Monday, June 30, 2014


Day is done.It's through.Not dark yet but very soon.

In bed looking out the window at the green sky.Yep green.Always heard that means hail is close by.A little thunder storm and rain did move through our neck of the woods a few hours ago.Looking toward the west stray light of the setting sun is peaking through scattered clouds.

A small rumble of noise is still heard but for the old folks home it's fairly tame and quiet.

Lunch and supper were a bust.Mr. Charles brought me a tomato sandwich which got me through lunch. I've asked for a pimento or peanut sandwich with Cheetos or real chips not those baked kind.That will get me by till breakfast.

That's the highlights of my life today.Hope your was good.

Till we meet again happy trails to you...nope can't use that,Roy and Dale Rogers sang that at the end of every show.

So I will say what the Italians would always say after talking to them on Amateur Radio...Ciao.

Yankee spell checker

Did I eat breakfast?

Guess I did cause a coffee cup is sitting here.Took a little nap and couldn't remember when waking up.

Things like this are happening more frequently.

I've always had trouble with names this is nothing new but at times it's getting worse.Trouble spelling I have noticed but really never have I been a spelling bee champ.I'm so thankful for this Yankee spell checker.But sometimes Southern words don't compute.

Where are you from dummy, Georgia,my Yankee spell checker will smartly ask,why yes as a matter of fact I am from Georgia is my answer.

You know it could be a lot worse.

I could have said Alabama.

 Now before ya'll folks over there in Alabama get all fussy and have a hissy fit you know we love you,shoot I got kin over there that never made it out and daily I pray for them.I'm man enough to admit it once I was a resident of Alabama.

In closing all I can say is chin up my Alabama Brethren and Sisters,follow the rising sun,that will lead you to the great state of Georgia.

Sunday, June 29, 2014



Where did it go.

I celebrated my 62 birthday June 24th.

That can't be right!That is an old person 62.

Just the other day I was 3 living in Roanoke,Alabama staying with Grand Pa and Grand Ma while my parents worked the 2 till 10 pm shift in the cotton mills in  LaGrange.

Then at 6 so long ago in 1958 I was in Mrs. Porter's 1st grade class.Getting gold stars for writing my name.

Age 10 another chapter of my life began.East Newnan,Georgia were I learned of happiness,love,sadness and disappointment.

Could it be I'm now 18 living during changing times in the town were 10th Street was home for hippies.

21 back home,LaGrange,it will always be,good or bad.

I knew at 39 a grown up I had become.

Now in what some call the fall of my life at 62 I look forward to being a child again.

I'm 8 years old again running up and down Juniper Street barefooted in summer care free.

All night long

Over and over and over again.

I'm tired and sleepy this same dream is wearing me out.

It's like in that movie Ground Hog Day.

This is the dream.

I'm standing in front of an elevator.The door opens.On I get and up it goes.Reaching were ever it got I stay on and ride it back down.Getting off were I started.

I wait till the door opens,step inside and ride it again.

What ever this dream means,maybe nothing at all,but it sure is wearing me out up down all night long.

I did have a terrifying moment on an elevator once.Were the Troup County Historical place is on the corner of Main Street once years ago back in the 50's it was a bank.I was maybe 5 years old with Daddy and on the elevator up to the next floor we went(only 2 stories)Daddy got off but the door shut quickly and back down I went.Busting into tears it did so scare me.A nice man rescued me and took me back to were Daddy was.

Still to this day elevators  are not my favorite rides.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Irks me

This could get interesting.

Click Click has been warned about not being fair with the TV remote.Hogging it,snatching it away,and worse of all continuous switching from one channel to another.

He is just plain out rude and inconsiderate.

In the past cuss outs by other residents have occurred.

It irks me but I just go with the flow.


I didn't sleep well last night.

Was it the tomato sandwich or what who knows.

Dreamed someone was trying to drag me out of my bed by the feet.

This crazy stuff went on for hours it seemed.

I'm tired.

Two legged ants

Mr. Burton has passed on.

Born August 17th 1917 he almost made it to 97.

My roommate for the past 2 1/2 years.

Mr. B had a thing for sweets.

For breakfast each day he had the same meal.Sausage biscuit with jelly,dressed up he called it and a bowl of grits and OJ.

Now his other 2 meals,lunch and supper he wanted cake,lemon pies, fig bars or the ever present box of oatmeal cakes.

Sometimes his cakes and pies were placed in the fridge you know just to protect them from ants which also love sweet stuff.

Now Mr B would fuss if offered real food.Boiled food and vegetables and fruit would give you indigestion and kill you cause his Brother had died from eating bananas.

He always had a piece of peppermint candy in his mouth.I joked once about the results of a blood test he took once.Seems the hospital lab staff testing the blood were confused and bewildered.95% peppermint and 5% blood were the result of his test.

He would ask for his sweets and being told they were in the fridge to prevent ants from getting them he remarked yeah those two legged ants.Took me awhile to catch on that he meant humans.

Mr.B,Chief is going to miss you.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mr Burton

Earthly chains bind him no more
His eyes have been opened and he sees
Legs now strong he walks again
Don't mourn for him he has gone home

Don't turn your back

Fire truck just left the old folks home.

Listening to police/fire/ambulance calls on the computer seems it was a false alarm.

Resident pulled the fire alarm they said.

Guess somebody is bored and just wanted to see the firemen.

These little ole gray haired Grannies don't turn your back on them!

Don't trash it

I have been promised home cooked collards,potato salad and cornbread by a friend for tomorrow.

Last night on my way to the shower I over heard some CNA'S talking about what they had ordered for supper.Ya'll making me hungry I said.One brought me some fries they had left over really waffle fries from Chic Fillet.They were great.

Nurse giving me my insulin shot last night showed me pictures on her phone of catfish she caught.Asked if I liked fish and I was honest and said not to much but I dearly crave the trimmings of fries,onion rings and hush puppies.So maybe let's just keep our fingers crossed and our forks out and ready.

Yeah you probably know the any kind of food left over don't trash it bring it to me.

The last french fry

That last french fry.

You know the one that you find in your hamburger sack after you thought they were all gone.

Ain't that one the best?

Same way with peanuts in the shell.

Admit it you have done this,scrounging around between the couch cushions looking for loose change or the TV remote and you hit the jackpot and find that one solitude peanut in the shell and it's the best tasting thing and you crave for more.

Yeah you know what I'm talking about.


Rumor is.

The hospital that owns this old folks home might be up for sale.

Lay offs of 75 people at the hospital I heard.Only 5 patients on one of the floors.

Is this that Obama thing kicking in or what?

Someone said that hospitals today don't want nursing homes so what will happen who knows.

The hospital has this home plus another and hospice.

It's really is scary.

I joke about it but living under a railroad bridge might be an option for the future.

Looking for a clean paste board box big enough for one just in case.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Thursdays past.

Thursday had always been my favorite day.

Thursday had always been library day at school and I  got out of the class room for awhile.

Thursday was pay day for Daddy and our routine was we went grocery shopping.There was that revolving $1 toy rack with wonderful cheap toys like a pack of army men or a cool plastic pistol etc.

Thursday was eat out day.Hamburger,potato chips and chocolate milk.

Thursday as I got older was payday for me.

Thursday meant one more day till the weekend.

Thursday was the day Daddy died.

Thursday I don't like anymore.


A milestone coming soon.

4 years of blogging,almost 30,000 page views and 2,000 post.

This just proves I have way to much free time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

One more thing to consider

We all see things out of the corner of our eyes that are not payed much attention to.

Or looking right at them maybe things are not as they seem.

That bird circling above your head,the bumble bee that just buzzed by you,a dragon fly which really looks like a little helicopter keeps hanging around.

I'm not paranoid but just think about this.The news media is full of stories about the NSA listening to ordinary law abiding citizens's cell phone calls and intercepting their e mails.

Ponder this.

Maybe the government has taken it one step farther.Those birds,bees and dragon flies just might be we go...DRONES...equipped with tiny cameras and listening devices.

Just one more thing to consider.

Granny keep them curtains closed at all times.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Happy Birthday to me
The fire alarm woke me up at 3
I seen big trucks with flashing red lights
Really it gave me a fright

Yes I'm 62
Don't feel old not feeling blue
But I bet another cake
Must be baked cause the other one the firemen ate

So excitement is over
Back to slumber I go
But this I hope this I wish
The firemen bring back my cake dish

Now it's 4
Guess who's back the firemen came for more
My cake they done ate
Maybe now they waiting on my breakfast at 8

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A small rumble building in intensity

 As our day comes to an end here at the home I hear a small rumble starting to build in intensity.

I want to go to bed,over,over,over and over this little pint size woman is repeating.

I got sea sick again by watching the remote controller of the all mighty TV just switch from one channel to the next.

I was amazingly shocked by one of my roomies this morning when they got him up for breakfast he didn't use that blank blank word taking the Lord's name in vain.

Well we still have bed time for him coming up soon so the verdict on whether he can get through the day without cussing out the CNA we will just have to wait and see.

They must have put that Lady to bed,don't hear her now,all is quiet ,sorta at the old folks home.

For now.

Act of kindness

I witnessed something good.

Saturday night/Sunday morning a week ago about 1 am kindness of the 1st degree was seen.

My roommate Mr B is not doing very well at all.

He has just about forgone eating.Maybe a spoon full of food a week and that's it.Insure drinks are keeping him alive I think.His voice is so weak I can't understand much of what he is saying.Mr B will be 97 August 17th if...

Back to that night spoken of.His blood pressure was taken and it was extremely low.I guess it was presumed he was 1 leg in this world 1 leg in another.

The act of kindness and compassion.

A nurse,Ms Theresa pull up a chair next to his bed and just sat there holding his hand,speaking softly to him.I was deeply touched by that act of human caring and kindness.

When my time comes I sure hope there is someone to hold my hand.

Dumbed down

You hit me to hard.He called me a name.I'm going to tell...

Now this is not 6 year old kids I'm talking about but 300 pound 6 ft 7 inch tall professional football players.

I kid you not.

The past few seasons of professional football has reduced the game played by rough tough men into players who want to be playing tag instead of tackle football.

I wonder what the old school players of seasons gone by would think of this mumbo jumbo stuff called football that's being played today.

Knute Rockne is spinning in his grave I bet.

And another thing I wish them sissified over grown pampered boys would stop that habit of skipping around like little girls playing hop scotch when they do something spectacular.

Football like Ham Radio has been dumbed down so far it's not fun any more.

You know what...I'm gonna take my ball and leave and Momma will hear of this.

I see money

Just like that little guy in the movie The Sixth Sense who saw dead people I also see people not dead ones but I see people with money.

Now that summer is here and the living is easy from my window I've noticed something.

People or some of them have got lots of extra spendable cash.

Just seen a new pickup truck pulling a big ole red and white boat.Not a little aluminium bass boat but a double decker type cruiser I guess it could be called.You could live on it with luxury for sure.

Everyday I see big fancy motorcycles Harley types all decked out in beautiful paint and chrome.Just about every other vehicle passing by my window is a Harley and those things ain't cheap.

Things have changed since I was scurrying up and down ladders with a 3 inch pipe on my shoulder at the mill.Don't get me wrong the money was good,you could survive but there was none left over for these nice things people have now.

Guess Daddy was right again when he said the more money you make the more you spend.

Plus having a large spending limit on your credit card helps.


My plan for today
Like the song do say
Don't worry be happy
Won't let anyone take it away

Even though world full of strife
Won't let it guide my life
Your choice make it good or bad
I prefer happy over sad

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Must I beg

Oh how I dream
Of big white butter beans
Greasy cornbread on the side
Fried sliced taters my o my

Enough I say
Of steamed carrots and broccoli
Those chicken legs
Must I beg

Real food I need
Peas and beans if you please
A tomato sandwich with salt pepper mayo on white bread
Feed me that for your daily good deed

Tacos nachos and burritos to
Krystal burgers by the dozen
Bring on the fries and Dr Pepper
Now tell me would that be so hard to do

Teach your Grannies well

Children can be cruel but old folks can be down right mean and hateful.

From my advantage point in front of the TV things noticed and heard that your Grand Ma and Grand Pa say and do.

Piano man was banging away on the Steinway and this little bitty gray panther shuffles up to him and matter factly told him to stop and I mean it she said.

Another one of them told him awhile back to shut up and I wish your hands would fall off.

Get out of my blanky blank way is a common quotation spoken around the old folks home.

Yesterday I witnessed so called love birds threaten each other with extreme physical violence.

Once I was conned by a 101 year old Lady into being her partner in crime.She cruised up to me,walking no less,handed me a bottle of Insure wrapped in a wash cloth telling me to hold this while she went to the store.Least she did offer to share her bottle of stolen loot.

Yesterday a man was having prayer and this little thing of a woman rolled up to him saying I don't believe a word you said.Awkward laughter by the group and she was quietly rolled away from her harassing point.

So in closing my friends I do ask that you try to raise your Grannies better.Teach them manners and such.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Older and wiser

A group from a local church comes by on Friday evenings about every 2 weeks or so.They were here today.

Singing was great so was the prayer.

I noticed a little kid maybe his age was seven maybe eight with them. He reminded me of myself at that age.Couldn't sit still it his chair.Bet he was bored and ready to go.

Seemed like every week Daddy was going to a revival and I had to tag along with him and other men from the church.

I would have rathered stayed home but being raised strict along I went.Best part of the whole deal for me was stopping at some cafe after the service for a meal.

But now that I'm older and supposedly wiser I look back on those nights at church with my Daddy as a sweet memory.I felt so secure and loved.

Bet that little kid I noticed today will have the same sweet memories when he is much older and wiser.


The 1960's weren't that great
Full of suspicion and hate
A season of peace and love
I will debate

A charmed and blessed life

It's hot in Georgia.

Hotter than when Mr Sherman burnt Atlanta and made his march to the sea.

Hottest day in two years yesterday the weatherman said.95 with a heat index of 105.

I could say it was so hot like David Letterman said about the squirrels in Central Park during a hot spell in NYC but I won't.

Summer will be here officially tomorrow but between me you and the fence post Georgia skipped spring and went straight to hot.

We have been sissified these days.When I was a boy if you had a floor fan to run consider yourself fortunate.

Back then folks left windows up doors open on muggy hot summer nights but that is a thing of the past now.Do that these days and hot weather would be the least of your problems.

AC in houses and cars(Daddy was ahead of the times he did have a car with AC sorta,a rusted out hole in the back seat floorboard) has made summer comfortable for us and it's a blessing.I was the ripe old age of 16 when Daddy got a window AC unit for the house and by the way that same year he got our first color TV.Life was so good back then a GE 25 incher floor model color tele and AC.I skipped school for a week just enjoying the good life.

Yes I have lived a charmed and blessed life.Daddy said when he was a kid laying in bed looking up he could see the stars,looking down he could see the chickens running around.

Summer in Georgia...I love it.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June in Georgia

Against a pale blue sky ever so slow moving big fluffy clouds float above the blooming Magnolia trees.

The aroma of honeysuckle and Formosa at night with the peppering of fireflies on a clear moonless Georgia night.

Cicadas and crickets serenade with beautiful music while the lonely whipper will cries in the distance as the mocking bird tries cheering him up with her songs.

June in Georgia.

A bit of Heaven right here on Earth.

The fun house

Oh boy.

Yesterday was one of those days.

On a scale of 1 to 10 of this stuff is getting on my nerves scale it was about a 7.

People walking around confused and the resident in charge of the TV remote was clicking his merry soul away never staying on one channel long enough to figure out what the program was about.

There was this constant low rumble of noise of people talking,hollering,moaning.

Angry voices,happy voices a mixture of all.

Just another day at the fun house uh I mean old folks home.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

That time of the year

God's right hand man and the Devil himself.

Watching these political ads on the boob tube that is the idea I feel they are trying to hoodukle voters into believing.

I good him bad.

Admit it,the only time you hear from politicians is vote for me election time and send me some spend doodle so I can continue my great work.

Then like bears they hibernate for 2 to 4 years doing whatever politicians do then like clock work or like those sparrows flying back from that place in Mexico they pop up and toot their own horn about how they saved us from starvation,global warming,taxes on internet purchases and a small invasion from those nasty bad boy reptilian aliens.

Go ahead believe them.

If you do just a reminder,I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale real cheap and if you're interested I still have some Atlantic Ocean beach front lots that I will make a good deal on way out in Phoenix,Arizona. 

Wacky today

Friday the 13th and a full moon didn't have much of an effect around the old folks home.

Must have been a delayed action.

It's wacky today.

But you have to remember we are old and slow and a few days behind rest of the world.

In the house

Someone had a picture on Facebook of a rattlesnake that had met extreme justice from their hands.They killed the critter.

And I  dreamed of rattlesnakes in the house all night.

One of theses blue ones called a timber rattler.

I don't like snakes.Dead or alive.

Think this is so cool

I find it amazing.

A poor mill village child like me raised up in the shadows of those coal burning smokestacks and the ever present hum of twisters,winders and looms inside the mill has something that will last till the end of times.

This blog.

Just think a hundred years from now folks might find it on whatever will replace the internet and wonder who was this guy JohnLee and what was his problem.

I think this is so cool.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Should do it

Tangy,crispy, fried green tomatoes with homemade biscuits sounds real good to me this morning.

While I'm talking about food how bout some big white butter beans cooked slow on top of the stove till the soup gets that thick consistency.

Might as well add some chipped up fried to a delicious brown color potatoes.

Don't forget the sweet Vidalia onions.

Let's go whole hog and might as well have some salty, fried stirk o lean with a mustard/red gravy combo for dipping your biscuit and strik o lean into .

That should do it can you think of anything else we need?

Let's eat.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Separates me...

This is what separates me from every other person on this Earth past,present and future.

Thoughts,ideas that I have and write about.The memories in my brain.They are mine only.

Writing is a great way for expressing your feelings.I really enjoy it.

It is a form of pleasure and relaxation.

Even if no one ever reads what I write(but hoping they do)that is okay.

Friday, June 13, 2014

All is good with her now

A strange story.

For a week now I have noticed a Dragon Fly outside my window each day.

If it's the same one each day I can't say.

Why it's there who knows but just maybe I have a theory or maybe wishful thinking.

This or those Dragon Flies hang around the hummingbird feeder outside my window.Could be they are just feeding off the sweet water.Maybe they just use the iron pole that the feeder hangs on as a resting place.

I did a short research search on them.Different cultures and parts of the world have different opinions on them.

I have always heard them called snake doctors.Snake fixers some call them.The opinions range from good to evil.

Native Americans said they were good,meant change and purity.

Some parts of the world they represent evil.

But this is my wishful thoughts on that Dragon Fly.

I had a friend that had a soulful connection with them.She wrote poems and stories about Dragon Flies.Seen her mourn about the death of one and the sad mate who visited the passed away Dragon Fly every day.

My friend has passed away.

Maybe just maybe that Dragon Fly is here to let me know all is good now with her.

Full moon Friday 13th

Friday the 13th
A new full moon
Hope it brings happiness
Not gloom and doom

Around the old folks home
People will act wacky
Let's just hope
It don't get tacky

Freddy Jason and that Myers kid
They don't scare me
Ghost goblins and monsters
I don't in them believe

Don't walk under ladders
Stay away from those black cats
Now listen to me
Watch out for vampire bats

Thursday, June 12, 2014

We can help

Room 31 SW at 2 Fountains being civic minded individuals just want to help you.

Recently an in depth study by a large Southern California University suggest that having excessive amounts of money makes one unhappy and miserable.

We,the residents of room 31 SW wish to help you in your predicament.

For your convenience a large wooden box has been placed outside the door of our room.Please deposit any unwanted cash(no checks please)into said box.

Room 31 SW is always at your beck and call to serve you in any matter.

Direct all inquires to Paul,spokesperson for room 31.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dancing flower

My solar powered flower is happy today.

Dancing with the rising sun.Back n forth forth n back.

When I first came to the old folks home the PT Lady Ms Debra gave me the flower for the window next to my bed.My right knee was froze up and any movement would cause pain almost to the point of tears.Ms Debra would come in everyday working on the knee.Her Indian name is Woman Who Not Only Pull Leg But Also Twist Knee.

Sometimes that flower will get so excited  dancing in the sun it sounds just like a tick tock clock.

There should be a moral to this little story.Maybe it's no matter what happens in your life,sun or not,be happy.

And like that little flower keep dancing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I miss Mike.

Mike was a 1st cousin of mine.

6 years older than me I looked up to him as my big brother.He always let me tag along with him treating me like a big guy.

He called me a few years ago.A long chat we had talking about our family and old times.

Never did he mention he had the Haynes family curse of cancer.Like so many in our family it seems like the big C would take him out.

It has struck my generation now with several cousins passing away from it.

I had a dream about Mike and cousins Fred and Frank,brothers, all have passed on.Mike and Fred the same age and Frank and me separated by a month in age.

For some reason they came for me and a trip we took in that dream.

Way it is

A little ole Lady cruised up to me in her wheelchair the other day and asked if I knew Jesus.

Yes I answered and she said tell me about Him.The Son of God Jesus is and He died on the cross for our sins.

Then she asked another resident if he knew Jesus and was he a preacher.

Satisfied she wheeled on her way.

The next day she made her rounds to where we were sitting and asked the resident who was asked if he was a preacher if he was a judge this time.

Yesterday she asked what I was doing.Watching TV was my answer.Why she asked.Because it's there.Are you there, asking are you here?

I think so was my answer.

Now this little ole Lady is usually in a state of undress.You just don't look keeping eye contact at all times.

Piano man is banging on the Steinway singing I say a little prayer for you.Please do I need it the full moon is getting closer.

Take my hand lead me on is heard down the hall but that is the only line of the song she knows.

Last but greatest someone brought me pinto beans,cabbage and cornbread.Those pintos won't make it till lunch cause I'm snacking on them off and on.

As Walter Cronkite would say"that's the way it is Tuesday June 10th 2014" at the old folks home.

Stay tuned.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Outlaw Christian

Outlaw Christian.

What I am and proud of it.

You may wonder just what is an Outlaw Christian?

This is the answer.

I don't believe in mixing Church and politics.Jesus never admitted being a Republican or Democrat.He did say"what's Cesar's is Cesar's whats mine is mine".Good enough for me.

Let others believe in what ever religion that's right for them.Long as they believe is what counts.Not denomination.

Love everybody,respect those who are different than yourself.Love the person but hate the sin.

Show compassion and charity to those less fortunate.Jesus said"if you have two coats give one away".You are leaving this world just like you came into it with nothing.

There are ten commandments.Follow them not the eleventh and twelfth that man thinks up.Ten are difficult enough.

So you think you know other's heart and what their tribulations are?I think not.Don't judge.As Jesus said"those without sin cast the first stone."

Be happy be at peace.

Once another Outlaw Christian walked this Earth.

They called him Jesus.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Today was a good day

As Ice Cube said
Today was a good day
Far as I know
No one round the old folks home is dead

Fried chicken for our lunch
You know I just had a hunch
Bet you this
For supper a Twin Fountain whopper we will munch

Today was a good day
Diet Dr Pepper in my cup
Everybody being calm
Haven't heard anyone scream shut up

Today was a good day
Every thing going good
I'm just a chillin
Here in the hood

Silly me

Contains odor fighting "ATOMIC ROBOTS"that"SHOOT LASERS"at your"STENCH MONSTERS"and replaces them with fresh clean masculine"SCENT ELVES".

This is what I read.

Silly me and I thought it was just"DEODORANT."

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Click click click

Round and round she goes where it will stop nobody knows.

I get dizzy almost sea sick when a certain resident has control of the TV remote.

Click click click.Stopping only long enough to get interested in a program then here we go again click click click.

At times I want to ask if maybe I could help finding the program they are searching for and stop this wandering of TV wasteland.

But there is a bright point to all this,we now have 200 channels to click click click through.


So cool alert...

Just seen a big black Harley leaving the old folks home!

Only a test

Don't be afraid.

It's only a test.

Hate those warning sirens.Here they are tested the 1st Saturday of each month at noon.Just heard it.

In April of 2011 I was living in Roanoke,Alabama during a tornado outbreak across the south.The siren was blasting continuous as rolling thunder with heavy rain and wind moved through.

It was around 10 pm and just laying in bed I thought maybe this could be the beginning of the end.

Strangely I wasn't scared just at peace with it all.

I thought of WW2 and Germany bombing England on those nightly raids,the air raid sirens and how that must have been a terrifying sound to hear.

Again as the sun shines brightly on this June day in Georgia it was just a test.

Thank God.

Leave when wanted

I love the sound of powerful big ocean waves.

Often I daydream about being on a deserted tropical island like Tom Hanks in that movie Castaway.

Grass hut,palm trees, coconuts on and on.

But coconuts are hard to crack and I'm no lover of sea food.

I can take solitude but for only so long.Missing other humans and having a conversation would be missed.

So I guess that's one daydream that that will never be fulfilled.

Least when daydreaming I can leave when wanted.

Friday, June 6, 2014

What was it?

What was the floating light they seen?

Momma told me the tale about when she was a kid at the old home place at Bethel and the light that floating toward them one night.

Seems Momma and her siblings were sitting on the porch of the old home place one summer night as her brother Arnold strummed on a guitar.

Now for those who don't know Bethel is the country.Way back in the boonies in the shadow of Mt Cheha,Alabama.This was farm land in those days.

This slow floating light from swamp land across the road was headed for them.

Reaching them,Arnold who never stopped his guitar strumming swung at the light with his guitar and poof it was gone.

What could it have been ?

Swamp gas maybe?

An orb?

Something un explainable?

Maybe they witnessed a paranormal event like a ghost in a long since deserted forgotten about grave yard way back deep in the woods and it just happened to be a music critic that just didn't like my Uncle's guitar playing?

Strange things and something to ponder.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fine as I am

Made up my mind.

No more relationships for me.My lesson has been learned well.

The last one was enough for me.Not being the smartest kid on the block I do know better than picking up a rattle snake again after it has bit me once already.

Kicked to the curb,heart ripped apart,I'm Hollywooding it up a bit here just to make the story more interesting,I would have a hard time even trusting my dear ole departed Granny these days.

I was called heartless but as I told her that is not so cause I seen my heart and it was beating just fine on one of those sonogram things so that proves she was wrong least once.Maybe all the other stuff she could have been right about. But this is not an admission of guilt on my part.

So doing just fine thank you being the way I am.


ME !

I'm not to sure of much in this world.

But I bet the only one listening to the Ramones at the old folks home today is...

ME !

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Crown of thorns

A crown of thorns
My Savior wore
For my sins
This he bore

Nailed to a cross
His life he did give
Pain of human flesh he did suffer
That in Heaven we shall live

1984 is here

Speak truth
Called wrong
Speak lies
Put on a throne

Monday, June 2, 2014

Never know


It has been brought to my attention that my navel,belly button just don't look right.

I've really not payed much attention to it over all these years.It,my navel or belly button was just a place that collected lint,other than that not much thought of it enter my mind.

I'm thinking.

Maybe I was found in a cabbage patch like my folks always told me.That might explain a lot of things.

Was I the one that just fell off the turnip truck that we hear so much about?

No don't tell me I was a passenger on a slow banana boat from China.

Or is it as I've always suspected.

I know a little bit strange you could call me maybe weird at times would fit the bill.

Could I just be that hybrid,part human part whatever you know that thing that starts with A.

Yeah one of these guys...

Expect anything never be shocked

A fine day here in kindergarten I mean the old folks home.

It's not even a full moon yet and it's getting wacky.

It all started last night.Call security call the police I heard.Some type of altercation was going on.

I could not get my wheelchair turned around so it wasn't seen by me.Asking later what happened I was told someone raised their cane to strike and somebody got slapped.Lady residents I'm guessing.Told you,these little ole gray headed Grannies can be mean and never turn your back to them.

For awhile last night shouts continued and for some reason sleeping wasn't easy for me.

Wackiness continues today.

Expect anything never be shocked at things that go on at the old folks home. 

Us,them and our view

I listen to an Atlanta radio station not by choice but because my roomie has it on 24/7.

It's a r&b station.

Some of the music I like and enjoy.


Some of the "talk" is disturbing.The words us,them and our view are used frequently.

A way hate mongers talk.

Race relations will never be perfect or improve when people keep using the words us,them and our view.

We will never be really free till everyone is included in "us". 

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Puffy white clouds
Against a sky so blue
Been replaced by

The wind does blow
I know what follows
As I speak it's here

Glorious time

Just a sweet memory I'm having this morning.

Standing next to Daddy when I was just a little boy in church while that precious song Come Home Come Home Jesus is Calling being sung at the alter call brings a tear of joy to my eyes.

What a glorious time that will be when reunited with our loved ones.

I can hardly wait.

Going home

His life's slipping away
More changes seen everyday
God hold him in your hands
All things considered he's a good man

I will miss him when gone
Calling me Chief instead of John
No more field goals to kick
He's going home