Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things even out

I know food is wrote about a lot here.Like Momma said food is one of life's pleasures.Better eat while you can.I heard some news guy on TV talking about how high prices have gone up and will keep rising on food.Everything is going up except our pay checks.My folks use to buy 4 paper bags of groceries each week for $15 but people where only making $1.25 for minimum wage.Daddy I remember would bring home $5o smackeroos each week.Gas was what 35 cent a gallon.Pack of smokes about that.Daddy walked into a store for a carton of smokes and came back empty handed.He said that for $6 a carton for cigarettes he would just quit smoking.Yep those where the good ole days.Everything was cheap but no one was making any money.So with today's prices and higher wages things just sorta even out I think.

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