Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big blue light

Big blue light
It fell out of the sky
What it was I don't know
I was scared thought I'd die

Never seen nothing like that
Would have run
But you know I'm to fat
Wanted to sprout wings and just fly like a bat

It seen me
I seen it
Boy I tell you
I was a having a hissy fit

This big door on that machine
Opened up wide yes it did
Out came a wobbling
Was this mean looking thing

What do I do
What do I say
All I could think of
Was just say hey

It looked around
Floating a foot off the ground
Then it asked me
Which way to town

Go down yonder
About a mile or two
See the big oak tree
That's where town be

Off it went
Floating off the ground
What it wanted
Who knows I'm not sticking around

Feets do your thing
I'm getting out here
That thing looked so mean
Maybe it was just all them beers

So I lived
To tell about that light
How it scared me
And gave me a fright

A reason

I just finished talking to someone.

The subject was faith.

Faith I have.It hurts me when people question my faith.

I know God can heal.

The way I see it if God thinks a healing for me is needed He will.

I don't question his reasons.That is my faith.

Maybe God has a reason a plan for me that doesn't include walking.

Reason my fingers are rusty

My computer is dusty
It's growing hair
Reason my fingers are rusty
Clean it I wouldn't dare

My computer is getting old
It's a bit slow
But I loves me puter
This I know

It keeps me company
Music news and video
Even got puters that
Can take on the go

That's it's name
Whole .lotta fun
I do claim

I know you will

Face is getting round
Packing on the pounds
So I eat a lot
No meals have I forgot

Pants are tight
Shirts getting small
Might be because
No walking I do at all

Just call me fat
I know you will
But remember this
Burgers and hot dogs I call a thrill

So pass that shake
And the fries
Please no food that's baked
I'd rather have cake

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Magnolia tree

Just bury me
Under the Magnolia tree
Full of blooms
No sadness or gloom

There I'll rest
Sleep I will
Under the Magnolia tree
There I'll be

Just sitting quiet...

Just sitting quiet the other day.

Taking in all my surroundings.

Things I heard.Things I seen.

Lawdy help me Jesus one was crying from a room.

Another up the hall sounded like an old fashion hell fire preacher fixing to bust out in a sermon on hell and damnation.It sounded good I could almost smell the brimstone.

People walking around talking to themselves.

And that was just the nurses.

Be the one

It could be you.1 more page view please and that will make it 12,000 views.

Yes you could be the one.

No grand prize no mention of your name no fame or fortune.

Just the pleasure of knowing you are number 12,000.

Come on.

Be the one.



Just as I thought.

Slow news summer.

News networks are desperate.

Paula Deen seems to be all they have.

CNN is even having a special called "THE N WORD".

The word for this is...


Friday, June 28, 2013


No need for me to put the headphones on and listen to some tape on YouTube of a thunderstorm tonight.

Got the real thing going on outside my window.

Beautiful !

My Father's son

I was listening to an old song tonight.

David Allen Coe.You Never Called My Name.

For some reason I got to thinking about you Daddy.

 I understand you much better now.Things about you that I did not like I can see in myself now.

I am my Father's son.

I was there

Come my children gather around and let Uncle John tell how things use to be.

Way back in 1981,August something happened that would change the way things where done.

But first a little history.

There was a time children when people just had radio.

But wise men spoke of a day that would come.A day when there would be a box.That box would be magical full of surprises and.delights.

A day when there would be a radio that you could see pictures on.Moving pictures and it would be called TV.

That day came.

Now as mentioned August 1981 came a TV station called MTV.

Music could be seen on our TV's.

I was there children.

The first music video played that day was Video Killed The Radio Star.

So people went from listening to the radio waiting on the day they would have radio with pictures to listening to music on the TV.

Ironic ain't it?

Just John

Just John.

Nothing else nothing more.

Just call me John.Not Mr John.

Not Mr Hayes,Haines,Hays.

Not even Mr Haynes.

Just John.

Feeling the love

Feeling the love.Yes I am.For the past 2 weeks I have been celebrating my birthday.

My Dear TFH family has gone all out.

Cookies,cupcakes(red velvet)Papa John's pizza,2 times I say again 2 times my favorite meal of hamburger steak,crinkle cut fries and Texas Toast.

I even got a Sugar Daddy all day long sucker here on the table waiting for me.

Yesterday morning I was awaken with a cup of Mc Donalds's coffee and hot strawberry pie.

Yes I'm feeling the love and it's starting to show as in my pants are getting tight.

Lesson time

 How to speak Southern and fit right in:
1.Cheer-thang you sit in as in Lazy Boy cheer.
2.Flo-you can walk on it or if from a big family sleep on it.
3.Doe-not the animal but that thang you knock knock on as someone knocking at the doe go see who it is.
4.Fanger-most got 10 but I did know a girl who had 12 and also she had 12 toes-cool.
5.Winder-as in sit in your Lazy Boy cheer just looking out the winder.
6.Shoot fire-expression of great amazement.
7.Gaa Lee-same as shoot fire.
8.Chitlins-Dont ask I ain't even that Southern.
9.Dawg- simple-goes bow wow has four legs and a waggy tail.
10.This is where you get to make up your own-

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How about you?

This immigration thing.

What's the big deal?

Way I see it if you ain't a native American as in Indian you are one.

Yes you are a immigrant.

Even me .

I'm a legal alien immigrant from Alabama.

How about you?

I think we are not

This Paula Deen thing just won't go away.

Must be a slow news summer and the holier- than- thou news folks got to have someone to judge.Maybe to cover up their own sins.

Let me refresh your memory.


Centennial Park bombing.

Richard Jewel.Working security finds suspicious package and warns people to get out of area.

It's a bomb.

Explodes killing 2 and injuring many.Mr Jewel is a hero saving many lives.

Now comes Mr and Mrs news persons.On just a hint no real proof they accuse Richard Jewel of being the bomber.

Making a long story short they ruin his life.Hounding his every footstep.Parked out side his front door with cameras waiting for something big to happen.Johnny on the spot these news folks are.

He is innocent.Eric Rudolph is the guilty party of this bombing and several more.

Mr. Jewel is never apologized to and it all was swept under the rug by the news folks.And if I'm correct the law enforcement people also.


When looking in that mirror this morning,stop,take a look at the reflection and ask...Am I'm qualified to judge?Am I sin free?

I think we are not.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Ode to my TFH family

Tell you what
Big job gotta do
Hugging pretty Ladies
Starting with you

Love you all
My TFH family
Birthday was super
I had a ball

Gonna ride my light
Gonna be a pest
Just cause ya'll nice
I tease ya in jest

Some things don't have to say
Just want ya'll to know
Each and everyone of you
Sure make my day

I'm not through

Days of disapointment
Ups and downs
Times of bliss
No reason for frowns

Good and bad
Saddness and happiness
Lots of good luck
These days I've had

I'm not through
Not giving up
Life is Precious
Have plenty to do

Sunday, June 23, 2013

In the scheme of life

I have come to realize that in the scheme of life I'm just a minuet particle of dust.

Nothing more nothing less.

I have left no lasting impression on this world.

A memory is all I will be if so lucky.

My secret...

I have a secret.Don't think this has ever been mentioned before.

I'm a New York Yankee baseball fan.Yep my favorite team.The Atlanta Braves come in second place sorry about that Evan Gattis.

My reason for being a Yankee fan.Age 4 living in Standing Rock,Alabama.Summer Saturdays.Watching black and white TV.

Back then baseball games where shown only on Saturday.

The team I remember watching was the New York Yankees.They where sorta the hometown team for us folks living down here.This was way before the Braves came to town.Maybe even before the Atlanta Crackers baseball team.Yes I kid you not that was their name.

Mickey Mantle,Roger Maris,Yogi and Whitey I heard and seen them on TV.

They where the only baseball team I knew.

So that is the reason I still call them Yankees my team.

The little boy from Standing Rock,Alabama is still your number one fan.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Interesting facts about my birthday

June 24th 1952 on a  Tuesday I John Lee Haynes made my entrance into this world.

1514 Vernon Road LaGrange ,Georgia.City County Hospital.

The temperature 10 days later on July 4th would reach a record high of 104 degrees.

On your Way to Your Birthday on 24.June.1952:

You were born on Tuesday on 24.June.1952 and you think this is your oldest day of your life history but you are sadly wrong. Let's surprise you:

19.August.1951, Sunday, (Your birthday -310 days):

On 19.August.1951, Sunday, your father has produced the semen that will be half of you soon.

He produced 1000 sperms every second of his life and you will be be lucky one out of 500 million sperm he sent on their way in the conceivement. You may find interesting to know that if he had drunk (or not drunk) coffee on this Sunday morning, you might born completely as someone else (for instance in the opposite sex) as kafein changes the speed of male sperms.

3.September.1951, Monday (Your birthday -295 days):

Today your mother ad her last menstrual cycle and started building up the egg, that will be the other half of you.

After today, she will not have this cycle again for a very long time (thanks to you!). She spent Monday as moody, anxious, short-tempered and you should be glad, you were not around her that day!

18.September.1951, Tuesday (Your birthday -280 days):

Your mother's egg is ready to build the other half of you and your father and your mother got together to make you.

But there is still no "you" around so don't get excited much. It can take several hours for your father's sperm to reach your mother's egg and now it is just on its way out.

19.September.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -279 days):

Out of 500 million sperm on their way to your mother's egg, the sperm which built you has won the race by coming first and the sperm and the egg is became one to make your very first cell. Do you see how lucky your half (the sperm) be by winning coming up first among 500 million other rivals? Never tell you are not lucky anymore!

We can call Wednesday, 19.September.1951 as your "first day alive" because this is when you are a living entity, an embryo, congratulations! Although you are just a 1 cell creature today your unique DNA is also formed so your future destiny like your sex, height, physical apperance, intelligence, characteristic and vulnability to certain dissesases is already been determined.

3.October.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -265 days):

If your mother is an intelligent women, she would have suspected that she is pregnant at 3.October.1951, Wednesday. She is not very sure yet but she is suspicious. We hope she was excited and joyed, not worried.

10.October.1951, Wednesday (Your birthday -258 days):

Today your mother is telling your father about her pregrancy and he is celebrating to be a daddy!

Day 10.October.1951, Wednesday is also important in that, your heart has pumped for the first time today. We don't know if it is a coincedence that your father learned about you in the very day, your heart first pumped!

25.December.1951, Tuesday (Your birthday -182 days):

Your parents could have lawfully got an abortion until 25.December.1951, Tuesday so this is also an important day of your life. Today they decided you should live!

We are glad they didn't otherwise, we'd lose one site visitor in

24.June.1952, Tuesday(Your birthday):

You are born to a cruel world. Happy birthday little buddy! We hope you remember to enjoy your life which was a big journey from day minus 310 to today.
Something Interesting Fact About Your Life

Born 24.June.1952?: Here is some intersting in your life:

(Add courtesy of and feel free to post this info about 24.June.1952?)
  • Your lucky days are Tuesday (Conceivement date, Your parents decided to not to have an abortion, You were born) and Wednesday (Your first cell is built, Your mother suspects she is pregnant, Your heart beat for the first time).
  • You are exactly 61 years 1 week 6 days 22 hours 58 minutes 21 seconds old.
  • You will receive your next birthday gift in 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 39 seconds later.
  • If your hair were never cut since 24.June.1952, it would be 8.889 m. today.
  • If your nails were never cut since 24.June.1952, they would be 2.206 m. today.
  • An apple tree seeded on 24.June.1952, bore 5,417.144 kg. apple till today.
  • Its contribution to economy is $21,614.4 and it fed 9,089 people. We hope that in your life you, as a human being, achieved more than that poor apple tree


I'm listening to a re broadcast of Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell from a few years ago.

What I heard amazed me.

Seems at one time US astronauts had a problem.They needed a ink pen that would write upside down in a weightless environment.

After research and one million dollars they came up with a fix.


Russian cosmonauts had the same problem.

They fixed it.

They used a pencil.

My ribbon

Seems there is a ribbon for every cause.

Cancer,heart problems,on and on.

Where is my ribbon?

I think I've earned a ribbon for just putting up with all the crude,rude and inconsiderate people I have known in my almost 61 years.

Let me design my ribbon.

Most likely it would be a ribbon that looks like a man biting his lip because he tried to get along with others but it wasn't good enough for them.

I looked I drooled

Back in the 80's every time I walked past the local Radio Shack window I would stop and drool.

There it was.A Tandy TR 80 computer.A real puter with a monitor,keyboard and cassette tape drive.

If I remember right the computer was priced way over my head.

I had just started noticing these things people called personal computers.

For less than $40 bucks you could buy a Sinclair.A computer in kit form.Just a little black box the size of your hand.

About that time folks started hearing about this computer called Apple.Now if I had been smart I should have bought stock in that Apple company.

I settled for a Radio Shack Color Computer.Just a keyboard,cassette drive where you wrote your on programs and it used a TV for a monitor.

One of the local computer whiz kids who just started to work as a computer programmer called them TOYS so I never used it again.

This was the beginning of the PC for most of us.

Now a computer is just as common as a Mr.Coffee maker.

Just stop right there...

Raised in the South.

The third time the news person said that I got the picture.

Everyone in the South was going to be guilty by association only.

Ok friend just stop right there.

Who do you think you are Mr Mrs Everything I do is perfect and never have made a mistake.

I'm talking about what these news folks are saying about Paula Deen.She is not the subject of this little story but the reactions of people.

I'm talking about geographical bigots.Yes you.One person said something and there you go jumping on your high horse condemning a whole area of the United States.

I have heard it in newscast,movies ,songs and print about how terrible the South is and I'm tired of it.

You are dead wrong and shame on you friend.You know not of which you speak.

Read history Mr Mrs Know It All.Open your mind.

Check yourself and release this bigotry you have learned.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Are you sitting down?

What is wrong with me?What have I done?

Sit a spell and I'll tell you all about it.

I just gave something away.Something good.Something I like.

What in the world has come over me lately.

Is this what old age is about?Does it keep getting worse?

It started off innocently enough a few weeks ago.I gave something away that I really wanted.I'm talking really wanted.

It was a bag of Snickers bars someone brought me.I thought a long time after that trying to figure out what and why I did that.

Then the next day out of the blue with no reason what so ever I gave away a bag of Dum Dum candy suckers.

Dum Dums I repeat Dum Dums.

I must be suffering from some unknown diagnosed aliment because today I hit bottom.

I have reached a new low.

Sitting down yet?

Here goes.

I- I- I gave away yes Dear ones cover the children's ears...Girl Scout Cookies.

SAMONES ! Those chocolate,coconut carmel cookies.

Yes I did.I know unspeakable yes?

Maybe I have matured in my old age and have got serious about this being a diabetic thing.

Yes I say again SAMONES !

Food triangle

The food triangle.Those suggestions the people in charge or as I call them know-it-alls say to eat every day.

If I was an artiste mine would look different.

At the bottom of the triangle would be french fries,chili fries with cheese and a sack full of Krystal burgers.A good solid meal that fills.

Next on the triangle I would have hush puppies and onion rings.

Moving up our fruit section.Plum Grannies.That is the only fruit needed.Plum Grannies.

Red Velvet cake is on our next level.Just to get that needed nutrient of sugar we all need.

Top of the triangle our liquid refreshment shall be an icy cold 6 ouncer bottle of CoCola.

See who needs those expert wanna bees that take pleasure in telling us what to eat.

Be your own boss.

Wicky Wacky creek

Working in the fields on a hot sweltry day the sun beating down on the back of your neck.So thirsty it feels like your tongue has swollen the size of your fist.

Sweat running down your blistered forehead into your eyes feels like someone has splashed your face with hot salty water.

Then you see it !

Round plump and green.

A watermelon growing wild amongst the corn stalks and stinging okree.

Relief from your woes sent by God in Heaven.

Quickly with joy and glee the prize is gathered up.It's large a 20 pounder or so.Down to Wicky Wacky creek you carry your prize.Wick Wacky creek is well know for being the fastest running and coldest creek in the county.

Carefully the prize melon is lowered into the deepest,coldest part of the creek.

You wait.And wait till the work in the field is over.You watch as the blistering sun sinks lower into the western sky.


The end of the work day is nearly over.

Dust is stirred up by barefooted feet scrambling to be the first reaching the creek.

Smiles of delight as the big,round plump ready to eat chilled by the waters of Wicky Wacky creek watermelon is busted onto the closest large rock.

End of the work day and the beginning of rest and relaxation and the cold watermelon.

Leaning up against the shade of a tall old Oak tree you think work is good but this icy cold sweet watermelon is much better.

Dude ! Wheres my flying car ?

Dude ! Wheres my flying car?

It's the year 2013 and when I was a bright eyed naive kid who believed everything I was told or read by now everyone was to be flying around in their own little personal vehicle
They lied to us huh folks.Reading those Popular Mechanics magazines of my youth I could not wait till the day of owning and flying my personal vehicle they promised us.

I know there have been some so called flying cars but none mass produced like the Jetson's flying car that I know of and expected.

George Jetson, his wife Jane, daughter Judy and his boy Leroy I guess got theirs but where is ours?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

From my heart that beats fast

If I make it till Monday,June 24th I will be 61.

Got everything I need.Not much really I want.I'm half way what you call satisfied with life.

If by some miracle I had the chance to go back and change some things maybe I would.

Not much really I would do different.Mabye some odds and ends.

These days I'm just laying low going with the flow.

Been a good week for my favorite subject of food.

Monday Ms Michele brought me BBQ pork chops with baked beans and potato salad.Tuesday Ms Kathy surprised me with a quarter pounder with bacon,fries and delicious coffee from Mc Donald's.Tuesday night for supper Ms Brittany gave me BBQ ribs and pork chops,baked beans,little cut up fried potatoes and corn on the cob.Yesterday Mr Charles brought me some spicy homemade chili which was outta this world.

To top it all off I've had chocolate ice cream and red velvet cake this week.

For all this I am so very thankful to these Dear people for making me happy and very full with that food.

Now I'm just waiting for that hamburger steak with gravy and onions ,plate full of crinkle cut fries and Texas toast someone promised to FedX me.

Update...I was weighed today...The scale was kind to true weight  will be kept a secret...the scale just said"you're are a big boy ain't you".

Thank you all !

Happy is I's

Crinkle cut fries
Happy is I's
Eats them till I dies
Take'm away I do cries

Talent inherited?

Maybe talent does run in families.Did you hear about this little dilly?

Joe Torre.Baseball player,one time catcher for the Atlanta Braves.I'm old enough to remember seeing him play at the old Fulton County Stadium.Back in the days when Hammering Hank Arron was playing.

Remember I mentioned Joe was a catcher.That is the key word in this story.

Seems Joe's daughter inherited some of her Dad's talent.

NYC.Baby falls off fire escape.

Yep you guessed it.Joe Torre's daughter walking by catches the baby.

Talent inherited?

Ain't coming back

I never learned to swim.
My fault can't blame anyone else.
6 years old.
Early in the morning.
Like 7 am that type of early in the morning.
Me and Momma.
Callaway pool.
Swim lessons.
Jump in pool.
Water freezing.
Momma I ain't coming back.
End of swimming lessons.


Tough guy.Mobster.Family man.Father.

Tony Soprano.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Things I like

Things I like.
Puppies and kittens.
Watermelon on a hot summer day.
Hamburgers cooked with charcoal.
Old cars.
Old houses.
Old people.
Old blue jeans.
Old dogs and cats.
Genuine friendly people.
Fresh cut lawns.
Walking through the dew covered grass early in the morning.
Summer rain.
Thunder storms if the power stays on.
Just sitting and a thinking.
Sitting and thinking go better with a porch swing.
Seeing someone you really want to see.
Sound of the wind flowing through pine trees.
Smell of burning leaves on a cool fall afternoon.
You sometimes just teasing.

My theory on broccoli

Seems like everyone is against something or another.I won't be a hypocrite there are a few things I'm against and don't like myself.

I never liked working the morning shift.To many bosses always hanging around.Seems they where always trying to look busy watching you work.

I've noticed maybe you have also this.If you have 10 people and 1 hole to be dugged there will always be 1 man a digging and 9 a watching that hole being dugged.I think the city of LaGrange,Georgia has a copyright on that little deal.

I was also anti early mornings school times.My reason being it always interfered with my sleep.School should start in my humble opinion around 3ish each day.

I'm very anti broccoli,cauliflower and any thing ,vegetable or meat steamed.Do the world a favor by not filling up the trash dumps of the world with that junk.I even think people eating broccoli is why there is a hole burnt in the ozone layer and the cause of this global warming thing.

I have no way of proving this but that is my theory on broccoli.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To my Juniper Street redneck friend

To my Juniper Street redneck friend
Today's your last day
Everyone round here will kinda miss you
And all those wacky things you say

Gone but not forgotten
Like them days of old
I for one
Enjoyed the stories you told

See ya around
You take care
Come back and see us
If you dare

Now run along
Get outta here
I'm trying to be nice
But you know all here love you and we might shed a tear



It's not about what is right.

It's not about what is good.

It's not about what is moral.

It's not about common sense.


It's about party.

It's about control.

It's about spin.

It's about lies.


It's not about us.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A better day

The firetruck and ambulance have just left here.

The ambulance left with lights and siren.That's usually  a sign some one here is having a rough time.

Like being unresponsive.

I have wrote about my feelings on that subject before.

Maybe someone is being set free of these worldly troubles and tribulations.

For those who believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins on the cross and rose from the grave a better day awaits them.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why take chances

Out of no where you get that chill running down your spine.It's called a rabbit running over your grave.Least that is what I always heard.

Those old sayings.The one's your Grand Ma would tell you.

Sayings like never wash clothes on Sunday.I heard that so many times I never did laundry on Sunday.

What you are doing on New Year's Day is what  you will be doing all year long.

Long as a black cat is in the house you will never marry.I was blessed,kept a black cat around just to be sure it never happened.

All these sayings and superstitions.

Who knows if they are true.

Why take chances.

Type of day

It's a banana sandwich,orange kool aid and chocolate chip cookie type of day.

Not alone?

Was I the only one?

The odds are pretty good I'm not alone in my feelings.

4 billion people in this big ole world and I bet some had the same outlook on this subject as I did.

The subject this morning is school.

I'm not saying I hated school just say it wasn't of my favorite things to do at such an early hour each morning.Why so early?Just as I was sleeping good.

I did enjoy some parts of it I will admit.

There was recess yep good at that.

Lunch I did good and enjoyed it.Till this very day I can still smell those delicious meals cooking in the lunch room.About 11 am each school day the halls would fill with the aroma of those rolls being baked as I tried to guess what was on the menu.

I did 3 pm good also.Time to go home yay!

I was in all honesty good at those parts of school.

Field trips I also enjoyed.

Maybe if school started about 3 pm each day I would have done so much better.

But what I excelled in was summer vacation.

Back in the old days June,July and August where the months made for a kid.

School was out!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Funny ha ha

Watching Flash Gordon.

He is fighting a big ole Gorilla with one horn in the center of his head.

As my friend Karl from the movie Slingblade would say...

Funny ha ha.

Words I could say

I could say
Daddy I love you
I could say
Daddy I miss you

But those are
Just spoken words
Even tho gone
Your'e never far

Have your memories
See your smile
Even though
It's been awhile

Words I could say
But they aren't enough
Happy Fathers Day

More Southerns sayings and definations

More Southern sayings and definitions:
1.Shoot yeah_Oh yes with feeling.
2.Bless your heart_Nice way of saying I don't really care.
3.Say what?_Help me out folks I've hit rock bottom.
4.Citizens arrest citizens arrest_What Goober shouted at Barney after he made an illegal U turn.
5.Nip it in the bud Andy_What Barney tells Andy to do about Opie.
6.What we have here is failure to communicate_Warden to Cool Hand Luke.
7.I have run out of sayings_Make up one of your own.
8.Dog gone_ Same thing as ah shoot.
9.Scroll up see #8 dog gone_Cuss word you can use around Grand Ma.
10.Dog go'nit_Cussing up a storm around Grand Ma.

Only thing better

Google internship.

I want to be one.

I could do that I think.

$6000 a month salary,free room,board,food and the chance for a permanent job after internship.

Let me get the calculator out here hold on.

That is $72,000.00 a year.

Shoot yeah where do I sign up for this deal?

Only thing better than that is being a kid living with your parents with a huge allowance.

Friday, June 14, 2013

In the mood

In the mood.Yes I am.Not for love not for romance not for excitement.

I'm in the mood for.... beans.

That's right beans.A big bowl of beans.

Don't matter what kind.

Pintos,big white butter beans,speckled butter beans,navy beans,9 bean soup.

Just soupy beans and a pan of hot corn bread and a big onion.

Keep your steamed carrots,cauliflower and that awful broccoli.

I need BEANS.

Lived to tell about it

I played in the street.
Smoked cigarettes.
Chewed tobacco.
Dipped snuff.
Rode in cars with no seat belts or air bags or baby seats.
Hugged dogs.
Kissed cats.
Had a pet monkey named Jim and a duck from Farmers Supply.
Black eyes broke teeth and my share of skinned knees.
Got switchings and even cut my own switch.
Had a BB gun and knew how to use it.
Been in a few rock throwing  battles .
Hands have been dirty my feet rusty and I played in the dirt.
Swam in mud holes shared by snakes.
Long trips in cars with windows up with people smoking those Camels.
Camped out slept in tree houses and drinked water from creeks.
Yes these are some of the things I did as a kid .Bet you did also and we lived to tell about it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Big hug for you

Are you have you ever been a caregiver?

If so here is a big hug for you.

I know from being a caregiver for my Mom who had Alzheimer's what your life is all about.

At times when it seems like family has abandoned you and those days when you have gone without sleep I know banging your head against a wall seems like a good idea just remember God is looking down on you giving extra strength to do what you have to do.

Someone said once just hang in there.Do that it will be worth it someday.No guilt of abandonment of your loved one.The knowledge that you did something.You tried.You didn't take the easy way out.

You did good !

Seen a life saved last night.

One of my roomies was going into a diabetic coma when his sugar dropped to low.

Nurse Vickie took care of the situation.

You did good !

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Best place to be

I would dearly love to be on the Chattahoochee river this morning.Just sitting under a moss covered shade tree watching the river flow by swift and fast.

Just give me a can of potted meat,some soda crackers,RC cola and a big chocolate moon pie.

Just listening to the sound of that rushing water and all God's little creatures singing to glory.

Maybe the best place to be on this hot June morning.


To much fun
In the sun
I did burn
Never will learn

I might be...

Gosh I think I'm bilingual maybe even trilingual.

Let me explain.

I half way can speak English.Southern slang anyway.If wanted I could speak and be understood by my fellow Georgians and Alabamians and if not from here you would have no idea what was being said.

Now back to what I spoke of in the beginning.

I know another language.

Spanish.I speak it pretty good.


That makes me bilingual.

I can also speak a little Italian.


I'm working on a couple more languages as we speak.

Working on my German.


Save me a chair Grand Pa

Farmer.Hunter extraordinaire.Rumored moonshiner/bootlegger.

Lee Anderson Haynes.

My Grand Pa.

The rumor about him being a moonshiner/bootlegger are not so much a rumor as it was fact.

Way I see it he did what was necessary to feed his family.

I'm his namesake.Really I'm named after both of my Grand Pa's.

John Thomas Smith.Baptist preacher and Lee Anderson Haynes.

That makes me John Lee Haynes.A name I like and thank you Momma for taking your time in naming me.She said the nurses where pushing her for a name to put on my birth certificate.

The rest is history.

Yes Grand Pa after 58 years I still miss you.

Hope you got a cool shady tree to sit under and plenty of nice folks for you to talk and tell tales with and all the peaches and cream you want for breakfast.Hope you got some good hunting dogs with you Grand Pa.

Just save me a chair at the breakfast table Grand Pa right next to you and Daddy.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Make your own cell phone

Make your own cell phone parts list:
1.tin cans(2)
2.long piece of string

Assembly instructions:
1.punch hole in each tin can bottom
2.insert string into each hole
3.tie string into knot

Operating manual:
1.hold can up to ear to receive calls
2.speak into cans to make calls

Just thinking

Just thinking.Nothing else to do.Before you think I'm completely koo koo hear me out.

There seems to be no real proof of UFO's or the ones that fly them.With everyone toting a camera with them these days why hasn't one photo or video that proves beyond a doubt that UFO's exists surfaced.

Maybe they are here.We just can't see them.Maybe they exists in another dimension.Maybe they are cloaked you know hidden.

Another thing maybe they only come out in the day time when no one is looking for them.Maybe we do see them but just don't recognize them as being UFO's.Maybe those spots before your eyes are....well you get the picture.

Then again those spots before your eyes maybe are a sign to see the eye Doctor.

Georgia in June

Georgia in June.


And the ever present afternoon thunder storms.

This video I found on YouTube,it's not mine but gives you a good idea of what to expect on a Georgia afternoon in the summer time.

Those great commercials

I don't watch much TV.For almost a year a TV wasn't available to me.Well TV was but no cable.

Being a child of the TV generation I will admit TV was missed.But survive I did.

I read for the first time in my life.Books about the Civil War several of those and the Bible.I really got into that.

TV and cable now I enjoy well enjoy no not really.Same o same o reruns of this and that and baseball games.I rarely watch my favorite of NASCAR on Sunday anymore.

But thanks to Hulu,Veetle and other available TV services on the internet I lay right here in this comfy bed and can watch anything my heart desires.

The best TV programming in my humble opinion is of all things some of the commercials.

Those Publix grocery store commercials can make me cry.

GEICO insurance I know nothing of their company but their commercials are the best.Maxwell the pig is brilliant to me.Who ever writes that stuff please don't stop.The GEICO commercial about the Pillsbury doe boy going through the airport security and being so ticklish is funny to me.

I don't know what this says about me or the state of TV writing but if you get a chance pay attention more to some of the commercials.

Monday, June 10, 2013

You are addicted

If the world is still standing in the year 2045 I predict that humans will be so radiated and microwaved from cell phone use that those little phones will no longer be needed.

We will glow fluorescent green in the dark.Our ears will serve as antennas.There will be no need for a mouth because talking is no longer needed all communication will be done by texting.Eyes will be useless because people will have built in GPS.

I based this prediction on this.

Every time I turn around people are seen talking or texting on their little star trek communicators.Admit it you are hooked on them and can't break the habit.

Gather your children's children and tell them the story of how it was in yesteryear.1 phone,black,rotary dial in the house and people actually left them off the hook or unplugged them so as not to be disturbed.Yes my child that is how it was done in the old days.

Now I bet that those cell phones are never more than hands reach from you.Always on,waiting for who ever to call or text.Day night waiting that little electronic gizmo is.Falling asleep gazing at it waiting waiting.

Yes friend you are addi....Hold on I got a text.

Baby gator

Years ago when traveling through Flardy you could buy a baby alligator just as easy as a bag of oranges.

The baby finger snappers offers where sold at roadside stands right along side of coconuts,oranges and fake Indian moccasins.

Several times a year my Daddy and a group of men from church would go deep sea fishing at St. Pete,Florida when I was just a little boy.

I always had the same request Daddy bring me a baby gator.I'm sad to say,no maybe relieved Daddy had better sense than me.

I never got one.

Instead I always got a bag of green oranges or a coconut.Those coconuts would keep me busy for hours trying to crack them.

Yeah someone had good sense when they outlawed selling baby gators on the side of the road.Lot of folks forget that those little buggers grow up and become man eaters.

Ain't no telling how many of those little creatures have been flushed down the toilet when they got big and ornary.

Others where let lose in ponds and rivers through out the South.A few years ago an eight foot gator was found up the road in Franklin,Ga in the Chattahoochee river.

Now back to those coconuts...


That old saying.

If you can't say something nice don't say anything.

Bye !

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Miss it terribly...

If I had just been smart.Used a little more judgment.Had some foresight.

I would still be back at my old home place.A home I truly loved and was proud of.

A home with memories.

Maybe the old home place wasn't nice enough for some but for me it was.It was clean and well kept.I enjoyed living there being on my own.Doing my own cooking.Butter beans and cornbread,food way I wanted.

Cleaning house I didn't mind at all.

Having a little pride in where you live is a good thing.

In short I love that place.33 years of my life spent there in the Hillside mill village.

I miss it terribly.

More Southern sayings and definitions

More Southern sayings and definitions:
1.The American Civil War-The war of Yankee aggression as Granny Clampet called it.
1 1/2.A man named Sherman-A very very bad man.
2.Yankee-Anything or anybody north of Hogansville,Georgia oops my kin came from Baltimore!
3.Hogansville,Georgia-Just come see for yourself.
4.Fixin to-Getting ready to do something.
5.Fanger-What them Yankees call a finger.
6.Eating chicken with a fork-A Yankee who ain't really hungry.
7.Double barrel sling shot-What Elly Mae Clampet called her bra.
7 1/2.Biscuits cooked by Elly Mae-Ammo for her double barrel sling shot.
8.Cement pond-Where Granny made her arthritis medicine.
9.Ghost in the walls-Ringing of the doorbell at the Clampet mansion.
9 1/2.Double naught spy-Jethro Bodine.
10.Saying something nice about them Yankees-Impossible!(just teasing,I love Yankees,really).

Off my high horse

Alright I off my high horse now.Won't preach about anything.Guaranteed.

I will bore you talking about one of my favorite subjects.


Read today about a restaurant that served fried chicken and doughnuts together.That doesn't sound to weird to me.Plenty of folks have fried chicken with waffles.

I have had folks tell me things about food combos never thought of by me.

Things like chili and honey buns(Ms. Jewel).Peppermint candy with pecans.

I like french fries with my spaghetti.Some think that is weird but try it sometime.Cookies and butter milk is another favorite of mine.

But never add ketchup to your scrambled eggs.

That's just gross.

The Lord Knows I'm...

Don't get me wrong.Everyday I have to start over.

Not perfect.

Trying my best not to be a hypocrite.One of those do as I say not as I do types.

This is the way I see it,never will I be able to walk in Jesus footsteps all I can do is follow his footsteps.

Years ago there was a song by Cal Smith "The Lord Knows I'm Drinkin".

That's what I say.He knows what I'm doing and what I'm not.

Me and Karl

Me and Karl(sling blade)have alot in common.

Karl likes biscuits I like biscuits.Karl likes french fried taters I like french fried taters.

Karl is smarter than what folks think.He know what's right and wrong.

He knows who is bad and those that are good.

Karl knows what the Bible said about a few things that people today are being like ostriches about hiding their head in the sand.Trying to turn things around to make what they are doing seem right and normal.

As Karl would say to some of these folks...funny ha ha .

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why did you wake me up?

It was just a short nap after lunch.
I was dreaming.Such a sweet dream.
I was back home.
Momma and Daddy where there.
Why did you wake me up?

Can you handle the truth?

Never more shall I live this lie.
Are you ready for the truth?
Can you handle the truth?
Sit down and let me tell you my story.
I have always wondered why I was attracted to the night sky.Looking up into the starry blackness I would stare.Looking,searching for something,what I never knew.
Till last night !
A bright light woke me up.You know that feeling of being sound asleep and someone turns the lights on.Blinded I was for seconds.The light was almost painful.
This was no ordinary light.It engulf the room and I felt soaked by it's warmth.
I had the feeling of not being alone.I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was here.
The light slowly faded away and I could open my eyes without pain.
There !
At the foot of my bed it stood.
It was ...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Watching over you

Careful what you say
Careful what you do
Careful what think
Someone is watching over you

Thursday, June 6, 2013


When a nursing home resident goes to the hospital I consider it a vacation.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Careful !

Well vacationers worldwide it's summer in the northern hemisphere and people are thinking of the beach.

Warm tropical days,starlit nights.Those crowded beaches.People wading in the surf of their favorite ocean.

Then !

Just a reminder of what lurks in the water.

Sorry if I ruined your vacation.

Just say no

Just say no.

Chrysler did to the governments request to recall certain models of Jeeps.Seems the Jeeps tend to blow up in a rear end collision.

The Pinto of the new century I guess they could be called.

Chrysler didn't say no to that government bailout of their failing company that the citizens of America funded a few years ago.

Moral of the story.If you are a big company just do what you want.Not what is right.

Consumers should just say no to Chrysler.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I am a man

I will accept responsibility for what I do.
I will not blame others for the things that go wrong in my life.
I will accept difficult situations trying to make the best out of them.
I will to the best of my ability always be honest and truthful.
I will forgive.
I will try to forget.
I will not judge.
I am a man

Monday, June 3, 2013

The calling

I think my true calling has been missed.

Laying here thinking about a little story about my Uncle Joe.My Grand Pa John Smith yes that was his name was a Baptist preacher.

Story is Grand Ma Smith hardly ever got to go to church because she was always cooking for the other preachers that Grand Pa brought home.The ones doing revivals or just passing thru I guess.

Now Grand Ma and Grand Pa had 13 kids of that 11 lived.So there was a house full putting it mildly.

The kids as was the custom back in those days as was the ladies ate after the men had ate first.I know it wasn't fair or right but that was the way it was done back then.

One of the preachers put my Uncle Joe who was just a little boy at the time up to tell them preachers to "save us kids some of that fried chicken"well to put it mildly that didn't set well with his Daddy my Grand Pa very well at all and proceeded to get up from the table and teach my Uncle some manners.

Thank goodness the preacher who put Uncle Joe up to that stepped in and stopped it.

Now this was what I was thinking that I mentioned in the beginning of this little story.

At times I tend to enjoy talking.To much I have been told a few times in my long life.

My calling.Yes I missed it I think.At times like I said talking is fun and enjoyed.I sure do like to eat.That is one of my favorite activities.

So I'm thinking maybe I should have followed in my Grand Pa's footsteps and became a Baptist preacher.

Talking,eating and serving God all wrapped up in one little ball.

Pictured left to right standing my Grand Pa Smith and Grand Ma Smith not long after being married.

More to say than I thought

Not much going on outside the big window so far.

I did see the lady walking this time down the street caring that baseball bat again.Maybe she is the neighborhood watch lady on patrol who knows.

The hummingbirds must be sleeping in haven't seen any so far.I try taking a photo when they buzz the feeder but they are just to fast or vicer versa I'm just to slow.By the time I get the phone ready they are zip zap flown the coup.

71 glorious degrees this morn at 7:14 am on Monday June 3rd its cloudy and the forecast is for hot hot and more hot plus that always present chance of an afternoon thunder boomer.

Waiting on my breakfast and oh by the way yesterday I had a wonderful home cooked meal of get this butter beans,fried battered okra or as I say okree yes I have the Yankee version spell checker cause it's telling me I spelled okree wrong,silly thing it is,collards,cornbread oh yes brothers and sisters with a slice of tomato and a stalk of green pepper and topped it all off with home made peach cobbler.

Wow I didn't think there was much to write about this morning.

Stay tuned the day is just getting started.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Mr. David
This is for you
We as in I
Appreciate the things you do

That meal today
Hey what can I say
Okree fried up mean
Cornbread collards and oh those butter beans

I tell Ms. Cheetos
Every chance I get
She married well
Least that's what I tell

Over a hot stove a slaving
Cooking those meals
To me really
Food home cooked is a big deal

Those 2 boys are lucky to
Like I tell Ms.Cheetos
Hope they know
How lucky they are having a Daddy like you

You come by
Some day when you can
This ole country boy
Want's to shake your hand

Right way to eat watermelon

It's that time of the year.Time for cold sweet watermelon.

I've had 2 slices this year so far and all I can say was it was delicious.

Eating my watermelon I got to thinking.

What is the proper way to eat watermelon?

Now take me if no one is watching I just grab a big ole slice and start chomping away.Don't matter if it gets messy or not just go for it and enjoy.

I will admit having a beard is a drawback when eating watermelon and certain other foods like soup,chili and ice cream.It does tend to get what would be a good word here hmmm,only thing that comes to my mind is a little gross could describe it.Seeds and juice in your beard or if you are living out in the boonies with no neighbors I guess you could refer it as a snack a little later on.

But you know those city folks will ruin everything.Take the pleasure out of eating good messy treats like watermelon and such.

But take it from an ole watermelon lover and eater like me.The proper way to eat watermelon is like that little guy in the picture.

Just grab a big hunk and enjoy !

My long lost brother...

Good news !

After many years of searching I have found and been reunited with my long lost twin brother.

We where separated at birth.I being raised in the great state of Georgia.My brother unfortunately was raised in New Jersey.

Tho the years and miles have kept us separated the resemblance is amazing.We are the spitting image of each other

Yes my lost lost twin his name is Cleo by the way was raised up in New Jersey and we do have a slight communication problem.

I was offering him a CoCola and he pointed at the bottle and said Pop.No Cleo our Dad's name was Harold.Poor thing keeps saying youse guys to everybody he meets even the nice pretty ladies he refers to as youse guys.Cleo has been living a sheltered life it seems and must get out more.

Yes my Dear friends having family is a nice thing.

If only Cleo would learn to speak properly and eat biscuits instead of those things he calls bagels.

I will try

I know
I'm not the man I should be
I'm not the man I want to be
I'm not the man God commands me

Things I do
Things I say
Things I think
Not God's way

I will try
I will do
I will live
Way God wants me to

In control

Last night
In the western sky
What did I see
Natures fireworks so beautiful to me

Laying here in bed
Watching natures show
Just a sign
God's in control

Sound of thunder
Lightning and rain
In all man's marvels
The weather he can't tame

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Something I must say

Got something I must say
Someone nice made my day
Burger and fries from Mickey D's
Thank you so much Ms. K C

Smarter than I look

I'm smarter than I look.

Yesterday a friend here at the home brought me a bag of little fun sized Snicker bars and a bag of Dum Dum suckers.

I thought long and hard about the situation.

Keep and eat the Snickers which I love and run the chance of dying from a diabetic coma or...

I did the right thing.I'm so proud of myself.

Not one of those dark,delicious sweet candy bars did I let touch my lips.

For a moment it seems I came to my senses and was thinking of the big picture,life down the road instead of just the moment.

I gave away with heavy heart. elevated sugar level and salivating  taste buds that bag of Snickers bars.

But I kept those Dum Dums.

I ain't that stupid !

Big ole...

If I had a big ole Harley think riding all day would suit me fine.

Up down those 2 lane country roads I would go.

Wind in my face, blowing hair,well what little I have left anyway,bugs in my teeth from all those flying critters that where just a tad slow on getting out of the way.

To sights unseen I would putt putt along on this beautiful June day.

No particular place to go and plenty of time to get there where ever that be.

Stopping at some little roadside cafe for a real hamburger and a plate full of fries and an icy cold CoCola.You didn't think I was going to write a story and leave out food did you?

A modern day cowboy that's what I would be.A big ole Harley replacing my trusty big ole horse.

Ball bat upside head...

Looking out the window this I seen.

A woman walking up the street caring a baseball bat.

This could be taken several different ways thinking to myself.Maybe she is going to play baseball or softball.Maybe the bat is for protection from dogs or other critters,human or animal.Maybe this was a sign that someone was going to have a bad day as in ball bat upside the head type of thing.

So just proves there is more than one way to look at every situation.