Sunday, November 14, 2010

No spanking this time

I will tell a little story.I grew up for awhile on the same street as 2 of my 2nd cousins.One was a year or so older one was a year younger.Both boys.Here is the deal.We all would do something.I would get a spanking from my Dad about it.The other 2 would just stand and watch and laugh.They would not be spanked by their parents.I f they ever got one I never seen it.Their Dad would pick up a rock and throw it at them.This stopped one day when we 3 where doing something and sure enough I was going to be spanked by Daddy for it.Of course the other 2 where ready to laugh knowing they would go unscathed.This was at a family thing or just all of them at our house I forget.Well my Momma steped in and said I would not be spanked cause I was the only one who ever got one when we 3 did the same thing.And I did not get spanked that day.Ain't Mommas wonderful !

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