Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am sorry

The Christmas I was 12.I got the gift wanted.My very own Stevens 20 gauge shotgun.Me and Daddy picked it out at a hardware store downtown LaGrange on Bull Street.First time I shot it oh boy did it kick.I had a box of shells Me,Daddy and my Uncle Leon went to a creek and we each took turns shooting it.It was in Macon,Ga where we spent just about every Christmas with Aunt Gladys and Leon.Like every 12 year old I just had to go hunting.So I did.By myself.It was rainy,snowy and cold that day.I went into the woods behind the house.Now to the part I'm not so proud of.No squirrels where seen,so I had to kill something with my shotgun.A poor,helpless not bothering anybody or anything little bird in a tree became my victim.Little bird I have often thought of that day.Please forgive me.

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