Friday, June 6, 2014

What was it?

What was the floating light they seen?

Momma told me the tale about when she was a kid at the old home place at Bethel and the light that floating toward them one night.

Seems Momma and her siblings were sitting on the porch of the old home place one summer night as her brother Arnold strummed on a guitar.

Now for those who don't know Bethel is the country.Way back in the boonies in the shadow of Mt Cheha,Alabama.This was farm land in those days.

This slow floating light from swamp land across the road was headed for them.

Reaching them,Arnold who never stopped his guitar strumming swung at the light with his guitar and poof it was gone.

What could it have been ?

Swamp gas maybe?

An orb?

Something un explainable?

Maybe they witnessed a paranormal event like a ghost in a long since deserted forgotten about grave yard way back deep in the woods and it just happened to be a music critic that just didn't like my Uncle's guitar playing?

Strange things and something to ponder.

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