Friday, June 21, 2013

Are you sitting down?

What is wrong with me?What have I done?

Sit a spell and I'll tell you all about it.

I just gave something away.Something good.Something I like.

What in the world has come over me lately.

Is this what old age is about?Does it keep getting worse?

It started off innocently enough a few weeks ago.I gave something away that I really wanted.I'm talking really wanted.

It was a bag of Snickers bars someone brought me.I thought a long time after that trying to figure out what and why I did that.

Then the next day out of the blue with no reason what so ever I gave away a bag of Dum Dum candy suckers.

Dum Dums I repeat Dum Dums.

I must be suffering from some unknown diagnosed aliment because today I hit bottom.

I have reached a new low.

Sitting down yet?

Here goes.

I- I- I gave away yes Dear ones cover the children's ears...Girl Scout Cookies.

SAMONES ! Those chocolate,coconut carmel cookies.

Yes I did.I know unspeakable yes?

Maybe I have matured in my old age and have got serious about this being a diabetic thing.

Yes I say again SAMONES !