Saturday, June 15, 2013

More Southerns sayings and definations

More Southern sayings and definitions:
1.Shoot yeah_Oh yes with feeling.
2.Bless your heart_Nice way of saying I don't really care.
3.Say what?_Help me out folks I've hit rock bottom.
4.Citizens arrest citizens arrest_What Goober shouted at Barney after he made an illegal U turn.
5.Nip it in the bud Andy_What Barney tells Andy to do about Opie.
6.What we have here is failure to communicate_Warden to Cool Hand Luke.
7.I have run out of sayings_Make up one of your own.
8.Dog gone_ Same thing as ah shoot.
9.Scroll up see #8 dog gone_Cuss word you can use around Grand Ma.
10.Dog go'nit_Cussing up a storm around Grand Ma.