Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Heaven

I wrote about this once before.Heaven for me.Watching the local TV call in program what someone said brought it all back.

The person was talking about watching his Grandma churn butter.I remember watching Grandma Haynes do that on the back porch of their house in Randolph County,Alabama.

Only 3 years old at the time but I can see it all so clearly in my mind.I see Uncle Leon's old Nash car sitting under the big Willow tree in the backyard.Everyone sitting on the back porch.Oh how I would love to go back to that time just to sit and listen once more to my Parents,Grand Parents,Aunts,Uncles and Cousins.

I can see the old barn in the back,seems like it was slanted and kids where warned to stay out of it.There was a wagon inside and a hay loft where we played.Grey John the mule was housed there.I can see what was to me the biggest sky ever.So blue and clear.The old faded out porch full of splinters that I would stick into my bare feet.

That would be Heaven for me.No golden streets or big mansions needed.Just give me that back porch where all my kin would be.Just let me sit on the steps of the old porch and listen to them talk and laugh.

My Heaven.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


There is a tornado thingy going on as I write this.Residents and staff are huddled up in the hallway.It's raining,wind blowing,thunder and lighting and tornado sirens are blowing.

I got lucky,staying in my room YAY!.The blind to the big window was pulled so whats going on out side I can't say.

The crazies

I'm afflicted with hygeephogie this morning.Scratchy throat,sneezies and headache.Maybe that explains my mood today.

These silly Georgia politicians.Now it cost $300 just to speak with one.They say you have to pay and register as a lobbyist just to have the pleasure of having a conversation with our elected chieftains.

No way Hosea.I would consider paying to have them impeached or recalled.Ain't them folks we send to the big town HotLanta that sit under the gold dome for just a few days each year suppose to be working for us not vicer versa?

Now whats good for the goose is good for the gander I hear.Maybe every time they send an email,make a phone call or stick those ugly campaign signs up wanting a vote they should first pay each and everyone of us $300.

Now while I'm venting,what is wrong with this picture.The powers in charge still haven't acted on relief money for those people affected by Hurricane Sandy.That was over a month ago.It's winter time up there and people have no power for heat etc.I could get dirty here but wont lower myself to politicians level.

Help us Lord the crazies are running the asylum.

Kim Chop Suey

This just ain't right.Why on God's good earth are people just standing around and twiddling their thumbs and not disgusted and mad about this.

Talking about North Korea.I read where things there have got so bad people are having to eat their children.They are starving.Why hasn't the USA,United Nations or somebody,anybody doing something about this.

Who cares what little fat boy dictator Kim Suey or what ever his name is thinks.Do a Bin Laden on him.If he could be found and treated with extreme prejudice surely finding Porky Pig oh excuse me Kim Chop Suey or what ever his name is should be easy.

Never mind that Porky wants to build missiles and shoot em at the United States.He looks like a pig and acts worse than a pig.Least pigs have a bit of intelligence.

So catch ole Porky,oops Kim Chop Suey,bad boy,and least have a big ole Texas size BBQ with Porky being the main course.Poetic justice.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Squeaking of the staff's shoes

Had my shower and someone brought me a hot fresh made cup of coffee.Just laying here reflecting on life in general.Nothing outstanding is going on at the old folks home tonight.Real quiet as a matter of fact.

This coffee is great Ms W thank you.The flu bug is making it's rounds here.Lot of residents and staff have been hit with it and it's no fun they say.Knock on wood don't want to jinx it but so far I'm ok I think.

Strange but I have noticed that ambulances seem to come around before or after meal time.A few folks have been taken out lately.The flu I guess.Mr B 95 years old,one of my roomies has it I think.He seemed to be struggling with breathing this morn and was given a breathing treatment and is doing much better it seems.

Really it's to quiet around here tonight.The only thing heard is the squeaking of the staff's shoes on the waxed hard floors and the TV in the mall area.

Guess this will do it for tonight.

Baby buffalos

I was watching the local TV station this morning.They have a call in folksy type program.I learned something.

Someone called in and was wanting a couple of baby buffalo.At first I thought this was a joke or put on because right before this Forrest Gump or someone pretending to be him called in.Forrest had a pretty good joke to tell.Seems his Uncle has been charged with murder.Forrest's Uncle told the judge he didn't mean to kill the man.Seems he took sandpaper and rubbed it all over the guy.I just wanted to rough him up a bit Forrest's Uncle said.

Ok back to the buffalo story.The man wanted a couple of baby buffalo to use for herding his cows.Seems they can do a good job and wear down the 200 or 300 hundred cows real easy.Can't use grown buffalo cause they are bigger than a horse.What happens to the baby buffalo when they grow up I don't know.A few years ago I did see one in a pasture here but last time by there it was gone.

Buffalo burgers maybe?

Monday, January 28, 2013


I like junk food.It's not a popular thing to admit these days when folks are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

As this is being wrote I'm snacking on those delicious fried,salty tater chips.Bet cha can't eat just 1 as the old commercial use to say.I never could and I did try.Someone the other day was talking about the old candy of our youth that's not around any more.Black Cows,Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies.I loved those Clark Bars and Zag Nuts and Chunky Bars.

Maybe Daddy was right when I guzzled down those 16 bottles of Co Colas.You gonna get sugar diabetes he preached.My one goal in life was when grown up and working was to buy a whole wooden case of little Cokes.That would be so neat I thought.By time I got grown and working other things where found to spend money on.

Yes I'm a junk-a-holic.Can't pass a Krystal without my mouth watering thinking of those little square burgers with onions,pickle and mustard.So more power to the healthy eaters of the world I admire you for your will power.

Just one good thing that can come of this.It means more Snicker Bars for me and the other junk-a-holics of the world.

Little catfish...

I have an idea.Yes even me has one every so often.Here at Twin Fountains Home there are 2 water fountains hence the name Twin Fountains.They are separated by the walkway entrance to the building.

Now for my great idea.Stock the little water fountains with little catfish and give each resident a little fishing pole.

Think of all the pleasure it would bring.Warm sunny spring day out at the little fishing hole.Little catfish swimming around.Me with my little cane pole with a little worm as bait.I can't think of any thing better to do on an afternoon in spring.

At one time the story goes the fountains where stocked with Goldfish.Reason for removing them I don't know.

All we need would be our pole,bait,RC colas and can of potted meat and soda crackers.Now doesn't that sound like a grand idea?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chubby boy

Did you ever find money never know about? Makes you happy huh?Well I haven't found any spendoodle but maybe the next best thing.

I was weighed today and guess what?It's magic but seems I'm down to my normal weight of 157 pounds.Well the Doctor did tell me a few years ago lose about 5 pounds because of that BMI thing(body mass index).Never did get down to 150 pounds yes I gained a few.Last month when I was weighed while on the Hoyer lift,in kilograms x 2.2 it seemed my weight had sky rocketed up to what I won't say.A mistake maybe was made maybe and shocked is putting it mildly.

Yes I was accepting the fact all my snacking had finally caught up with me.I eat good and snacks don't hurt my feelings at all.My new nick name is now Chubby Checker(Ms Jewel calls me that)or just Chubby boy as I refer to my self.The other night one of the CNA's brought us a late snack,mine was cranberry juice,Lay's tater chips the real kind salt added and fried,half a peanut butter sandwich and a bag of those 100 calorie per serving chocolate chip cookies.It worked and I fell asleep fast.

So this is my idea.Since I don't weigh as much as I thought now I can keep on snacking.If you pass by the ole home place why not drop off a few Big Macs and a large fries.

Chubby boy thanks you in advance.

Chili party 2013

I went.I saw.I ate.I survived.

Chili party 2013!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not native of here

I just seen a whooping crane land in an old dead tree across the road.The other day when I was sitting out at the veranda(fancy name for the shed)a flock of these strange looking birds where flying around and around in circles above my head.

I wonder if they are staying at the lake or just passing thru.For the life of me I don't think they are native of here.

Strange but I use to notice sea gulls at of all places Walmart's parking lots.Maybe they like it there because of all the near by fast food places and the easy meals they could get.

What ever the reason I'm glad they stopped by.They can share the old dead tree with the Red Tail hawks and the Black crows.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A dreaded disease

Cellphoneitis.Yes that dreaded condition that's is sweeping the known universe.I see undiagnosed people daily walking around not knowing the ailment that they have.

The signs are easy to spot.Arm bent at elbow stuck up to their ear.Seamless unawareness of their surroundings.Some are even risking lives of innocent people with this dreaded disease of cellphoneitis.They drive their cars and trucks unaware of the dangers it causes.

It now starts early.Children are now being infected with cellphoneitis.It is a uncontrollable thing they have.

There is a underlying condition that comes with cellphoneitis.Textphogie.This may be a form of incurable cellphoneitis that is sweeping through our young.

At this time there is no know cure for cellphoneitis or related diseases such as textphogie.Scientists are working hard as we speak trying to fine a cure.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Strange goings on

Sitting out at the veranda,gazebo or just the covered sitting area outside,take your pick was super nice today.A bit windy but with the sun shining on ya it felt really nice.

I noticed a few odd things that got me thinking.Birds.Several large flocks of what kind I don't know where noticed.Several of the flocks where headed north it seemed.Another large flock of a different kind just circled over head for a few minutes and headed towards the west.

What is going on here I wondered.Tonight is supposed to turn really colder I hear.Is that the reason the birds are on the move? I've always have heard animals sense when something is going to happen with nature,things like earthquakes and big storms.Could that explain there actions?Maybe it's just time for them to be on the move.Most likely that is the answer.

I will just have to wait and see I guess.But if any major things with nature happen soon remember you read about it here first.

Football, food and Bigfoot

Yesterday there was a Atlanta Falcons football party here.The game was watched on the big screen and I for one sure enjoyed myself.

A room full of nice happy cheering people and some good food was had.Now that food just let me say it was great.Poor boy sandwiches as I call them,chicken wings,cup cakes and for liquid refreshment punch.

As usual I overdid the eating thing.I had 2 sandwiches,6 hot wings,chips on and on plus I brought 2 more sandwiches back to my room for later.

I was so full supper was skipped.My coffee and cookies where enough.Needles to say I went to bed early and slept good.

Now for the other part of the story.

That food was just the right combo to cause me to dream.Last night I dreamed of being back at the old home place.This is the weird part.Looking out my front door I noticed something at my neighbor's house.Of all things it was Bigfoot,you know that giant hairy guy that people argue over if he is real or not.Well seems Bigfoot is real cause I seen him.He was darting in and out between my neighbor's house.Bigfoot was gathering flowers one at a time,those pretty little yellow Johnny Quill's I call them and was snacking on them.

Over and over I tried warning my neighbor that Bigfoot was in his yard but he could not understand me.My dream was starting to turn into a nightmare and I was sure glad I woke up at 345 am.

Again I know why I dream these poetic things.It's the food.Well not the food,the amount I ate.

So that is my story of football,food and Bigfoot.Every word is the truth.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jake and Ralph

Tale of the two headed possum
Jake and Ralph be their names
Having two heads their claim to fame
Jake and Ralph they so awesome

One eats while the other drinks
One sleeps while the other on watch out
They got it down pat
Jake he whispers Ralph he shouts

Jake gets mad Ralph gets sad
Sometimes hard to believe they had same Dad
Jake and Ralph got a sister named Sue
Just one head but Sue is blue

Sue so friendly and happy
Think I do know why
Sue who is blue
She had a different Pappy

Friday, January 18, 2013

Big boy spoon

I found my big boy spoon.Thursday 230 pm TFH dining room it will be used.

The annual homemade chili party will take place.I'm ready and well prepared.

No sissy little store bought plastic spoons for me.I'm a big league chili eater and have my own big boy spoon.

Just like professional pool players,they have their own custom made pool sticks well I have a big boy spoon that was made just for me.

I come to eat not play.Last year I ate 3 bowls of that delicious chili.More could have been ate but I was beginning to get carried away and a bit hoggish.

There is still time for me to round up a big boy bowl to go with my big boy spoon.Why waste time with those little dainty bowls and sissy spoons.

Pass the hot sauce and crackers time to eat.


I watched in awe as the evening sky changed from a deep blue,red,purple to a midnight black.God is certainly in control of this world.Man in all his wisdom could not create such a sight.

Whispering pines.I just stared out the window watching them sway gently with the wind.

People moving,busy doing things people do caught my eye also.Each one so different from the next but all connected with each other by the love of Jesus Christ.

It's amazing.

Snow was a no show

There is an old saying.A watched pot never boils.Yesterday here in LaGrange it almost snowed.Well there was talk of it anyway.

Thursday was rainy,cold,windy and snow was on the way.Least that was what was to happen.If any fell I didn't see it.All I can say snow was the big topic yesterday.

Some wanted snow,some didn't and others just didn't care one way or another.I've thought this out.Snow never shows up when predicted here.It just slips up on us.

But the real reason I think snow was a no show is like that old watched pot that never boils,it was just talked about way to much and we jinxed it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Did I mention...

Today it happened.Those big white butter beans promised showed up.Big slice of cornbread and a onion.Some cornbread and onion left to snack on tonight.

I have been promised some spaghetti by another friend.Did I mention that life is good?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sanitized analyzed poked and stuck

It all started about 5 am this morning.My annual checkup.Today I've been sanitized,analyzed,poked and stuck and it's just ended with my shower a few minutes ago.

My veins are small and drawing blood takes several pokes.I get it done in my hand cause the veins are bigger there.It gonna bruise.Always does.

Hope everything turns out ok so I won't have to redo it all.

Hope for me yet

I have been promised some big white butter beans,cornbread and a big onion.I hope my hopes are not getting pumped up for nothing.Sure would be good right now.

I have gotten my breakfast menu changed.No more sausage patties,grits,biscuits or pancakes,waffles or french toast.From now on cereal with boiled eggs and bacon.

I have to start somewhere trying to loose some weight.Maybe I over did snacking during the holidays.

But that homemade chili sure was good yesterday.So spicy it made my face tingle and head sweat.I did pass up the baked potato.Maybe there is some hope for me yet.


Boiled peanuts
I like alot
Add water salt
Cook in pot

Green peanuts also
Pull from ground
Springtime they around
Get'em in town

Parched peanuts yummy
They so good
Us southern boys
Fill our tummy

Peanuts that raw
In them shells
They great snacking
Exercise for jaw

Peanuts in can
Salty and crunchy
Many mixed types
I'm big fan

Peanuts in coke
A southern thang
Done in LaGrange
It's no joke

Monday, January 14, 2013


That ole full moon.Was it shinning last night?Why I'm asking is because for awhile it got wild and woolly around the ole home place.

Seems some where perturbed putting it mildly.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gooney bird

Gooney bird my name
My only claim to fame
Of that name never was I ashamed
I grew up and got tamed

Now I never hear
That word so dear
Yes it's been many a year
Just the thought brings a tear

All this made up
Just drinking coffee from my cup
From a saucer once I did sup
Rather have a mint julep

This could go on for ever
But I have better endeavors
I have an idea that so clever
Stop this silliness and do something better

If only in my memories

Sunday morning and I was awaken by Ms S serenading us all with home home on the range.Home.That is on my mind today.I want to go.Back to my childhood where all seemed good.

Back to a simpler time.Back when nothing seemed impossible.A time where I believed in and trusted people.

That little 7 year old boy running up and down Juniper Street with his best friend Lassie is still me if only in my memories.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm sorry

Once in the South there was a thing called segregation.It was wrong and for it I'm sorry.As a small boy living in Roanoke,Alabama the high light of my day was when the Lady who helped my Grandma came over.A black Lady.

Often I stayed with her at her home and I loved it.She had a house full of children and that meant there was someone to play with.

Long walks we took on those red dirt back roads.I remember the smell of those dusty roads after a summer rain.

At times I was given a spoon and old stocking and the white clay on those hill banks where gathered and now I know where used as medicine and for vitamins.I remember tasting that clay.

At 5 years old we moved back to LaGrange.I remember waking up on Saturday mornings to the smell of Spic and Span and pine oil.Momma was cleaning house.Just me and her would always go downtown.That was the day she would have here hair done at JC Penney which was on Main Street at the time.

After that we always had lunch at the Plantation Cafe or at Holmes Drug Store.I was old enough to notice things.

At all the stores I noticed separate rest rooms for men and women.But something confused me.

At a downtown 5 and 10 store I was thirsty.There where 2 water fountains.Momma I asked which one is for the boys and which one is for the girls?

Rest rooms where separate so water fountains had to be also in my innocence I thought.Not so.

It seems so shocking now but one fountain was for whites and the other was for blacks.

Thank God things are improving.

Long haul

Someone asked me not long ago if I leave here where would I go.My answer was simple.When I leave here my next stop will be ShadowLawn.

I'm here for the long haul!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Suicidal Girl Makes an Unforgettable Video Everyone Should See - TheGodVine

The staff

The staff.God bless each and everyone of you.You are now my extended family and I love you each and everyone is my Brother and Sister.

I have met some of the most wonderful caring people ever right here at TFH.Those long hours and that stress you are under all I can say you are loved and appreciated.Honestly I have never found a problem with any of the staff here.

Without you where would we be.

To be continued...

Let it all hangout

Once there was a song,LET IT ALL HANG OUT,that's what I'm going to do in the next few post.All is true maybe not comfortable but true.

People at TFH are here for a variety of reasons I guess.We are called residents not patients for starts.TFH is called I found out by looking it up on the Internet a retirement home and assisted living home.

Some residents are here because they have no place else to go.Maybe I fit in that category.Others are here because their families can't give them the care needed.Some I figure are here because their families can't or don't want to deal with it.

Some forgive me are what I call throw aways.No hope,no place else for them.

It hurts watching elderly people homesick for their family that never come around.I'm blessed in a way because I have really no family,2 elderly aunts and cousins and no visit are no problem for me.But thank you when you do.Guess I got what I always knew would happen,alone by myself and I'm ok with it.

More to come.

A long night it was

Snuff please mam...snuff please mam that was what the elderly lady repeated over and over.If she got the snuff I don't know.

Things you hear around here.Some make you laugh and others break your heart.There is Ms.S who suffers from dementia and almost every night causes a ruckus wanting to fight or just drive the nurses and cna's wacky. A shot usually calms her down.

Then there are the zombies,forgive me for calling them that but that is what they remind me of.They constantly walk the floor with that blank look on their face.

Saturday January 12th marks my 1 year anniversary of being here.It was on a Wednesday afternoon about 5 pm I was transported from the hospital by ambulance to TFH a day that matched the way I was feeling.A gloomy gray cloudy day that look liked it would snow at any moment.

Wheeled into the building on a gurney down to room 31.My spirits peaked a bit when I seen my bed was next to a big window which faces a busy highway and across the street I could see trees.

After being evaluated by an nurse and cna I had supper which was chicken pot pie ,broccoli and a roll.I settled in for the night and a long night it was.

More to follow.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mary Lee

Mary Lee is on the loose.Seen it on the news this morning.She is down in Jax Beach,Florida.Now Mary Lee is someone you don't mess with.She is a big mean eating machine.

Weighting in at 3500 pounds and 16 feet long Mary Lee is a big girl.Tracked all the way from Cape Cod she likes the southeastern coast for some reason and makes from Florida to North Carolina her home.

Mary Lee is if you haven't guessed is a great white shark.She is being tracked at Jax Beach getting close as 200 yards from the beach.

Just a reminder,do you remember that movie Jaws?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday Momma!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

On my way Jack

Ever had that feeling something needs to be done?Came to me like a flash of lightning just a few minutes ago.

What I need to do is find an old beat up 4 door dark blue white walled tired no hub capped 60 Lincoln Continetial convertible with suicide doors and take a little trip.

A road trip to end all road trips.Go west old man I'm thinking.Out there where the deer and antelope play.To the Nevada dessert where the rabbits have been nuked so much with those bomb test of the 1950's they grow to the size of Volkswagens.

Pack my bags I'm serious.Couple t shirts and jeans and flip flops all the clothing needed.Stop by the store and fill a thermos with strong hot coffee a pack of those little Hav-A-Tampa cigars and I'm on my way Jack.


I had a choice

I broke the unforgivable sin of a southern boy yesterday.I had a choice but what was done was no one's doing but my own.

My dear departed kin folks are rolling in their graves I bet.No one to blame on this one but myself.

Yesterday,New Years,I had a choice.That choice was what to have for dinner(lunch to you folks north of Hogansville,Ga).That choice was the old traditional meal of black eyed peas and collards,fish sandwich and fries or vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwich.

I choose the later,soup and sandwich.Yes brothers and sisters that was what was chosen.

In all my 60 years of being a connoisseur of fine southern food never have I ever turned down black eyed peas and collards.I have no excuse for my sin.

There is only one way to make a remince for this unforgivable act.Yes friends that trip must be taken.That trip down to Montgomery,Alabama by Greyhound bus to steps of the State Capital where I shall hug that old stature of Jeff Davis and retake my oath of being a homegrown born and bred southern boy whose Momma raise him better than this and promises next time if given that choice will chose black eyed peas and collards.

Amen Brother Ben

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Relaxation Music - 1 Hour Meditation Candle

I do mean it

If you are reading this it means we made it to 2013.I'm so glad the holidays are over.

Tired of smiling when I don't feel like smiling telling everyone Merry Christmas and so on.Maybe I can go back to just being my natural grouchy self.

We all put on airs or a little show I think.Saying,doing things really that our heart is not into.Mainly just because it's expected of us.Like saying I love you.It's automatic to say it back when someone does it to you.It just pops out like a little jack in the box without much thought.I'm so guilty of that one.

It's dishonest saying all those nice sweet things we really don't mean.I have only one thing to say this morning.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And really I do mean it.