Saturday, June 21, 2014

Teach your Grannies well

Children can be cruel but old folks can be down right mean and hateful.

From my advantage point in front of the TV things noticed and heard that your Grand Ma and Grand Pa say and do.

Piano man was banging away on the Steinway and this little bitty gray panther shuffles up to him and matter factly told him to stop and I mean it she said.

Another one of them told him awhile back to shut up and I wish your hands would fall off.

Get out of my blanky blank way is a common quotation spoken around the old folks home.

Yesterday I witnessed so called love birds threaten each other with extreme physical violence.

Once I was conned by a 101 year old Lady into being her partner in crime.She cruised up to me,walking no less,handed me a bottle of Insure wrapped in a wash cloth telling me to hold this while she went to the store.Least she did offer to share her bottle of stolen loot.

Yesterday a man was having prayer and this little thing of a woman rolled up to him saying I don't believe a word you said.Awkward laughter by the group and she was quietly rolled away from her harassing point.

So in closing my friends I do ask that you try to raise your Grannies better.Teach them manners and such.

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