Monday, January 21, 2013

Football, food and Bigfoot

Yesterday there was a Atlanta Falcons football party here.The game was watched on the big screen and I for one sure enjoyed myself.

A room full of nice happy cheering people and some good food was had.Now that food just let me say it was great.Poor boy sandwiches as I call them,chicken wings,cup cakes and for liquid refreshment punch.

As usual I overdid the eating thing.I had 2 sandwiches,6 hot wings,chips on and on plus I brought 2 more sandwiches back to my room for later.

I was so full supper was skipped.My coffee and cookies where enough.Needles to say I went to bed early and slept good.

Now for the other part of the story.

That food was just the right combo to cause me to dream.Last night I dreamed of being back at the old home place.This is the weird part.Looking out my front door I noticed something at my neighbor's house.Of all things it was Bigfoot,you know that giant hairy guy that people argue over if he is real or not.Well seems Bigfoot is real cause I seen him.He was darting in and out between my neighbor's house.Bigfoot was gathering flowers one at a time,those pretty little yellow Johnny Quill's I call them and was snacking on them.

Over and over I tried warning my neighbor that Bigfoot was in his yard but he could not understand me.My dream was starting to turn into a nightmare and I was sure glad I woke up at 345 am.

Again I know why I dream these poetic things.It's the food.Well not the food,the amount I ate.

So that is my story of football,food and Bigfoot.Every word is the truth.

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