Monday, June 3, 2013

The calling

I think my true calling has been missed.

Laying here thinking about a little story about my Uncle Joe.My Grand Pa John Smith yes that was his name was a Baptist preacher.

Story is Grand Ma Smith hardly ever got to go to church because she was always cooking for the other preachers that Grand Pa brought home.The ones doing revivals or just passing thru I guess.

Now Grand Ma and Grand Pa had 13 kids of that 11 lived.So there was a house full putting it mildly.

The kids as was the custom back in those days as was the ladies ate after the men had ate first.I know it wasn't fair or right but that was the way it was done back then.

One of the preachers put my Uncle Joe who was just a little boy at the time up to tell them preachers to "save us kids some of that fried chicken"well to put it mildly that didn't set well with his Daddy my Grand Pa very well at all and proceeded to get up from the table and teach my Uncle some manners.

Thank goodness the preacher who put Uncle Joe up to that stepped in and stopped it.

Now this was what I was thinking that I mentioned in the beginning of this little story.

At times I tend to enjoy talking.To much I have been told a few times in my long life.

My calling.Yes I missed it I think.At times like I said talking is fun and enjoyed.I sure do like to eat.That is one of my favorite activities.

So I'm thinking maybe I should have followed in my Grand Pa's footsteps and became a Baptist preacher.

Talking,eating and serving God all wrapped up in one little ball.

Pictured left to right standing my Grand Pa Smith and Grand Ma Smith not long after being married.