Thursday, November 11, 2010

Killing the bear

What in the world can I write about today?Ok I will tell you about my dream last night.It was about me and a huge bear.Maybe a brown bear.Any way it was on the back porch.Not bothering anything or anyone.But why I did this I have no explanation for.I tried to kill the bear.I shot it over and over.It was not working.I felt guilty and remorseful just for trying to hurt the bear.Why did I start this I asked myself.I didn't want to hurt the bear.Then a baby bear a cub shows up on the porch.I let it out the door.I just remember have this dread and guilt of trying to kill the Momma bear.I was glad when I woke up and the dream was over.Do you think it means any thing?Or maybe it was the 3 grilled cheese and peperoni sandwhiches I had for supper with fries?Either way it was a bad feeling.

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