Friday, June 21, 2013

Wicky Wacky creek

Working in the fields on a hot sweltry day the sun beating down on the back of your neck.So thirsty it feels like your tongue has swollen the size of your fist.

Sweat running down your blistered forehead into your eyes feels like someone has splashed your face with hot salty water.

Then you see it !

Round plump and green.

A watermelon growing wild amongst the corn stalks and stinging okree.

Relief from your woes sent by God in Heaven.

Quickly with joy and glee the prize is gathered up.It's large a 20 pounder or so.Down to Wicky Wacky creek you carry your prize.Wick Wacky creek is well know for being the fastest running and coldest creek in the county.

Carefully the prize melon is lowered into the deepest,coldest part of the creek.

You wait.And wait till the work in the field is over.You watch as the blistering sun sinks lower into the western sky.


The end of the work day is nearly over.

Dust is stirred up by barefooted feet scrambling to be the first reaching the creek.

Smiles of delight as the big,round plump ready to eat chilled by the waters of Wicky Wacky creek watermelon is busted onto the closest large rock.

End of the work day and the beginning of rest and relaxation and the cold watermelon.

Leaning up against the shade of a tall old Oak tree you think work is good but this icy cold sweet watermelon is much better.