Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The crazies

I'm afflicted with hygeephogie this morning.Scratchy throat,sneezies and headache.Maybe that explains my mood today.

These silly Georgia politicians.Now it cost $300 just to speak with one.They say you have to pay and register as a lobbyist just to have the pleasure of having a conversation with our elected chieftains.

No way Hosea.I would consider paying to have them impeached or recalled.Ain't them folks we send to the big town HotLanta that sit under the gold dome for just a few days each year suppose to be working for us not vicer versa?

Now whats good for the goose is good for the gander I hear.Maybe every time they send an email,make a phone call or stick those ugly campaign signs up wanting a vote they should first pay each and everyone of us $300.

Now while I'm venting,what is wrong with this picture.The powers in charge still haven't acted on relief money for those people affected by Hurricane Sandy.That was over a month ago.It's winter time up there and people have no power for heat etc.I could get dirty here but wont lower myself to politicians level.

Help us Lord the crazies are running the asylum.

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