Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Heaven

I wrote about this once before.Heaven for me.Watching the local TV call in program what someone said brought it all back.

The person was talking about watching his Grandma churn butter.I remember watching Grandma Haynes do that on the back porch of their house in Randolph County,Alabama.

Only 3 years old at the time but I can see it all so clearly in my mind.I see Uncle Leon's old Nash car sitting under the big Willow tree in the backyard.Everyone sitting on the back porch.Oh how I would love to go back to that time just to sit and listen once more to my Parents,Grand Parents,Aunts,Uncles and Cousins.

I can see the old barn in the back,seems like it was slanted and kids where warned to stay out of it.There was a wagon inside and a hay loft where we played.Grey John the mule was housed there.I can see what was to me the biggest sky ever.So blue and clear.The old faded out porch full of splinters that I would stick into my bare feet.

That would be Heaven for me.No golden streets or big mansions needed.Just give me that back porch where all my kin would be.Just let me sit on the steps of the old porch and listen to them talk and laugh.

My Heaven.

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