Sunday, June 29, 2014

All night long

Over and over and over again.

I'm tired and sleepy this same dream is wearing me out.

It's like in that movie Ground Hog Day.

This is the dream.

I'm standing in front of an elevator.The door opens.On I get and up it goes.Reaching were ever it got I stay on and ride it back down.Getting off were I started.

I wait till the door opens,step inside and ride it again.

What ever this dream means,maybe nothing at all,but it sure is wearing me out up down all night long.

I did have a terrifying moment on an elevator once.Were the Troup County Historical place is on the corner of Main Street once years ago back in the 50's it was a bank.I was maybe 5 years old with Daddy and on the elevator up to the next floor we went(only 2 stories)Daddy got off but the door shut quickly and back down I went.Busting into tears it did so scare me.A nice man rescued me and took me back to were Daddy was.

Still to this day elevators  are not my favorite rides.

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