Monday, January 28, 2013


I like junk food.It's not a popular thing to admit these days when folks are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

As this is being wrote I'm snacking on those delicious fried,salty tater chips.Bet cha can't eat just 1 as the old commercial use to say.I never could and I did try.Someone the other day was talking about the old candy of our youth that's not around any more.Black Cows,Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies.I loved those Clark Bars and Zag Nuts and Chunky Bars.

Maybe Daddy was right when I guzzled down those 16 bottles of Co Colas.You gonna get sugar diabetes he preached.My one goal in life was when grown up and working was to buy a whole wooden case of little Cokes.That would be so neat I thought.By time I got grown and working other things where found to spend money on.

Yes I'm a junk-a-holic.Can't pass a Krystal without my mouth watering thinking of those little square burgers with onions,pickle and mustard.So more power to the healthy eaters of the world I admire you for your will power.

Just one good thing that can come of this.It means more Snicker Bars for me and the other junk-a-holics of the world.

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