching a game in person or on TV it just didn't do anything for me.I like baseball,played little league and some in middle school and that was it.I have been in the past to Braves games at the old Fulton County stadium.Wow That was fun.It was back in the days when Hank Arron was playing.Think I was at a game when he was trying for his 714th homerun so that was way back then.I was watching TV today.The remote wasn't working.A college football game was on.I was to lazy to move over to the TV and change channels.So I watched it.You know what?It was interesting to me.I am old enough to remember the first Super Bowl.I watched it.I remember the first Peach Bowl in Atlanta.I watched it and it was snowing there.Well I guess I could sit and watch a football game now.It seems interesting.I was always a race fan.Going each week to local dirt tracks.Every once in awhile we made it to the big races.I don't enjoy them as much now because going to the races was something me and my Daddy always did to gather.Anyway with all that said that is whats on my mind today.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I am hungry !

I am hungry folks.I think scrambled eggs,grits with butter and salt,bacon,lots of bacon,homemade biscuits some hash browns and fresh coffee would do it for me.Is there anyone who can just stop at one slice of bacon?I always pay for extra when eating out breakfast.6 slices will do it.At one time in my life I was eating out every meal.I gained weight.Then It came to me ,I am slow,that it was cheaper to cook than eat out.I lost weight and saved money.Once place in town just seen my old Ford truck pull through the drive thru and knew what I wanted.I loved their BLT'S and their steak sandwiches combos.They came with the sandwich and fries and sweet tea,iced of course.I like their breakfast,their biscuits,just about everything they had on the menu.Like anything in life they didn't last,they closed but their food was great.I was eating oatmeal everyday and it was good.But there is no substitute for a good hot greasy filling breakfast like I spoke of.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little 6 ouncers

Hoggie.Poor Boy.Submarine.They might have other names but that is what we are having for supper.With some type of chips and a soda pop.That word soda pop.Soda.Heck down here in Georgia we always called them CoCola.That covered every kind of soft drink that there was.I said to myself as a kid that one day I would buy me a case of CoColas.The little 6 ouncers.I heard a man from Coke on TV say that there was no difference between a 6 ouncer Coke than a 16 ouncer.Maybe it was just me but the little cokes always seemed stronger and better.You can still buy the 6 ouncers in bottles but I hear they sure are pricey.I can remember me and Grandma Haynes trying to figure out how to operate a Coke machine when I was a kid.The price was 6 cent for a bottle.Times and prices sure have changed.

Starting my bucket list

Days are getting shorter.Nights are colder.Thanksgiving is around the corner.This is a good time of the year to be alive.Leaves are changing.Some people burn their leaves.It's against the law but burning leaves sure smell good.I always love a camp fire.Burning wood ahhh a great smell.Best baked potatoes I ever had where some a neighbor man gave us kids for helping him dig them up from his garden.We took them camping and just threw them in the fire letting them cook all night in the hot ashes.I think that will be the first thing I put on my bucket list.Camping out.I would love to do that one more time.

Nap time

I had my siesta.I was just resting my eyes.Taking a nap.What ever you want to call it I did it.Helps a lot.Refreshes the body.Energizes the brain.Cup of coffee is helping also.I go to bed early these days.Late for me now is 10ish.At one time that was about what time I got up.Working the afternoon or midnight shift was right up my alley.It never bothered me.Sleeping in the day time was easy.I wake up without a clock about time the sun rises.I do just lay there for awhile.These cold mornings it is great just to pull the covers over your head and snooze a bit longer.I think I need a hobby.Something to keep me busy.What is that saying idle hands are the Devils workshop or something like that.As a youngster I put model cars togather.I got pretty good at it.Spray painting them some would swear it came out of the box that color.Then I was on the radio every day.Ham radio my callsign is wa4pfg.Then came computers.Time is passing by so fast now maybe I need something to slow time down a bit instead of passing time off faster.

1965 Pontiac GTO

Oh my gosh.Look at the picture.It is a 1965 Pontiac GTO.I had one just like that.Even had redline tires.389 cubic inches,4 barrel,4 speed with a Hurst shifter.I was 16 years old.Working in the cotton mill and going to school.This was the late 60's.These things would pin you against the seat.Talk about fast and fun this was it.I know now that God was watching over me because more than once I should have been killed in that car.Maybe I still have a purpose to fulfill.

Hide your snacks

Well I guess that was breakfast.I had BBQ potato chips and a cup of coffee.I had the chips because they where left here at the computer desk and was easy picking so to speak.Everyone here knows by now don't leave your snacks within my reach.I will steal them in a New York minute.Every time I see the kids with candy I have to have some of it also.Chewing gum is the same way.Alaina had a pizza last night and asked me to hold it while she did something.Sure I will hold it I told her.Take your time I said.I got that look from her saying old man if you...I wasn't even tempted by her pizza.But this is a warning.Come over to the house you better hide your snacks.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

They don't have grits

Dog gone did I say something about it being hot not to long ago?Well I have changed my tune folks.It is cold.Cold to me anyway.46 degrees.I am sitting here with my hoodie on,the hood over my head and I feel chilled.The family is planning to go to the big LaGrange/Troup high football game Friday night.I checked the weather forecast,no rain but high for Friday should be 58 with a low of 30.We have talked of holding off long as we can before turning on the heat but shoot I'm ready now.I am a Georgia born and raised man.Rest of them here are from Ohio and think it's funny when I get cold when the temperature drops below 60.But I think they are getting Southernized now.Every one was talking about how cold it was this morning.I have never been north of the Mason/Dixon line but would like to try it just once.Just to see a big snow.They have told me tales of it snowing so much that it covers houses and they have to worry about the roofs caving in.They tell me the temperature drops way below zero up there.And I hear that grits are hard to find up there.Ok that did it.I staying here where it's warmer and we have grits.

She likes pork n beans

I know a Lady who is on a diet.Her name shall remain unknown.Last night and a few other times lately she has skipped supper saying she wasn't hungry,no appetite.I like to eat,all you have to do is look at me and figure that out.Sometimes I wish she would eat a big meal so I won't feel so guilty.Sheesh we quit smoking to gather but please don't put me on a diet.I knew she was hungry when she went to bed last night cause all she had eaten was 2 baloney sandwiches.Well guess what,this is truth,I swear.Seems we are missing a large super duper size can of pork n beans.I have heard of sleep walking.I have heard of sleep driving.But this Lady who again I won't reveal her name to the world was seen sitting up in bed,caring on a normal conversation with people and here it goes...eating a can of pork n beans in her sleep.Yep she was sleep eating.I would pay gladly if I had a photo of that to show you.So that takes care of a problem.Her Christmas present will be easy to pick out.Just wrap a giant super duper can of pork n beans and put it under the tree.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am human

Lets be honest ok.Sit down with me have a cup of coffee and let's talk.Ok.Here is the deal.Honesty is the subject.Are you always 100% honest?I'm not talking about honesty with family,friends or who ever.Honest with yourself is what I am talking about.It is easy being honest with others but with yourself that is a job sometimes.I think we all have a perception of what we want to appear as to others.We want to think others think of us as brave,truthful,fearless,smart,honorable and what ever good quality you can think of.But we have one fault that we all share .We are humans.We aint that Robbie the Robot danger Will Robinson devil take all types.Humans have limits of what we can do.Humans have hearts.Humans have feelings.Humans have egos.Humans have fears.I am human.

I got cake

Last month maybe I think it was I almost most decided to move.The place that came up was Florida.Pensacola.

I always have had a secret wish of living in Florida.It always brings back great fond memories.Living here in Georgia,Florida is where people went on vacation.

The old joke was on the 4th of July when the mills shut down for vacation you would go to Panama City Beach and dang first people you see would be your neighbors.

I always like the Atlantic side of Florida.My first memory of Florida was when I was just a small boy.Me my folks,Uncle Leon,Aunt Gladys,my cousins Mike and Gloria loaded up the car way before sunrise and left Macon,Georgia for Jacksonville Beach.

I remember Daddy had a flat top haircut at the time and he talked of growing a beard.Momma talked him out of it I think.

The ocean,Atlantic ocean I fell in love at first sight.Daddy picked me up and walked me to the beach .Sitting me down on my feet in the water.I am a strange person and was a stranger child.I was screaming for dear life.I could not figure out what was going on.Was the water moving or was it me.The waves coming in and out had me confused.It was like when you are parked at a train crossing with the train floating down the tracks you get that feeling the train is still and you are moving.

The water I found out quick was salty.I learned a lesson.Don't drink the water.

This was in the 1950's and I remember seeing a plane pulling an banner telling us all that Elvis was in town for a concert.My cousin Gloria liked that.

I am going to get off the subject cause something just popped into my head.

Gloria was getting married.Me and Daddy went to the wedding.First thing we seen when we got to Macon was Mike.He had hit a fire hydrant in his Daddy's Ford Falcon.Water was shooting out like a geyser.

It was going to be a fun night.

I was outside at the Church.I was just there for the cake.They came out.Gloria and her husband Glenn.Wow you should have seen it.Glenn who I know now didn't drive.

I watch in amazement as they took off in Gloria's little Corvair.He hit 3 cars going down the street not stopping for any one they kept going.The first car they hit was uncle Leon's Ford Falcon.Yep the one Mike had wrecked earlier in the day.

For a 14 year old kid it was a good day I was having plus I got cake.

Horse and buggy days

It is the year 2010 and I have several connections to the horse and buggy days.Mom told me her family would ride to church on a horse and wagon pulled by their ole plow mules.Grandpa Smith was the preacher at Bethel East Baptist Church.So was my uncle Bill years later.Grandpa was at the old church Bill was at the new one.Anyway Grandpa died when Momma was 5 and when he was preaching at the church she would be sitting on the floor behind the pulpit.Story is they gave her a sack full of biscuits just to keep her quiet.Oh by the way Bethel is in Randolph County Alabama.My other connection with horse and wagons is my other Grandpa.Grandpa Haynes was a bootlegger.Using a horse drawn wagon is how he transported the goods.I find no fault in Grandpa Haynes being a bootlegger/moonshiner.He fed his family during the depression doing this.This also took place in Alabama.My other connection to horse and wagons is a bit more tragic.Great Grandpa Jacob Haynes lost a leg In the Civil War at the battle of Vicksburg,Mississippi and was taken prisoner.After the war he had a businnes transporting things by wagon.What these things where I don't know.Anyway it was a rainy day and Great Grandpa Haynes was getting on his wagon and slipped on muddy ground.The horses got spooked I am guessing and the horses and wagon ran over him killing him.So in the year 2010 I still have a connection to the old horse and buggy days.

Smith grunt

I am just sitting here.Nothing comes into my brain to write about today.Let's see.My mood is good.I have not much pain of any kind.I do have a tooth that is bothering me.While back I was eating a grilled cheese with peperoni sandwich and I bit down on something hard.I don't think that is normal.Anyway it felt like something was stuck in my tooth.After several tooth brushing something came out.I think it was a filling.Ever since then it gives me problems.I have only had one toothache in my life.I was a kid and I remember the pain vividly.It stopped hurting just as I walked into the dentist's office but it was pulled any way.I still have my lower wisdom teeth and they have caused me problems in the past.But all said I have been lucky in this respect.Momma was a Smith.There is something called the Smith grunt.They let every little pain be know so hince the word Smith grunt.I use to never complain about pain now in my old age it is a favorite past time.Oh no I have it.It has struck me.I have the Smith grunt.

Monday, November 1, 2010

P Paul Vollienwider was the boss

I went out to sea once.My first and only time.Sit back my friend and I will tell you of my trip on the boat.We had charted a small fishing boat in Panama City,Florida for a half day fishing trip the next day.Little did we know that a hurricane would blow in and change our plans.The next morning after a breakfast of greasy eggs,bacon and grits we headed out to the boat.The Captain was the only wise man I met that day and refused to go out in such rough weather and gladly refunded our money.So off we go and get on a larger charter boat for the day.There where about 50 souls on board I would guess.From my seat at the table we had commandeered I could see the Captain and his radar screens where lit up like Christmas trees.It was a rough day on the Atlantic Ocean and that was putting it mildly.That boat would rise up and down and each time the back end of the boat would come down it sounded like it was hitting hard pavement.Not much fishing was done.A few hardy souls would hang on and try to fish without much luck.I was lucky,had a place at the table to lay down.Man talk of sick I was.Dry heaves.For 8 long hours I suffered.To make it worse a galley was on the boat and the smell of greasy fried food was just adding to my misery.The guy on the boat said he knew that when he died he would go to hell but least he didn't get sea sick.Lucky man I thought at the time.Soon as I seen land again the sea sickness left me.I told my boss at work about this.His name was P Paul Vollienwider.This is what he said.the cure for sea sickness is to sit under a Palm tree and eat soda crackers.You see folks that is why P Paul Vollienwider was the boss.

I can drive !

This is a 1960 Dodge.My Daddy had one when I got my learners driver permit at 15.It was the first car I ever drove.It was baby blue,4 door,it didn't have carpet but rubber mats instead.It was push button automatic with power steering and brakes.The steering wheel was oblong or egg shaped.It was hard being cool when passing my friends on their bikes cause really I was terrified.Those power brakes where a bit touchy for someone who never drove before.Ok we made it almost home with no incidents.Everything was good.Then.My first mistake.Pulling into the yard I almost sent Daddy through the windshield.Back then some cars didn't have seatbelts and if the car did no one wore them.Those touchy brakes.I slammed on them hard.Almost taking the mail box with me.But no one was hurt.Just my pride.I made it home.