Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No middle man needed

I never have been what you would call overly religious.I haven't been to church in years.When I was a kid I was made to go,no choice.I do believe Jesus died for my sins.I am a sinner.What got me as a youngster was all the church politics.I seen some things that normal mature people should not have done.In fighting,who is this who is that.Name calling.If they only knew how they affected me and most likely others with impressionable minds.The preacher was behind the pulpit,preaching.This is what he said,if a so and so walked through his yard he would do this and do that.At 14 years old I even knew that was wrong.All the bickering.All the gossip.Least I know I can deal directly with Jesus and don't need a middle man.Like the old song says Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so.

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